Saturday 15 June 2024

Spider Quinn 09 A Part of the Journey - Part 4


Quinn and Daria arrived at the theatre in the Lexus. “Why did you come again?” Daria asked.


“I want to help Joey and Robert too,” Quinn answered.


“I suppose so,” Daria said.


“He’s here,” Quinn said, referring to Osborn.



“SpiderGirl told me what happened with those people,” Quinn said to Osborn.


“They were blackmailing me. I went there to make a drop. They stole a computer disk that contains confidential information.”


“What was on it?” Daria asked.


“Nothing illegal, but it's not something I want in the public domain,” Osborn said in a tense tone.


“And that’s why you didn’t want the police involved,” Daria said.


“Yes. Back to the topic at hand,” Osborn said. “You say that you’re helping Mr. Green and Mr. Allen with their business proposal?”


“Yes,” Daria answered as she handed her preliminary business plan over.


Osborn looked it over. “I will get back to you three tomorrow.”


Quinn cleared her throat.


“You four then.”



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Monday, January 11, 2000

More mysterious break-ins.


Before school Quinn entered Ted’s hospital room to find that Stacy was also there. “I thought we were going to meet at school.”


“Ted called and I told him what we will be doing.”


“Quinn, I need to do this. I can’t just rest,” Ted said.


“I know,” Quinn said.


“So, I did some research. There’s a lot more circumstantial evidence that Wade and Matthew are involved in more ‘sketchy’ stuff,” Ted added.


“But what can we do for Angie?” Stacy asked.


“I have some ideas,” Quinn said. “But I’ll need that information, and to be able to talk to her at school today. But I will stop by at the theatre on the way there.”


“But you might be late,” Stacy said.


“If I’m late, I’ll call Ms. Li,” Quinn said. “I also told Daria that it might happen.”



“What did she say?” Stacy asked.


“She said that I shouldn’t be too late,” Quinn answered.



SpiderGirl saw that Robert and Angie were there when she arrived at the theatre. She heard Angie talking to Robert.


“I’m in trouble, Robert, I messed up,” Angie said. “I trusted the wrong guys. I'm sorry. I let you down. I just don't know what to do.”


Robert hugged Angie. “It's okay, it's okay.”


SpiderGirl entered.



“And so, after they get the money, they’re going to kill Norman Osborn, and probably me for betraying them,” Angie finished.


“You’re doing the right thing,” Robert said.


“Too little…” Angie whimpered.


“Where are they now?” SpiderGirl asked.


“Back at the apartment, sleeping.” Angie answered.


“Did you see the disk that was stolen from Osborn?” SpiderGirl asked.


“No. But it's gotta be there. I could sneak in and get it,” Angie said.


“It's too dangerous. We should call the police,” Robert said.


“No cops,” Angie said. “I’m already in enough trouble.”


“Tell me where they are,” SpiderGirl said.


“I can’t let you go alone,” Angie said. “I got myself into this mess. I got to try and get myself out of it.”


“How are you with heights?” SpiderGirl asked.


“You can carry me, like Brittany and that other girl,” Angie said.


‘Of course Brittany would tell her,’ SpiderGirl thought.



SpiderGirl knew where they were going once Angie directed her over the Creek via the Lawndale Bridge. Lawndale Flats, the subdivision where most of the crime was occurring.



“It’s empty,” Angie said, as they entered the apartment. “They must be out looking for me.”


“Then, let’s find it before they come back,” SpiderGirl suggested.



That didn’t take long. However, Wade and the others returned just after SpiderGirl found the disk. Wade went up to Angie. “You really screwed up, rookie,” she said before seeing the disk in SpiderGirl’s hand. “I don’t know how you found that!” Wade said.


SpiderGirl then snapped the disk, twice.


“Bad idea!” Wade said. All three of them attacked the superhero girl, knocking her out.



It wasn’t long before she came to, but SpiderGirl saw that Angie, Wade and the third person had gone, with Matthew guarding her.


“You can’t keep doing this. You’re going to get caught,” SpiderGirl said.


“If you hadn't screwed up our retirement plan, we wouldn't have to. But now, you're gonna pay.”


However, before he could hit SpiderGirl another time, he collapsed. She then saw that Norman Osborn was there with a taser.


“How did you find us?” SpiderGirl asked.


“Robert called and told me what you were doing.”


“I have to find Angie,” SpiderGirl responded.


“I have called the police,” Osborn responded.



Wade had taken Angie to a wrecked car lot nearby. SpiderGirl arrived and took in the situation in an instant. After leaving that apartment, her enhanced healing had taken effect and her headache had faded. “Let her go!” she called out as she swung in. “The cops are on their way!”


Wade pulled a gun on Angie as the other guy pressed a button, releasing a car from a magnet.


SpiderGirl managed to web Angie out of the way, but not Wade, who got crushed.



Peterson looked around at the scene. She turned to SpiderGirl and Norman Osborn. “So, this Angie Zammit was in the wrong place at the wrong time?” she asked.


“Yes,” SpiderGirl said.


“Exactly,” Osborn said. “She was more of a hostage than a co-conspirator.”


“I see,” Peterson considered. “But she will still need to come down to the station.”



Quinn entered Ms. Li’s office, ten minutes after Homeroom ended. “Sorry I’m tardy, but I was delayed.”


“I see,” Li said. “What was the cause of the delay?”


“I was heading over to the Playhouse to meet someone, but they weren’t there.”


“I see. Next time, give enough time to be at school before Homeroom ends.”


“I make sure of it,” Quinn said.



Li noted Quinn’s tardiness and Angie’s absence.



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Thursday January 14th, 2000

Robbers not talking.


After school, Quinn, Daria, Robert and Joey met Osborn at the Playhouse. “How is Mr. Dewit-Clinton?” he asked.


“He was released from the hospital this morning,” Quinn answered.


“That’s good,’ Osborn said.


Quinn didn’t mention that he was looking further into how Wade and her two friends had been able to pull off what they had been able to. (Indeed, she was curious about that herself.)


Daria handed Osborn a folder.


“Is this your proposal?” Osborn asked as he opened it.


“Yes,” Daria answered. “Small towns across the country have revitalised their downtown areas. But they didn’t do it by building bland malls or parking garages, but by restoring the old buildings that were already there, turning them into cafes, bookstores and restaurants.”


“You want to turn the Playhouse into a café-bookstore?” Osborn asked.


“Yes. It could be a venue for local bands and art house movies,” Quinn answered.


“I heard about that other coffee house, a year ago.”


“I have included that as a case study in how not to do it,” Daria said.


“Very good,” Osborn said. “I shall look over it. But who’s going to run it?”


“Our aunt,” Joey said.


“Also our friend, Stacy’s mother said she’s interested, and I would like to learn how to run a business, outside school hours, of course,” Quinn added “It will be a challenge, but I can take it on.”


“You four have certainly risen to the challenge,” Osborn said. “I shall look over the proposal and get back to you.”


“That’s all we can ask,” Joey said.



SpiderGirl thought on the matter as she left the vicinity of the Playhouse. It would certainly be a challenge to balance working at the café-bookshop on top of everything else, but she was certain she would be able to handle it.



That evening, Norman Osborn finished a preliminary read of the proposal. It all seemed on the level. Daria Morgendorffer was certainly one to keep an eye on. ‘But there is something else that will have a more immediate impact,’ he thought.

He turned to his computer and brought up a diagram that one of his engineers had sent to him that morning. A small airborne platform capable of excellent manoeuvrability in an urban or suburban environment, along with a flight suit that made the pilot look like some creature out of legend or myth. “Oh yes, just wait SpiderGirl! I’ll be able to do what you seem to be incapable of.”

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