Monday 30 September 2024

Mysteries of Aurora - Monday, September 2nd, 2024


Mysteries of Aurora, the Nation of Eternal Dawn

Aurora, over Urbs Aeterna

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Freya Andersson was excited. She was starting University at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora, the oldest university in the world. Of course, that wasn’t the reason she was studying there. It had the best Creative Arts programs in Aurora.


“We’re here,” her mother said.


She opened her eyes and looked out of the plane, ahead. They were flying over the eastern suburbs of Urbs Aeterna towards the University’s eastern airstrip. The layout of the ancient city was already creating patterns in her mind. It let her see the expansion of the city over time.


“AAUA East Tower, private flight from Brinjarsson Town on approach,” her mother said in to the radio.


Brinjarsson Town flight, airstrip is clear. AAUA East out.”





Several minutes later, Freya and her mother, Astrid, disembarked from the plane in a small hangar/terminal on the side of the airstrip. She could tell that the hangar dated from the early days of Auroran aviation.



They emerged from the hanger to the outside of the airstrip and Freya took in the sight of the sprawling campus. It was overwhelming, but she kept her eyes open, because she knew her mother would be on her case about that habit right away. ‘I’m sure I could make my way to the dorm without looking,’ she thought. She had memorised the route from the airstrip to the dorm through the various elevated walkways.


“Are you sure you want to go on the walkways?” her mother asked.


“Yes. It won’t be that difficult,” Freya answered.


“I mean, given that your senses…” her mother began, trying to be diplomatic.


“You also know that I like to test my limits,” Freya said. “I want to see if I can go along the walkways.”


Her mother nodded.



As Freya and Astrid headed to Freya’s dorm along the elevated walkways, another unusual new student arrived at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora.


Olivia Marcus was riding Urbs Aeterna’s subway system to the AAUA station closest to her dorm, which was in the western side of the campus.


Arriving at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora Western Dormitories in five minutes.”


Olivia was nervous, although she had been preparing for it for years. She knew it was going be quite different to high school. She glanced at one of the signs and the familiar and frustrating dance of dyslexia made it difficult to make out. But determination had got her through school. ‘It will get me through University too.’ She knew she was lucky. To be admitted to AAUA was to be among the best Aurora had to offer.



She got off the train into the subway station, which was crowded with other new students. She was once again thankful that the old station was well designed, which allowed the students to move freely away from the station towards their dorms. She took out her tablet and looked over the map.



“Here we are,” Freya said. “Sigrun Sigurdottir Hall.”


“It looks great,” her mother said.


Freya took it in. The Hall dated from the late 19th Century and had the usual look of that era, although she could also see more modern attributes, such as the antennae and solar panels. She led her mother inside.



“Freya Andersson, Music and Art,” Freya said.


“Here. Room 2.16,” the person in the Hall’s office, who’s name Freya saw was Diana, said.





Astrid followed Freya into the room. “This is a little larger than I had,” she said.


“That was over on the west, wasn’t it?” Freya asked as she wandered over to the window.


“Yes. Julian Trajanus Lodge. But then I didn’t have a scholarship.”


Freya considered that she looked out over the expansive campus northwards, towards the sea.



While Freya and her mother unpacked, Olivia arrived at her own dorm, Janus Hadrian Lodge. It was just as she had expected it to be.


“Olivia Marcus.”



Astrid paused and saw that the room was already reflecting her daughter’s personality. ‘Overactive and creative.’ Sometimes she thought that Freya brought some of her challenges on herself, by continually pushing her boundaries. ‘But I wouldn’t have it any other way.’


There was a knock at the door and Freya bounded over. “Hi, I’m Freya.”


“Hi, Freya, Sara Iannas, Resident Assistant for Floor Two of the Hall. I’m checking that each new student made it here alright.”


“We got here half an hour ago. We flew into the eastern airstrip. Seeing Urbs Aeterna from the air was very cool,” Freya said at her usual speed.


“I heard. It was a private flight.”


“That’s right,” Astrid said. “Flying gives me inspiration for my projects. Being able to fly Freya here was a bonus.”


“You’re also an artist?” Sara asked.


“It runs in the family,” Freya answered. “Although, apparently, I’m the first synesthete.”


“Synaesthesia,” Sara considered. “I have heard about it.”


“It means that certain sounds create visual patterns, amongst other things,” Freya explained.


“That seems cool.”



Olivia found her room and saw that her roommate was already there, unpacking.


“Hi, I’m Janara.”




“What are you studying?” Janara asked.


“History and Archaeology. I want to know about our long history. I have a feeling that there is more to be discovered.”


“There are rumors of secrets that have been hidden for centuries within the University.”


“I have heard of them,” Olivia responded as she put her suitcase on her bed. “But things can easily be lost over time, especially at this University given that it does date back millennia.”


“That’s true,” Janara considered. “The website even says ‘founding date undetermined’. The actual anniversary date is of the renaming in 1224.”


“Too bad we missed the Octocentennial of that earlier this year.” Olivia opened her suitcase and turned back to Janara. “What are you studying.”


“Computer Science. I have been able to code since I was six.”


“Amazing,” Olivia responded. That was something she had found difficult, given her dyslexia. She looked out the window and saw that she could see the mountains in the south over the campus and southern suburbs. “I didn’t realise the Hall was on a rise.”


“Or maybe it’s not a rise,” Janara said. “Maybe ruins of older Halls this one was built on.”


“Either in the Roman or Norse eras…” Olivia mused.



Back on the other side of campus, Freya had finished unpacking and was sketching the view from the window.




“Oh! You’re leaving now?”


“Yes, I need to get back before Bjorn and Sigrid get home from school,” her mother said, referring to her younger brother and sister.


“Of course,” Freya said. She then jumped around and hugged her mother goodbye.



As Astrid headed back to the airstrip she thought back to an unexpected moment with Freya not long after she started high school.


Early 2018

Astrid entered the living room. She saw Freya working on something on the table. But that wasn’t what was unusual. It wasn’t even all that unusual that she had her eyes closed, creating something by touch. But there was something different about her. “Freya? Did you dye your hair?”


Freya turned in the direction of her voice. “Yes. I wanted something different, rather than boring old blonde.”


“But, pink?”


Freya opened her eyes, and brought a tress in front of them. “You know it’s my favorite color.”


Astrid sighed. “Of course I do, since you use it a lot.”


“And I didn’t want a traditional color.”



‘Of course, she has kept it pink since,’ she thought, although there had been variations in shade and highlights. She arrived back at the hanger.


“The plane is fuelled and ready to go,” one of the assistants said.





As the afternoon went on, Freya explored the Hall, finding that the northwestern balcony on her floor gave the best view over the campus and the ancient core of Urbs Aeterna beyond. She knew that she was going to spend many an afternoon sketching that vista. She looked closer, where the Hall met the walkways and one of the neighboring Halls. ‘Maybe one could go over the rooftops there?’ she wondered. She then took out her sketchpad.



As night fell, Olivia and Janara entered the Lodge’s Dining Hall and saw that it was mostly full. “I’ll have to find another time,” Olivia groused.


“It isn’t absolutely crowded,” Janara pointed out.


“It isn’t, but I don’t do well around crowds,” Olivia confessed.


“Maybe we can find a corner?”




Janara looked around. “There!”



Five minutes later, they were sitting in a corner next to a window.


“What are your plans for tomorrow?” Janara asked.


“I’ll have a look in the Main Library,” Olivia answered.


“But it’s absolutely huge. The largest building on campus, and the largest Library in the world.”


“I know, but I know I’ll be using it a lot in my studies, so I want to get a start.”


“I’ll come with you, then,” Janara decided.


“That would be good. I’m certain it would be overwhelming.”



Freya looked around after she had grabbed her meal. She saw Sara with a few others and went over. “Mind if I join you?” she asked.


“Not at all,” Sara said. She turned to the others. “This is Freya.”


The others introduced themselves and Freya found herself in her social element, even if the chatter around them was a little overwhelming at times.



“Freya, was it?” Dana Lind asked the pink haired girl as they left the Dining Room.


“Yes,” Freya said.


“You said that you’re an artist?”


“I am. I’m here to learn from the best in Aurora.”


“Everyone is,” Dana said. “I’m studying entomology. There are well over two million species of insects in the world.”


“That’s a lot of insects…” Freya considered.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Church notes - 29th September 2024


Romans 8

One God

Three Persons


Sent His Son vs 8


What is the Holy Spirit doing?


Chapters 1 - 7

The Church is diverse, but they are all sinners.

vs 9

Focus on the Spirit

He has freed us from sin and death. vs 2

Spirit of God lives within us. vs 9

The Holy Spirit leads us vs 14

vs 14 - 16 talks of adoption by God.

The Holy Spirit witnesses that we are in fact God's children. vs 16, 17

The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for believers. vs 26, 27

What do we do with this?

Be thankful to God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit

Love God

Engage with the Holy Spirit

How can we engage with the Holy Spirit?

Saturday 28 September 2024

Spider Quinn 12 Rise of the Green Goblin - Part 3

 While Quinn was looking at the Schloss Morgendorffer architectural blueprints, Norman Osborn was looking at the engineering blueprints for the prototype glider. It was perfect for his needs.



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Sunday 28 January 2001

Historia Opening is a Great Success


SpiderGirl emerged from the house in the early hours after about four hours of sleep. She did what usually did, sat on the roof, closed her eyes and listened to Lawndale. ‘Of course, I realise that I’m mostly listening to the part of town on the west side of the Creek,’ she thought as she did so. ‘Anything in Lawndale Flats would have to be particularly loud.’ She paused, opened her eyes and walked to the edge of the roof and looked in that direction. The downtown area hid that neighborhood from view.

She went back to her previous position and closed her eyes again and listened.


Half an hour later, she heard a cry for help a few streets to north. Opening her eyes, she swung into action.



Quinn arrived at the Historia, ready to start her first shift, at 11:00. She had spent most of the morning either on patrol, copying the blueprints or designing the mask. She saw Stacy there, ready to start. “Stacy!”


“Hi, Quinn!” Stacy said enthusiastically. “I’m ready for my first day.”


“That’s great!”



Sandi was at home, in the backyard, which still bore the scars of her frustrated use of her powers following the Fashion Club’s dissolution. She was wondering whether she could use her powers in a way that would be helpful. ‘But I’m not like SpiderGirl,’ she thought again. She was tempted to try to find SpiderGirl’s secret identity using an aspect of her powers, but her mother had warned her against that when she had broached the subject the night before.


“Sandi, I told you before if you try to locate someone not in Lawndale, you’ll get knocked out by the sensory overload of perceiving all of Lawndale at once.”


“But SpiderGirl is in Lawndale.


“If she’s her secret identity at the time, you may not locate her.”


“So, I risk getting knocked out if I try to find a random girl in Lawndale?


“I would not suggest going through the yearbook and trying to locate every girl. That would be exhausting.”



Sandi blinked and brought her mind back to the present. ‘Of course, I would need a disguise,’ she thought. With that, she went back to her room to see if she had anything that could hide her identity.



Anna Coultard entered the Historia. She wanted to see if the bookshop had books on Welsh folkflore. Quinn came over to her. “Would you like something, Anna?” she asked.


“I’m just browsing for now,” Anna answered. “Seeing if there are books on what I’m looking for?”


“What the High School library doesn’t have?”




“Let me know if you find anything,” Quinn said playfully, “either today or tomorrow.”


“Of course,” Anna said.


“What about Ben?”


“He might visit here at some point, after the fuss has died down.”


“When there aren’t that many people,” Quinn surmised.


“Exactly,” Anna said.



Meanwhile, Brittany was at home musing on changes to the Ninja Talon suit. She was still wondering how to use flames in a way that wasn’t dangerous. ‘How did the Shadow come up with those paint bombs anyway?’ she wasn’t sure. She continued to design the changes.



After her shift at the Historia ended, SpiderGirl headed to Cedars of Lawndale.



Sarah Robyn saw the superheroine enter her room. You’re here! She wrote.


“Sorry, I was carried away designing a new mask this morning,” SpiderGirl said. “Also thinking of ways to modify my house without the rest of the family noticing.”




“So, I can have a secret place for my superhero stuff. It will help me keep my secret identity better.”




“Then I was at work.”


SpiderGirl spent another hour there before heading out to patrol.



Later that night, Quinn looked at her copy of the house blueprints in her room. She noticed something that could be useful. ‘A laundry chute down from my closet to the basement?’ she realised. She hadn’t noticed anything in her closet that could indicate that, but then she didn’t really look at it other than to sort her ever growing wardrobe. She went over and started putting most of her clothes onto her bed.


She looked at the floor of the closet. She saw that it was a couple of boards of wood. ‘But is there anywhere to lift it if it’s not nailed down?’ she wondered. She looked at the one on the right and saw that there was an indent near the corner. She webbed the board near the indent and pulled. It came up and she grabbed her flashlight and looked down. She saw the disused laundry chute. ‘It’s fairly large,’ she thought. Perfect for storing the SpiderGirl suits and useful as a quick way to leave the room unseen.

‘But I have to look at the other end before I decide anything further.’



Back down in the basement, Quinn found that the other end had a large counterweighted hatch. She pushed it open and saw the light coming down from her room two stories above. ‘Good!’ she thought. ‘I can use it.’ She went back up to her room thinking of ways to use the chute.



‘Some kind of pully system to store the suit and to lower myself down the chute,’ Quinn wrote on a piece of paper. ‘And an inconspicuous locking mechanism for the closet floor and the hatch, that would allow both of them to be opened and closed from either end.’ That was a start. She looked at the time. ‘Time for a patrol,’ she thought as she put the copy of the blueprints and the notes away. But first she put the board in the closet back where it was and put her clothes back.



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Monday January 29, 2001

SpiderGirl seen in Lawndale Flats


The talk of most of the students as the school day began was of the opening of the Historia. Quinn found herself congratulated more for her win at the Spelling Bee. But only a few students saw Norman Osborn park instead of merely dropping off Harry. Hardly anyone saw him make a beeline for Ms. Li’s office.



“Good Morning Mr. Osborn,” Ms. Li said. “What can I do for you?”


“The question is, what can I do for Lawndale High in exchange for something.”


“It would depend on what that something is, wouldn’t it?”


“Access to your surveillance system. Specifically, your CCTV cameras,” Osborn answered.


“Out of the question!” the Principal said.


“I am aware that SpiderGirl has been sighted on school grounds from time to time.”


“So, you want to find her secret identity?”


“Yes,” Osborn answered.



Angela reconsidered. “I too want to know which of my students is that vigilante.”


“Good,” Osborn said. “What can I do for Lawndale High? I have looked into the records. You have outlaid vast sums on security improvements. However, early last year, the Library roof fell in due to lack of maintenance. Then there was a hastily planned medieval fair to raise funds for repairs.”


“So, improvements to the buildings. I can work with that,” Li considered.


“And my company can also improve your security systems, making it more likely that SpiderGirl, and possibly Ninja Talon and the Shadow, get caught.


“I doubt the latter two are students here, Mr. Osborn.”


“But they might be. If it comes out, think of the reputational damage,” Osborn said.


‘He can’t blackmail me!’ Angela thought. “I will handle whatever issues come up, Mr. Osborn. Lawndale High will survive any scandal.”


“So, your answer is no?”


“My answer is ‘Maybe.’ I have to think about it. I’ll get back to you later in the week,” she sat down. “Good Day, Mr. Osborn.”



Osborn left Lawndale High and headed towards City Hall to get the Mayor’s answer.



In the meantime, the principal tried to get the conversation out of her mind as she tried to focus on her paperwork.



“Mr. Osborn to see you sir,” the secretary said.


“Send him in,” Mayor Lawson said in a resigned tone.



“Good Morning, Mr. Lawson,” Osborn said as the door closed behind him.


“Morning, Osborn,” Lawson said in a tired tone.


“I’ll get straight to the point. What is your answer?”


“Yes. I will provide access to Lawndale’s CCTV network, but not right away. I’ll have to negotiate with the Council first. They might vote against it.”


“Are you trying to stall me?”


“Maybe. But I still need to inform the Council that I have been approached in some manner. I won’t say who.”


“And how soon will you call this vote?” Osborn asked.


“Tomorrow. I’ll let you know as soon as I know the answer.”


“Then I’ll be back tomorrow!”



Quinn met Anna, Ben and Gerald in the library after school. “So, you found a Welsh folklore book at the Historia?” Quinn asked.


“Yes,” Anna answered. “I haven’t bought it here, but it’s great!”


“That’s good. Maybe we could see those standing stones you mentioned,” Quinn suggested.


“Remember what Ms. Li said,” Gerald said.


“That any field trip has to be outside school hours,” Quinn responded. “I remember.”


“So, how far are these standing stones anyway?” Ben asked.


“Not far, only a third of the way to Oakwood,” Anna answered.


“I see where this is going,” Gerald said.


“Not right away,” Quinn said.


“But soon, within the next couple of weeks?” Gerald asked.


“Yes, but we could do it around sunset. Think of how bright the stars would be outside Lawndale,” Quinn said.


“There would still be the light pollution,” Gerald said.


“Probably,” Quinn considered.


“Sunset at the standing stones would be great!” Anna said with wonder in her eyes.


“Why am I getting the feeling that something is going to happen there too,” Gerald murmured. “Maybe we could wait until the equinox.”


“But that is two months away,” Quinn objected.


“Fine!” Gerald said.


“Thanks, Quinn,” Anna said.


They then continued their session, with Quinn reading from her design book first.



After the mentoring session, Quinn changed to SpiderGirl on the school roof and headed downtown. It wasn’t long before she reached her destination.



As her usual self, albeit with oversized sunglasses, Quinn entered the hardware store. She had to see what was available before she started designing the locking mechanisms for the chute. ‘It’s not like I can just intuit it, right?’ she pondered as she looked around at the large selection of merchandise. It was both like, and unlike, any other shopping experience in her life.


She looked around taking note of various tools, and other items, before realising that she need to do more research to find what she needed, so she grabbed a brochure and approached one of the staff members.


“How may I help you?”


“I’m looking at some locking mechanisms for a school project,” Quinn answered.


“What kind of locking mechanisms?”


“Something complex, possibly involving electronics with a manual backup.”


“I’ll see what we have.”





The salesman soon came back. “We have many different locks, including pinpads.”


“Also, I would like some tools, mostly screwdrivers and hammers.”


“Sounds like you’d need a drill set too.”


“Then I’ll take two,” Quinn said.


“That will be expensive.”


“Then I’ll just have one,” Quinn decided. She could come back for another one later. She didn’t want her mother to be questioning her about unusual purchases on the credit card if she could help it.



Quinn headed home from the hardware store and placed the tools beneath the table where the blueprints were still laid out. She looked at the blueprints again. She knew where to start, but there were other ways she could use the house for her superheroic purposes. She looked at the attic. Could she create a discrete opening from her closet into the attic? She knew that the attic windows opened, especially the ones facing into the back yard. ‘But there is another way,’ she considered. There were stairs up from the basement to a hatch in the back yard also.

‘Two ways,’ she thought. It would be best to have two routes rather than just one in case she needed to leave in a hurry. She decided to have a look in the attic.



Quinn looked around the attic. There was a lot of stuff stored up there, including a lot of her father’s belongings that they hadn’t given away. The grief intensified as she looked around. ‘With great power comes great responsibility,’ she thought. She located the spot above her closet and saw that the floor was a simple masonite slab. ‘It should be relatively simple to modify.’



However, she then heard Daria calling for her downstairs.



“Why were you in the attic?” Daria asked as Quinn pushed the stairs into their closed position.


“Just looking for something,” Quinn answered.


“OK,” Daria said.


“Anything else?”


“I was just curious,” Daria answered.


“OK. Wait…”




“I’ve just noticed, your hair is growing,” Quinn said.


Daria grabbed some strands of her hair, where it reached where it hadn’t reached before. “Well, I haven’t been to a salon since before Dad died.”


“Whereas I’ve been twice.”


“I haven’t thought about it, but I guess I’m growing it out now.”


“It looks good on you, Daria.”


“That wouldn’t be the reason.”


“Of course not.”



Quinn went into her room. ‘I have to be more careful,’ she thought as she closed the door. ‘As far as Daria growing her hair goes, I meant what I said’.

She went over to the closet and looked at the ceiling as she pushed clothes aside. ‘Looks like a false ceiling.’ It would probably be easier to make the modifications than she thought. ‘But I’ll start with the chute first.’ She went over to her desk and looked at the copy of the blueprints again.


But then there was a knock and Quinn hastily pushed the page aside. “Come in,” she said.


Daria came in with a thoughtful expression on her face. “I’m thinking on what we just talked about.”


“Your hair?”


“Yes. I’m not sure I want to go to a salon, but I also know there would be split ends.”


“I can help you with that,” Quinn said.


“You can?” Daria asked in surprise.


“Yes, I have experience, helping those who had a terrible cut, or didn’t want to wait. Both here and in Texas.”


“Oh,” Daria said. “Let’s do it then.”

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Mysteries of Aurora - Profiles


Official Name: Samveldi Aurora (Commonwealth of Aurora)

Common Name: Aurora

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy

Head of State: Queen Astrid VI (House of Haraldson)

Head of Government: Prime Minister Peter Marcillius

Lower House: Althing

Upper House: Council of Advisors

Capital and Largest City: Urbs Aeterna

Languages: Modern Auroran (Romance with Norse loanwords): 61%, Auroric (Nordic): 22%,  Southern Auroran (Romance); 10$ , Auroralic (Atlantic non Indo-European indigenous languages) 4%, Other 2$

Religion: Christianity 46% (Church of Aurora; 20%, Other Lutheran; 11%, Catholic; 8%, Pentecostal; 3%, Baptist; 3%, Other 1%), Atheist/Agnostic; 25%, Norse Paganism; 12%, Islam; 8%, Native Auroran Paganism 4%, Judaism; 2%, Other 1%

Population: 56 million




Name: Urbs Aeterna

Founded: Before 2000 BC

Population 5.7 million




Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora

Student numbers: 55,000



Protagonist Students

Freya Andersson

Age 18:

Appearance: Petite, with short blonde hair dyed pink and bright blue eyes which are sometimes closed.

Personal History:

Freya grew up as the middle child of five in a small town 50 miles northeast of Urbs Aeterna. Her parents are musicians and artists who have always encouraged her to embrace her creativity. Even so, her synaesthesia and ADHD have always set her apart, along with her near obsessive love of the colour pink. Her tendency to keep her eyes closed when she’s overwhelmed or wants to focus on her other senses doesn’t help either.

She is studying Music and Art at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora on a scholarship, owing to her recognised talent and unique perceptions. She is trilingual in Standard Auroric, Standard Modern Auroran and English, with some knowledge of Old Norse.


Olivia Marcus

Age: 18

Appearance: Tall, with shoulder length dark hair and brown eyes

Personal History:

Olivia grew up in a middle class inner suburb of Urbs Aeterna. Her parents are academics at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora who have supported her through her struggles with her dyslexia. She is undertaking a degree in History and Archaeology as she wants to know more about Aurora’s rich history. As an only child she would find herself overwhelmed by the busyness of the dorm. She knows Latin as well as Standard Modern Auroran

Saturday 21 September 2024

Church notes - 22nd September 2024


1 Corinthians 12:4 - 13:13

Focus on the question

We not me

The Greatest Commandment

Love the Lord Your God

The Second

Love your neighbour as yourself.

A mutualistic relationship.


1 John 1:7


A deep relationship.

Gr. Koinonea

A family unit

vs 12:12, 13

Repetition -Paul (and through him, God) driving the point home.

You aren't enough on your own. Something is missing.

vs 12:25

United in a common purpose.

You are of profound importance to the Body of Christ.

vs 22

vs 7

Romans 12

According to the gifts given to us.

Ephesians 4

The gifts can be divisive is they are used selfishly.

Galatians 5


Meaning of name

Christian - like Christ

Spider Quinn 12 Rise of the Green Goblin - Part 2


Daria paused. She knew Jane was hiding something. But she didn’t want to give Sandi the satisfaction. “I know what you’re doing. You destroyed your friendship with Quinn and the other two former fashion drones. Now, you’re trying to drive a rift between Jane and I.”


Sandi was undeterred “She also mentioned a suit.”


“Ah! Stop! Sandi!” Daria said. “I don’t want to hear it.”


“Aren’t you curious?”


“No, I’m annoyed. I will be later, but now, you’re facing my ire!”


“You don’t think I have ire?” Sandi asked.


“If we come to blows, it would be your fault,” Daria said, her nose not far from Sandi’s.


“Good point, but at least think about what I have said.”


“I know I will.”


Sandi then turned and left.



Daria wasn’t sure what to make of that.  ‘What is Sandi trying to prove?’ She turned back to the historical fiction, hoping to distract herself from thinking about what Sandi had said about Jane.



Sandi left the Historia, heading for home. She didn’t expect her confrontation with Daria to end up the way it did.



The Lanes got home, and soon, the Shadow was jumping from rooftop to rooftop along Howard Drive.



Norman Osborn got home, where he retreated to his study, where he began reading through the manual for the glider.



SpiderGirl looked out the window. The sun would set soon and she needed to patrol before heading home for dinner. She turned back to Sarah Robyn. “I’ll be going now. I’ll be back tomorrow.”


Sarah Robyn smiled wrote and wrote I’ll see you then.


SpiderGirl waved goodbye as she left the room. She found a nearby courtyard, where she swung away, heading towards Lawndale Flats.



The Shadow arrived back in the vicinity of the Historia, where she saw Daria leaving. But she knew that others would still be there. She climbed to the old theatre’s roof, where she looked out over the area and took in the afternoon scene. She knew that she would commit it to canvas at some point. She noticed something down the street, in an allyway.



Samara Collins had been at the Historia’s opening and had witnessed the standoff between Daria and Sandi. Thus, she was preoccupied thinking about that when a mugger appeared.


“Hand it over!” he said, brandishing a knife.


However, some kind of fog appeared between them and a hand grabbed hers. “Run!”


They ran and then the figure fired a grappling hook and Samara found herself on the rooftop looking at her rescuer and the afternoon sun reflecting off Lawndale’s rooftops. “You’re not SpiderGirl.”


The figure chuckled, sounding like a teenage girl. “No, I’m the Shadow. You need to be careful. Situational awareness is a thing! Especially with Lawndale going the way it is.”


“Oh, I was preoccupied,” Samara explained. “Two girls were arguing in the Historia’s bookshop before I left. But I will make sure to look around me in future.”


“I see,” the Shadow responded. “I hope you weren’t eavesdropping.”


“No, they were too far away.”


“Right. Can I get you anywhere?”


“Home, I suppose. It’s on the east side of the creek, but not in Lawndale Flats,” Samara said.


“You didn’t need to clarify that. Lawndale Flats is a small part of East Lawndale.”


“But it is near to it.”




They then descended to the street level and were on their way.



It was a relatively quiet afternoon. Ninja Talon headed home early.


“How was the Historia, honey?” Ashley-Amber asked once she had changed and come down to the lounge room.


“It was great. Many people from school were there, and Daria gave an inspiring speech.”


“Not Norman Osborn?”


“He did say something, but Daria’s was on point. That the Historia will be a place where people in Lawndale can come together,” Brittany answered.


“That’s inspiring,” Ashley-Amber responded.



SpiderGirl approached Lawndale Flats. The subdivision looked different to the rest of Lawndale, with many more apartment blocks than houses. She could see various people walking around taking in the Saturday afternoon sunshine.


As she patrolled she noticed the people looking at her. Most of them appreciated her purpose, but see did see some individuals who seemed fearful. ‘There is a lot to be afraid of,’ she thought as the sun began to set. ‘But there is hope.’



Quinn arrived home half an hour after sunset and found Daria pacing in the kitchen. “Daria?”


“Hi, Quinn.”


“What’s wrong, did something happen this afternoon?”


“Yes. It was Sandi, she said something about Jane.”


“Whatever it was, ignore it,” Quinn said, trying not to see red.


“Thing is, Quinn, she overheard something I can’t ignore.”


“I know Sandi, she’s trying to drive a wedge between you two,” Quinn said as she sat down.


“I know that,” Daria said as she also sat. “She said something about a cover and a suit.”


“That could mean anything,” Quinn said quickly. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. ‘I doubt Jane is the Shadow. It’s someone else.’


“I am going over after dinner,” Daria declared, “But that was decided when Jane left the Historia to do more on her project.”


“Tell her straight up that it was Sandi who said it,” Quinn said.


“Of course I will,” Daria said. “I don’t intend otherwise.”


“I don’t want you to lose Jane as a friend over a misunderstanding.”



Helen entered the kitchen and saw her daughters talking. “How was the Historia opening?”


“It was great,” Quinn answered, showing her usual enthusiasm. “Daria gave an inspiring speech.”


“That’s great, Daria!” Helen praised. “What about?”


“That the Historia can be a place where Lawndale’s young people can come together despite their differences.”


“Sounds great, but it’s going to take more than that to turn Lawndale around,” Helen said.


“I know that,” Daria said.



The dinner was quiet, before Daria headed off to Casa Lane.



Meanwhile, Sandi’s dinner was more tense.


“How was the Historia?” Linda asked.


“It was fine,” Sandi responded.


“Just fine?” Linda asked.


“Yes. There was morning tea, everyone talked, then there was lunch and the building declared open.”


“That sounds good, but I think you’re hiding something.”


“Daria Morgendorffer was the one who declared it open,” Sandi responded with ire in her voice.


“I see. Helen is spreading her influence in Lawndale…”


“I don’t think Mrs. Morgendorffer has anything to do with it. It was apparently Joey and Robert reaching out to Daria for help that lead to the old theatre becoming the Historia.”


“Maybe, but I’m sure Daria and Quinn talked to their mother about it,” Linda responded.


Sandi remained silent.



Daria arrived at Casa Lane with the discussion with Sandi on her mind. She thought on what Quinn had said as she knocked on the door.


Trent opened it. “Janie will be back from a run shortly,” he said.


“I can wait,” Daria responded as she entered the house.



Jane changed from the Shadow into her usual self in the garage and entered the house.



“Daria! You’re here,” she noticed something up with her friend as she entered the kitchen. “What’s wrong?”


“I had an encounter with Sandi soon after you left the Historia. It was something she said.”


“What did she say?”


“That she had overheard you and Trent talking as you left,” Daria responded.


‘What did she hear?’ Jane asked herself.


Daria noticed her silence. “She said something about a cover and a suit. Quinn said not to worry about it, but…”


“Daria, sometimes words can mean different things,” Jane said as she sat down.


“I know that. But, are you involved in something? Like, are you SpiderGirl?”


“I’m not SpiderGirl, Daria. I have as much as a lack of clue as you do about who she is.”


“Or Ninja Talon?” Daria asked.


“Same answer.”


“But you are involved in something?”


“Something I can’t tell you about,” Jane answered, her voice quiet. “Not yet. But it does have something to with my project.”


“I see.”


“See, Sandi is trying to split us.”


“I know, that and Quinn pointed that out,” Daria responded.


“She’s growing isn’t she?” Jane said with a smile.


“Yes, but I wish that it didn’t take Dad’s death.”


With Daria thinking on that, Jane realised the immediate crisis was past. ‘Daria will find out sometime, just not soon.’



While Daria was out, and their mother working in her room, Quinn went down to the basement. She wasn’t only working on an expressive mask, she was wondering if there was somewhere in the house other than her room that her mother and sister wouldn’t be able to get into. A place to store SpiderGirl related objects secretly. She found the blueprints to the house where they were stored in an old dresser. ‘Question is, can the house be modified without Mom or Daria knowing?’ She went over to a table next to the washing machine and unfurled them.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Convergence on Lawndale - Part 11


Kaelyn started preparing the snacks. She did so quickly and efficiently, but she made each one slightly different.



“So, you aren’t going to eat?” Ron asked between bites.


“No, I don’t need to eat,” Kaelyn answered. “Just charging and maintenance. I may look human, but I’m anything but on the inside.”


“Of course!” the Doctor said.


“I have plenty of charge, and I rarely leave the house,” Kaelyn added.


“So, what are you allowed to tell us about your family?” Kim asked.


“It depends on what is asked,” Kaelyn answered.


“And you deflected the question,” Kim said.


“I didn’t. I don’t know what questions you’re going to ask. All I know is that I won’t answer any that are too personal,” Kaelyn said.


“That’s fair, I guess,” Kim said.


“So, you’re a robot, right?” Ron asked.


“I believe that we established that,” Kaelyn answered in a snide tone.


“I mean. Are you known to the government as a human or what?” Ron asked.


“Ah,” Kaelyn said, quietly. “Apparently, I was named after a daughter they lost. But they haven’t said much about her.”


“I see,” Kim said. It didn’t surprise her that much.


“Far from the first time I encountered such,” the Doctor commented.


“Both of them are engineers who work for Landon Engineering.”


“Haven’t heard of it,” Ron said.


“It’s rather local,” Kaelyn clarified.


“I’ve heard of it,” the Doctor said.


“They make a variety of products, including various types of robots.”


“So, could Andrew Landon be involved in something nefarious?” the Doctor asked.


“I wouldn’t know,” Kealyn answered.


“But we could find out,” Kim said.


“But would it be something to do with the portal?” Ron asked.


“It’s almost certainly related,” the Doctor said. “I could get UNIT to check. But first we need to head to the High School.”


“Why?” Kim asked.


“There are a couple of sisters who were investigating the portal with me earlier,” the Doctor answered.


“In that case, we’ll do that,” Kim said.



Kaelyn called her parents. Once she had filled them in on what was happening, they gave her permission to go with the Doctor and Team Possible.


“Where to first?” she asked.


“As I said, the High School,” the Doctor said.


“Of course,” she murmured.


“Let’s go,” Kim said.



The Doctor lead the way, although Kaelyn knew the way through Lawndale much better than he did. It didn’t take them that long to get to the High School.



The third period finished and Lunch started. Quinn and Daria met near the library. Quinn told her sister about what happened with Stacy and the flicker. Daria wasn’t sure what to make of that. “Do you know where Peter is?”


“In the Faculty Office,” Quinn answered.




“But there’s something else.”


“What?” Daria asked.


“Something to do with Stacy.”


“Besides what you said about her and the flicker?”


“Yes,” Quinn answered.


“OK, what is it?”


“I can’t put my finger on it. It’s like she was still as panicked as usual, but also a bit spaced out.”


“That doesn’t tell me much,” Daria responded.



The Doctor, Team Possible and Kaelyn arrived at the school. “Of course it looks different,” Ron commented.


“Every school is different, Ron,” Kim said.


“I thought it would be more similar, as Lawndale seems similar to Middleton,” Ron said.


“Is it?” Kaelyn asked.


“A little,” Kim said. “But this is our first time here.”


“Of course,” Kaelyn said.


“First we need to find Daria and Quinn,” the Doctor said.


“Then they might be in the cafeteria,” Kim said.



Quinn saw the Doctor come over, followed by a few others. “Daria. He’s here.”


“I see.”


“What have you found?” the Doctor asked.


“But first, who are they?” Daria asked.








“I’m Daria and that’s Quinn.”


“Hi! I’ve been travelling with the Doctor for a while,” Quinn said.


“Right,” Kim said.


“But what have you found?” the Doctor repeated.


“Not much,” Daria said.


“Something to do with my friend,” Quinn answered.


“Which friend?” the Doctor asked.



Wednesday 18 September 2024

Mysteries of Aurora - Introduction and Overall History


On an alternate Earth, with more islands and a more diverse Humanity, there is a nation older than recorded history., with its founding lost in myths and legends, and a similarly ancient university within that nation’s capital. There are Roman and Nordic influences that are still obvious even in the present day.

Technology is more or less the same as present day, with an internet and everything that goes with it, albeit with aesthetics that reflect earlier eras. Two young women start at the ancient university and start solving mysteries together. One is insomniac and dyslexic. The other is a synesthete explosion of pink who has ADHD and suffers from sensory overload and sometimes has her eyes closed to cope or to focus on her other senses.


Rough Timeline

Before 2000 BC

Indigenous tribes arrive and establish a settlement at the centre of where the city will be millennia later. The nation grows from there. A kingdom develops.


1500 BC

Earliest written records dated to this period.



1100 BC

The nation appears in Phoenician records.


500 BC

By this time the nation occupies its entire current territory. Trade with Carthage is strong.



2nd Century BC

With the Punic Wars, trade shifts from Carthage to Rome.



53 – 52 BC

Julius Ceaser attempts conquest of the eastern reaches of the nation. His attempt at conquest is much the same as with Britain, except that Rome gains an outpost on the easternmost island.



AD 10

In the aftermath of the disaster of the Teutoburg Forest, the nation tries to take back the outpost that was conquered 60 years earlier. But to no avail.



Mid AD 40s

After the conquest of Britain, Claudius turns Rome’s attention to the west, to the nation. The eastern islands are conquered, but war would continue with Triremes and legions pressing westwards until a landing is made on the Main Island in AD 47. The eastern peninsula is conquered but the nation then holds the line. Rome calls the province Terra Aurora (Land of the Dawn) owing to its antiquity.



AD 70s – AD 116

From Vespasian to Trajan, Rome presses westwards, conquering more of the nation. The capital is placed under siege in AD 94. The royal family and their advisors flee beforehand to a city on the western tip of the Main island. The main city is captured in AD 95. Two thirds of the main island are conquered by AD 116.



AD 117

After Hadrian becomes Emperor, he orders the legions to stop advancing and for them to defend what has already been taken.



Late Second Century

Christianity arrives in Roman occupied Terra Aurora.



Second – Fourth Centuries

Vulgar Latin becomes the native language for most in the Roman occupied regions.




Terra Aurora becomes part of the Western half of the Empire under Diocletian’s reforms.




Legions withdraw from Terra Aurora as the Western Empire continues to collapse.




The remnant of the ancient nation declares war against the failing Roman Empire, breaking the peace treaty that Hadrian was responsible for in his later years.




The ancient capital is recaptured by the remnant.




The ancient capital becomes the official capital again.




The rest of the main island, except the city that was established by Caesar at the eastern tip, is reconquered by the resurgent nation.



Late Fifth Century.

Eastern Roman Aurora allies with Constantinople as the Western Empire falls.



Early Sixth Century

The dialect of Vulgar Latin that is on its way to becoming Old Auroran and Christianity spread into Western Aurora and also receive official status.




Viking raids begin along the northeastern Auroran coast.




The ancient capital, now called Urbs Aeterna, comes under attack by Vikings for the first time.




Eastern Aurora falls to the Norse.



Late 9th Century

The northeastern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.



Early 10th Century

The northwestern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.




The Government abandons Urbs Aeterna a second time, moving back to the Western Capital. The Norse capture the city later in the year.




The northeastern two thirds of the main island of Aurora is occupied by various Norse kingdoms, the largest of which is based in Urbs Aeterna and claiming to be the true successor to the original and Roman Auroras.




The remnant of Aurora recaptures one of the western Norse realms.




By this time, Norse Aurora had united into one Kingdom based in Urbs Aeterna.




Personal Union between the Remnant Aurora and the Norse Aurora.




The two Aurora’s unite. De jure, it is the ancient remnant Aurora annexing the Norse Aurora. De facto, it is the ancient remnant becoming a province with equal representation in the Althing in Urbs Aeterna.



Late 12th Century

Auroran Norse becomes the most popular language in northeast Aurora.




The ancient academy in Urbs Aeterna changes its name to Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora (in Early Middle Auroran; Modern English translation: Eternal University Academy of Aurora).



15th Century

A time of tension, as Nordic influences spread south-westwards. Minor rebellions break out and are put down.



16th – 19th Centuries

Aurora participates in colonialism alongside other European powers. This main occurs in the Americas, the southern Atlantic archipelagos and in the Indian Ocean.



1750s – 1910s

Aurora participates in the Industrial Revolution. Urbs Aeterna is one of the first cities to have an underground railway system. There is a national railway network on the main island by 1870.




1914 – 1918

Aurora is in the Allies during World War One.



1939 – 1945

Aurora is in the Allies during World War Two. There are Nazi air raids on the eastern islands, but the nation otherwise comes through unscathed.




Aurora joins NATO.




Auroran colonies become independent.



March 2020

Like everywhere, Aurora goes into lockdown due to COVID.



February 2023

Pandemic restrictions ended in Urbs Aeterna.



September 2024

Two unusual students start at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora.

Monday 16 September 2024

Monday Writings - 16th September 2024


16th September

Excerpt from: The Nation of Eternal Dawn

Early 10th Century

The northwestern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.




The Government abandons Urbs Aeterna a second time, moving back to the Western Capital. The Norse capture the city later in the year.




The northeastern two thirds of the main island of Aurora is occupied by various Norse kingdoms, the largest of which is based in Urbs Aeterna and claiming to be the true successor to the original and Roman Auroras.




The remnant of Aurora recaptures one of the western Norse realms.




By this time, Norse Aurora had united into one Kingdom based in Urbs Aeterna.




Personal Union between the Remnant Aurora and the Norse Aurora.




The two Aurora’s unite. De jure, it is the ancient remnant Aurora annexing the Norse Aurora. De facto, it is the ancient remnant becoming a province with equal representation in the Althing in Urbs Aeterna.



Late 12th Century

Auroran Norse becomes the most popular language in northeast Aurora.




The ancient academy in Urbs Aeterna changes its name to Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora (in Early Middle Auroran; English translation: Eternal University Academy of Aurora).



15th Century

A time of tension, as Nordic influences spread south-westwards. Minor rebellions break out and are put down.



16th – 19th Centuries

Aurora participates in colonialism alongside other European powers. This main occurs in the Americas, the southern Atlantic archipelagos and in the Indian Ocean.



1750s – 1910s

Aurora participates in the Industrial Revolution. Urbs Aeterna is one of the first cities to have an underground railway system. There is a national railway network on the main island by 1870.




1914 – 1918

Aurora is in the Allies during World War One.



1939 – 1945

Aurora is in the Allies during World War Two. There are Nazi air raids on the eastern islands, but the nation otherwise comes through unscathed.




Aurora joins NATO.




Auroran colonies become independent.



March 2020

Like everywhere, Aurora goes into lockdown due to COVID.



February 2023

Pandemic restrictions ended in Urbs Aeterna.



September 2024

Two unusual students start at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora.


Excerpt from: Flora Feilding and the Dubbo Mystery

Friday, 13 September 2024

It was early in the morning when Flora Fielding drove into Dubbo from the northeast. She knew that something was going to happen there soon. ‘But where is he?’



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“But we can look at more of the properties on the map.”


“Sure,” Sandi said.



They soon climbed down the trellis and went out into the street. Sandi considered talking about Dafoanairi. ‘But if Dafoanairi is Daria, then she will then know I’m the Enigma.’ She shook her head. She had another idea. “You know, maybe someone else can help us.”


“Who?” Daria asked.


“Philippa Bynon. She is only a few houses down.”


“I don’t know who that is, and bringing more people into this probably isn’t a good idea.”



Even so, Daria followed Sandi around the back of the house a few houses to the east of hers. She didn’t know any of the other families on the block, really. ‘Maybe that’s part of the problem. No one knows their neighbors anymore,’ she thought as she and Sandi came around to the back yard. One of the back bedroom lights was on. ‘But is that Philippa, or another member of her family?’


Sandi started throwing small stones onto the window.


Daria sighed.



Philippa Bynon was reading late, when she heard something. “Stones on the window?” she murmured. She then opened the window and saw Sandi Griffin and another girl in her yard. “Sandi? What are you doing?”


“Daria and I are investigating Oscorp and I thought you could join us.”


Philippa thought on that. She still wasn’t tired, which was why she was reading so late. “Oscorp?” she smirked mischievously. “Sure.”



Daria saw Philippa emerge from the back door five minutes later. She got a closer look at her. She had short wavy brown hair. But she also saw that she was carrying toilet paper. “Toilet paper? Really?” she asked.


“We are going by their offices, right?” Philippa asked.


“We are,” Daria answered.


“Let’s do it!” Sandi added.


Daria sighed. “Of course you would do it, given you’re a rebel now.”


“Exactly, besides, I don’t think Harry would mind much,” Sandi said.


“Of course, you both hang out with Harry Osborn these days,” Philippa commented.


“Yes,” Sandi said. “Given that he has no preconceived notions about me.”


“The Fashion Club was going to end anyway,” Philippa said. “You know that, right?”


“Eventually,” Sandi admitted.


“Let’s not get into that,” Daria said.


“Where are we going first?” Philippa asked, clearing trying to change the topic.


“Downtown. There are many Oscorp offices there,” Daria answered.


“As in more than one?” Philippa asked.


“Yes, their presence in Lawndale is larger than anyone thought,” Sandi explained.



As they headed downtown, Philippa thought about what Sandi had said. ‘I think I had heard something about that. Or was it in the newspaper? Groundhog Day is not the only major shock!’



Twenty five minutes later, they walked along Third Street. “There,” Daria said.


“Where?” Philippa asked.


“Elders Solarium. That’s where the source of the brownouts was,” Daria explained.


“It does look old. Around the same age as the Historia,” Sandi said.


Philippa looked at the Solarium building. It did have Art Deco features, but that was where it’s similarity to the Historia ended. “So, you and the other three run the Historia?”


“Yes,” Daria answered. “We’re involved in various aspects of the business. Mrs. Rowe is the manager. She liaises with suppliers and with Oscorp and the Council. Although we are involved in those aspects as well.”


“I see,” Philippa said. She then saw an Oscorp office, bearing it’s logo. “There!”



Soon, that particular office’s frontage was covered in toilet paper.


“Are we done now?” Daria asked.


“Yes,” Sandi answered. “It does seem to be active in the day.”


“Although probably not yesterday,” Philippa said.


“Other places were,” Daria said.


“That’s a good point,” Phillipa said.


“Let’s get out here.”



Sandi lead them to where she and the others had battled the Green Goblin nearly a week before. ‘There’s still the fact that he knows I’m me,’ she thought. But still, Norman Osborn was still in an unconscious condition in Cedars of Lawndale.


“This street is still being repaired?” Phillipa asked.


“Yes, something happened,” Sandi said.


They cased the new Oscorp warehouse on that street for half an hour, but there wasn’t a delivery during that time. They then headed home.



SpiderGirl swung off on her nightly patrol before Daria got home.


She later came upon the toilet papered building, noting that it was an Oscorp office. “Toilet papering Oscorp? I doubt that would make any difference,” she thought.



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Friday, February 16, 2001

Brownout Problem Resolved by Penelope Jericho


SpiderGirl read through the article on the Historia’s roof.  She then looked out over the town, seeing that it was stirring as the Sun rose. ‘I better get back for breakfast,’ she thought.



Sam Elders arrived at the storage facility close to Lawndale State. He then went to his storage unit. As he looked at the various props stored in it, he drew up a plan for that afternoon.


‘Now, how to get it all to the Solarium before class without Grandfather noticing.’



Lawndale was recovering, slowly, from the brownouts as the day went on.


It was two when Sam returned to the Solarium after college classes and lunch.


“You’re here early,” his grandfather said, when he entered.


“I thought I would be here early,” Sam responded.


“That’s fine, but I know you were here this morning.”


“I may have been.”



Excerpt from: Friday the 13th

“Sure,” Flora responded.



As they entered the Dining Hall, there was a much larger crowd than Daniel expected. “This is a lot of people.”



“But it seems there is still room,” Flora said.


“There is,” Daniel commented.



They sat at a table next to the windows. As soon as Flora began to eat, she had another vision…