Wednesday 18 September 2024

Mysteries of Aurora - Introduction and Overall History


On an alternate Earth, with more islands and a more diverse Humanity, there is a nation older than recorded history., with its founding lost in myths and legends, and a similarly ancient university within that nation’s capital. There are Roman and Nordic influences that are still obvious even in the present day.

Technology is more or less the same as present day, with an internet and everything that goes with it, albeit with aesthetics that reflect earlier eras. Two young women start at the ancient university and start solving mysteries together. One is insomniac and dyslexic. The other is a synesthete explosion of pink who has ADHD and suffers from sensory overload and sometimes has her eyes closed to cope or to focus on her other senses.


Rough Timeline

Before 2000 BC

Indigenous tribes arrive and establish a settlement at the centre of where the city will be millennia later. The nation grows from there. A kingdom develops.


1500 BC

Earliest written records dated to this period.



1100 BC

The nation appears in Phoenician records.


500 BC

By this time the nation occupies its entire current territory. Trade with Carthage is strong.



2nd Century BC

With the Punic Wars, trade shifts from Carthage to Rome.



53 – 52 BC

Julius Ceaser attempts conquest of the eastern reaches of the nation. His attempt at conquest is much the same as with Britain, except that Rome gains an outpost on the easternmost island.



AD 10

In the aftermath of the disaster of the Teutoburg Forest, the nation tries to take back the outpost that was conquered 60 years earlier. But to no avail.



Mid AD 40s

After the conquest of Britain, Claudius turns Rome’s attention to the west, to the nation. The eastern islands are conquered, but war would continue with Triremes and legions pressing westwards until a landing is made on the Main Island in AD 47. The eastern peninsula is conquered but the nation then holds the line. Rome calls the province Terra Aurora (Land of the Dawn) owing to its antiquity.



AD 70s – AD 116

From Vespasian to Trajan, Rome presses westwards, conquering more of the nation. The capital is placed under siege in AD 94. The royal family and their advisors flee beforehand to a city on the western tip of the Main island. The main city is captured in AD 95. Two thirds of the main island are conquered by AD 116.



AD 117

After Hadrian becomes Emperor, he orders the legions to stop advancing and for them to defend what has already been taken.



Late Second Century

Christianity arrives in Roman occupied Terra Aurora.



Second – Fourth Centuries

Vulgar Latin becomes the native language for most in the Roman occupied regions.




Terra Aurora becomes part of the Western half of the Empire under Diocletian’s reforms.




Legions withdraw from Terra Aurora as the Western Empire continues to collapse.




The remnant of the ancient nation declares war against the failing Roman Empire, breaking the peace treaty that Hadrian was responsible for in his later years.




The ancient capital is recaptured by the remnant.




The ancient capital becomes the official capital again.




The rest of the main island, except the city that was established by Caesar at the eastern tip, is reconquered by the resurgent nation.



Late Fifth Century.

Eastern Roman Aurora allies with Constantinople as the Western Empire falls.



Early Sixth Century

The dialect of Vulgar Latin that is on its way to becoming Old Auroran and Christianity spread into Western Aurora and also receive official status.




Viking raids begin along the northeastern Auroran coast.




The ancient capital, now called Urbs Aeterna, comes under attack by Vikings for the first time.




Eastern Aurora falls to the Norse.



Late 9th Century

The northeastern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.



Early 10th Century

The northwestern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.




The Government abandons Urbs Aeterna a second time, moving back to the Western Capital. The Norse capture the city later in the year.




The northeastern two thirds of the main island of Aurora is occupied by various Norse kingdoms, the largest of which is based in Urbs Aeterna and claiming to be the true successor to the original and Roman Auroras.




The remnant of Aurora recaptures one of the western Norse realms.




By this time, Norse Aurora had united into one Kingdom based in Urbs Aeterna.




Personal Union between the Remnant Aurora and the Norse Aurora.




The two Aurora’s unite. De jure, it is the ancient remnant Aurora annexing the Norse Aurora. De facto, it is the ancient remnant becoming a province with equal representation in the Althing in Urbs Aeterna.



Late 12th Century

Auroran Norse becomes the most popular language in northeast Aurora.




The ancient academy in Urbs Aeterna changes its name to Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora (in Early Middle Auroran; Modern English translation: Eternal University Academy of Aurora).



15th Century

A time of tension, as Nordic influences spread south-westwards. Minor rebellions break out and are put down.



16th – 19th Centuries

Aurora participates in colonialism alongside other European powers. This main occurs in the Americas, the southern Atlantic archipelagos and in the Indian Ocean.



1750s – 1910s

Aurora participates in the Industrial Revolution. Urbs Aeterna is one of the first cities to have an underground railway system. There is a national railway network on the main island by 1870.




1914 – 1918

Aurora is in the Allies during World War One.



1939 – 1945

Aurora is in the Allies during World War Two. There are Nazi air raids on the eastern islands, but the nation otherwise comes through unscathed.




Aurora joins NATO.




Auroran colonies become independent.



March 2020

Like everywhere, Aurora goes into lockdown due to COVID.



February 2023

Pandemic restrictions ended in Urbs Aeterna.



September 2024

Two unusual students start at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora.

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