Monday 16 September 2024

Monday Writings - 16th September 2024


16th September

Excerpt from: The Nation of Eternal Dawn

Early 10th Century

The northwestern coast of Aurora is occupied by Norse.




The Government abandons Urbs Aeterna a second time, moving back to the Western Capital. The Norse capture the city later in the year.




The northeastern two thirds of the main island of Aurora is occupied by various Norse kingdoms, the largest of which is based in Urbs Aeterna and claiming to be the true successor to the original and Roman Auroras.




The remnant of Aurora recaptures one of the western Norse realms.




By this time, Norse Aurora had united into one Kingdom based in Urbs Aeterna.




Personal Union between the Remnant Aurora and the Norse Aurora.




The two Aurora’s unite. De jure, it is the ancient remnant Aurora annexing the Norse Aurora. De facto, it is the ancient remnant becoming a province with equal representation in the Althing in Urbs Aeterna.



Late 12th Century

Auroran Norse becomes the most popular language in northeast Aurora.




The ancient academy in Urbs Aeterna changes its name to Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora (in Early Middle Auroran; English translation: Eternal University Academy of Aurora).



15th Century

A time of tension, as Nordic influences spread south-westwards. Minor rebellions break out and are put down.



16th – 19th Centuries

Aurora participates in colonialism alongside other European powers. This main occurs in the Americas, the southern Atlantic archipelagos and in the Indian Ocean.



1750s – 1910s

Aurora participates in the Industrial Revolution. Urbs Aeterna is one of the first cities to have an underground railway system. There is a national railway network on the main island by 1870.




1914 – 1918

Aurora is in the Allies during World War One.



1939 – 1945

Aurora is in the Allies during World War Two. There are Nazi air raids on the eastern islands, but the nation otherwise comes through unscathed.




Aurora joins NATO.




Auroran colonies become independent.



March 2020

Like everywhere, Aurora goes into lockdown due to COVID.



February 2023

Pandemic restrictions ended in Urbs Aeterna.



September 2024

Two unusual students start at Academia d’Aeterna Universitas d’Aurora.


Excerpt from: Flora Feilding and the Dubbo Mystery

Friday, 13 September 2024

It was early in the morning when Flora Fielding drove into Dubbo from the northeast. She knew that something was going to happen there soon. ‘But where is he?’



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“But we can look at more of the properties on the map.”


“Sure,” Sandi said.



They soon climbed down the trellis and went out into the street. Sandi considered talking about Dafoanairi. ‘But if Dafoanairi is Daria, then she will then know I’m the Enigma.’ She shook her head. She had another idea. “You know, maybe someone else can help us.”


“Who?” Daria asked.


“Philippa Bynon. She is only a few houses down.”


“I don’t know who that is, and bringing more people into this probably isn’t a good idea.”



Even so, Daria followed Sandi around the back of the house a few houses to the east of hers. She didn’t know any of the other families on the block, really. ‘Maybe that’s part of the problem. No one knows their neighbors anymore,’ she thought as she and Sandi came around to the back yard. One of the back bedroom lights was on. ‘But is that Philippa, or another member of her family?’


Sandi started throwing small stones onto the window.


Daria sighed.



Philippa Bynon was reading late, when she heard something. “Stones on the window?” she murmured. She then opened the window and saw Sandi Griffin and another girl in her yard. “Sandi? What are you doing?”


“Daria and I are investigating Oscorp and I thought you could join us.”


Philippa thought on that. She still wasn’t tired, which was why she was reading so late. “Oscorp?” she smirked mischievously. “Sure.”



Daria saw Philippa emerge from the back door five minutes later. She got a closer look at her. She had short wavy brown hair. But she also saw that she was carrying toilet paper. “Toilet paper? Really?” she asked.


“We are going by their offices, right?” Philippa asked.


“We are,” Daria answered.


“Let’s do it!” Sandi added.


Daria sighed. “Of course you would do it, given you’re a rebel now.”


“Exactly, besides, I don’t think Harry would mind much,” Sandi said.


“Of course, you both hang out with Harry Osborn these days,” Philippa commented.


“Yes,” Sandi said. “Given that he has no preconceived notions about me.”


“The Fashion Club was going to end anyway,” Philippa said. “You know that, right?”


“Eventually,” Sandi admitted.


“Let’s not get into that,” Daria said.


“Where are we going first?” Philippa asked, clearing trying to change the topic.


“Downtown. There are many Oscorp offices there,” Daria answered.


“As in more than one?” Philippa asked.


“Yes, their presence in Lawndale is larger than anyone thought,” Sandi explained.



As they headed downtown, Philippa thought about what Sandi had said. ‘I think I had heard something about that. Or was it in the newspaper? Groundhog Day is not the only major shock!’



Twenty five minutes later, they walked along Third Street. “There,” Daria said.


“Where?” Philippa asked.


“Elders Solarium. That’s where the source of the brownouts was,” Daria explained.


“It does look old. Around the same age as the Historia,” Sandi said.


Philippa looked at the Solarium building. It did have Art Deco features, but that was where it’s similarity to the Historia ended. “So, you and the other three run the Historia?”


“Yes,” Daria answered. “We’re involved in various aspects of the business. Mrs. Rowe is the manager. She liaises with suppliers and with Oscorp and the Council. Although we are involved in those aspects as well.”


“I see,” Philippa said. She then saw an Oscorp office, bearing it’s logo. “There!”



Soon, that particular office’s frontage was covered in toilet paper.


“Are we done now?” Daria asked.


“Yes,” Sandi answered. “It does seem to be active in the day.”


“Although probably not yesterday,” Philippa said.


“Other places were,” Daria said.


“That’s a good point,” Phillipa said.


“Let’s get out here.”



Sandi lead them to where she and the others had battled the Green Goblin nearly a week before. ‘There’s still the fact that he knows I’m me,’ she thought. But still, Norman Osborn was still in an unconscious condition in Cedars of Lawndale.


“This street is still being repaired?” Phillipa asked.


“Yes, something happened,” Sandi said.


They cased the new Oscorp warehouse on that street for half an hour, but there wasn’t a delivery during that time. They then headed home.



SpiderGirl swung off on her nightly patrol before Daria got home.


She later came upon the toilet papered building, noting that it was an Oscorp office. “Toilet papering Oscorp? I doubt that would make any difference,” she thought.



Lawndale Sun-Herald

Friday, February 16, 2001

Brownout Problem Resolved by Penelope Jericho


SpiderGirl read through the article on the Historia’s roof.  She then looked out over the town, seeing that it was stirring as the Sun rose. ‘I better get back for breakfast,’ she thought.



Sam Elders arrived at the storage facility close to Lawndale State. He then went to his storage unit. As he looked at the various props stored in it, he drew up a plan for that afternoon.


‘Now, how to get it all to the Solarium before class without Grandfather noticing.’



Lawndale was recovering, slowly, from the brownouts as the day went on.


It was two when Sam returned to the Solarium after college classes and lunch.


“You’re here early,” his grandfather said, when he entered.


“I thought I would be here early,” Sam responded.


“That’s fine, but I know you were here this morning.”


“I may have been.”



Excerpt from: Friday the 13th

“Sure,” Flora responded.



As they entered the Dining Hall, there was a much larger crowd than Daniel expected. “This is a lot of people.”



“But it seems there is still room,” Flora said.


“There is,” Daniel commented.



They sat at a table next to the windows. As soon as Flora began to eat, she had another vision…

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