Saturday 14 September 2024

Spider Quinn 12 Rise of the Green Goblin - Part 1

 12 Rise of the Green Goblin

Norman Osborn threw aside the latest Sun-Herald in disgust. More reports of crime that hadn’t been foiled by SpiderGirl or those two new vigilantes. ‘Of course it hasn’t!’ He then went to his laptop and logged into a specific server on his company’s network. He looked at the progress in testing of the Glider design.


Prototype complete.


That was good news. He could take it and use it. He left the office and went to the workshop.



“Mr. Osborn!” one of the techs said.


“Mr. Cross. You report that the prototype is ready?”


“It is Mr. Osborn. Testing will start this afternoon.”


“Excellent! Keep me apprised.” He grabbed a document that lay on the table next to them. It was a manual for the prototype. He looked around. There was no one there. He took the manual and left.



He then took it to his office. ‘I’ll read it later,’ he decided. He had a grand opening to attend.



Quinn and Daria arrived at the Historia early. “Today is going to be a great day,” Quinn said.


“I hope so, with how busy that week was,” Daria responded.


“I’m glad it’s over,” Quinn said, feeling the achievement at the Spelling Bee. But she knew she would be continuing to visit Sarah Robyn in the hospital. They then entered the lobby, where they found that Stacy, Joey, Robert and Angie were there before them.


“Morning, Quinn, Daria,” Stacy said as she came up to them.


Quinn saw that Stacy was quite excited. “Morning, Stacy.”


“The place has come alive,” Stacy said.


“It’s amazing what a few weeks of refurbishment can do,” Daria commented.



It wasn’t long before Norman Osborn arrived, along with his son, Harry. “Welcome, young people. Is everyone here?”


“We’re waiting on a few more people,” Quinn said.


“Of course,” Osborn said.


The door opened again and Jane and Trent entered. “This looks rather cool,” The latter said.


“Yes, it is rather like those old photos from before World War II,” Jane said. “Except in color.”


“I knew you would say something like that,” Daria said.


“This is going to be very good for Lawndale,” Jane said.


“Jane Lane, an optimist?” Daria asked.


“She can be optimistic about something,” Trent said, enigmatically.


That gave Daria something to think about.



Brittany arrived at the Historia with Kevin, Donna and Nikki. She saw that Quinn, Daria, Jane, Stacy, Osborn, Joey, Angie and Robert were already there. “Good Morning,” she said.


“Wow, like, this looks really old,” Kevin said.


“That was the point, Kevy,” Brittany said.



Soon, more people came as the time came.


“Welcome to the Historia, the former Global Theatre,” Osborn said. “It is the vision of four ordinary high school students, but it is something extraordinary for the people of Lawndale. A place where young people can meet and socialise without fear of the crime occurring elsewhere in this town. It is a coffee house, bookshop and more. A place for plays and the occasional exhibition. A place for connection. Please stay for brunch.”



“Interesting speech,” Jodie Landon told Daria.


“It certainly is, but I’m sure you’re concerned about the crime he mentioned.”


“Absolutely, including those vigilantes. SpiderGirl may have good intentions, but I’m not sure about the other two.”


“I’m not sure either,” Daria admitted.



Jane heard what Jodie and Daria were talking about. ‘I have the best intentions,’ she thought. She hadn’t been sure about SpiderGirl and less sure about Ninja Talon, but the interactions they had as they investigated the compound the cheerleaders were held in had erased most of the concerns she had. ‘They will find out that we have the best of intentions towards the people of Lawndale.’ She looked around at the other Lawndale High students and wondered whether any of them were SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon. ‘I seriously doubt Daria would be either of them’



Quinn was talking to Tori when she saw Sandi enter and approach Harry. ‘Uh oh!” she said.


“Sandi?” Tori asked. “The Historia is open to everyone, isn’t it.”


“Of course, but I didn’t think she’d be here now,” Quinn said.


Tori put a hand on Quinn’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure she won’t cause trouble.”


“I hope so,” Quinn said. But that wasn’t all that was on her mind. ‘I wonder if the Shadow is here?’ She hoped it wasn’t Sandi. ‘That would be quite awkward.’



Brittany had also noticed Sandi arrived. ‘Why is she hanging out with Harry Osborn?’ she wondered.


Like Quinn, she also wondered whether the Shadow was there. She knew it wasn’t Daria, as Quinn had told her so. ‘If she is here, I have no idea who her secret identity could be. But she was sure that the Shadow was wondering the same thing about her.’



The morning tea went well, and more Lawndale High students and their families arrived as noon approached.



Daria, Quinn, Joey and Robert joined Norman at the podium. “And now for the moment you’ve been waiting for. Daria.”


Daria went to the microphone. “I now declare the Historia open as a place for the young people of Lawndale to be able to come together despite their differences and no matter what they’re going through. Thank you.”


The crowd went into an applause and Daria stepped down, hoping that the Historia would make a difference.


Then it was time for lunch, which Elisabeth Rowe had catered for.



Daria found herself sitting across from Brittany. “That was a great speech, Daria.”




“More inspiring than Mr. Osborn.”


“You think so?” Daria asked, although she knew that Brittany would answer in the affirmative.


“I know so. I know you, Daria. But Mr. Osborn, I don’t know him. I think he’s just here for the publicity.”


“That’s a good point. I became involved in this because I knew that helping Joey and Robert save the theatre would help this town and help it overcome this time of crisis.”


“I’m sure it will,” Brittany added. “But I’m sure it will take more to turn things around.”


Daria looked into the cheerleader’s eyes and saw determination there. She wasn’t sure what to make of it.



“Sandi?” Harry asked.


“Yes?” Sandi asked.


“You’ve hardly touched your plate.”


“Sorry, I was lost in thought.”


“About your former friends?” Harry asked.


“Yes, they’re all here and enjoying themselves. Qui-inn has a crowd around her of both sexes, as usual. It’s like she’s thriving despite her grief.”


“Oh, maybe you should forgive her.”


“No!” Sandi shot back, quietly. “She ruined everything.”


“It’s eating you up.”


Sandi just looked down at her plate and ate slowly.



Jane found herself next to Joey. “So, what are your hopes for this place?” she asked.


“Much like what Daria said,” Joey answered.


“Good answer,” Jane said. “But I asked you.”


“I hope it would be for our peers as it was for our grandparents and parents’ generations,” Joey answered.


“A good answer. I seem to recall my mother talking about this place once, as a place she hung out with her friends at.”


“Seems to be a common story,” Joey added.


“That’s true.”



Quinn found herself across from Jodie. She looked in her eyes and asked. “What do you think about recent events?”


“You mean with the Oakwood cheerleaders? Or more generally?”




“I’m not sure that SpiderGirl has been actually helping, The crime has been getting worse.”


“Oh?” Quinn asked, hiding her reaction.


“Mostly in the poorer neighborhoods. Did you know that most of Lawndale’s Black population lives in Lawndale Flats?”


“I didn’t know.”


“It isn’t widely advertised,” Jodie said. “A stain on the town’s reputation. But my parents made sure that I knew it.”


“Of course.”


“But, so far SpiderGirl’s mostly been seen on the west side of the Creek.”


“But that’s where most of the town lies,” Quinn responded. ‘I guess I’ll have to make more patrols in Lawndale Flats.’


“I suppose so.”



Anna Coultard found herself across from Robert. “So, what does the Historia mean to you?” she asked.


Robert gave a similar answer to Joey. “A place where we can hang out like our parents and grandparents.”


“Good answer,” Anna said.



The lunch continued, but it was soon over. Some stayed at the Historia to explore the bookshop, like Daria and Jane. But others, including Quinn and Brittany left. So did Norman Osborn.



Quinn headed home, to continue her new mask design, for a while before returning to the Hospital to keep Sarah Robyn company in the evening as SpiderGirl.



Norman Osborn headed to the Lawndale City Hall, for he had an appointment with Lawndale’s Mayor.

“Norman Osborn, at 1:30,” he said to the receptionist.


“Mayor Lawson will see you, sir,” she said.


“Thank you,” Osborn said.



Mayor William Lawson was a busy man. The stresses of governing Lawndale were growing every passing week and it was showing on him. He was sure that he was going bald faster than he had been before SpiderGirl showed up. He was already annoyed that he had to work on Saturdays, so having an appointment with Norman Osborn was unwelcome. He saw the tycoon enter his office.


“What is the purpose of this meeting?”


“An exchange,” Norman answered.


“What do you mean?”


“I would like access to the municipal CCTV network.”


“For what purpose?” the Mayor asked.


“I may be able to help with your vigilante problem.”


“SpiderGirl has brought good publicity to Lawndale. With crime increasing, people need hope. SpiderGirl provides it.”


“But what about those two new ones?” Osborn asked. “A ninja and some shadowy figure? They don’t sound like they would inspire hope to me.”


“Maybe not…” Lawson began.


“I can make it worth your while,” Osborn grinned. “Both personally and I’ll be willing to help with any civic improvements that may be needed in proximity to my various facilities, including around the Historia.”


“The Historia, you say? How did that go this morning?” the Mayor said.


“Very well, and one of the girls behind the idea gave an inspiring speech as she declared it open. But, what do you say?”


“I’ll have to give it some consideration.”


“I’ll let you think on it, but don’t take too long,” Osborn said.


“I won’t. I’ll get back to you on Monday.”


“I’ll hold you to that,” Osborn said as he left. ‘I’ll be sure to have better luck with the High School Principal.’



SpiderGirl arrived at the hospital two hours after leaving the Historia.


Sarah Robyn greeted her with a sign.


“Learning ASL I see?” SpiderGirl asked. “I’m sorry, I don’t know it.”


Sarah Robyn then wrote; I might not regain my ability to speak, but I still want to communicate.


“Maybe I could learn it with you.”


You don’t have to. I know you’re quite busy looking after Lawndale, along with whatever you do as your secret identity.


“That’s true, but I may need it for communicating with others.”


That’ll be good.


“I’m also working on an expressive mask.”


Don’t do all this on my account.


“You’re as important as any other person, Sarah Robyn. Your situation has inspired me, that’s all.”




SpiderGirl stayed a while, keeping Sarah Robyn company.



While SpiderGirl was at the hospital, Ninja Talon was patrolling downtown in the vicinity of the Historia. She wanted to be sure that the area was peaceful. But then she heard some sirens from the edge of town to the south. ‘Another time,’ she thought as she headed in that direction.



‘That’s Officer Peterson,’ Ninja Talon thought, as she had seen SpiderGirl talk to her on more than one occasion. She approached her.


“Who’s there?” Peterson asked. “Ninja Talon?”


“That’s me,” she said. “What’s happened?”


“We caught a someone in a stolen vehicle. There’s nothing else to be concerned about.”


“Oh. Good to know it’s been handled,” Ninja Talon answered.


“Tell SpiderGirl I know she’s been visiting Sarah Robyn more.”


“I haven’t yet,” Ninja Talon admitted. “Maybe I should.”





Ninja Talon soon left the scene. ‘I’ll visit the hospital later,’ she decided. She then continued to patrol for a while.



Meanwhile, Daria continued to look through the books at the Historia’s bookshop. There were many volumes she wanted to read, but she was sure that they’d still be there later.


“Daria?” Jane asked, coming over from where she had been looking at art books.


“Yes?” Daria asked.


“I’m heading out, continuing my project.”


“Oh,” Daria said. She had hoped to spend more time with Jane.


“You can come over tonight, if you want.”




Jane then headed out, leaving Daria to wonder which part of Lawndale would get Jane’s attention that afternoon.



Jane exited the Historia to find Trent waiting for her. “So, what did you tell Daria?” he asked.


“The cover,” she answered.


“Of course,” Trent said. “We’ll head home first.”


“I didn’t bring the suit with me,” Jane said as she got into the car.


“Good idea.”



As the old Plymouth drove away, Sandi stepped out of the shadows next to the Historia. “What is Jane hiding?” she asked herself. She had gone off earlier, and then wanted to return to the old theatre, to look at it further. With Lawndale on edge with the recent events she wanted to get away from what she usually did. She missed the companionship that the Fashion Club had provided, even if she held resentment against Quinn.



Daria saw Sandi enter the bookstore and come over to her. “Sandi?”


“This has nothing to do with Quinn.”


“I think it might,” Daria said as she picked up a historical novel.


“Actually not. I like, heard Jane say something mysterious outside.”


“You were eavesdropping on her.”


“Be as it may, I think you would be interested in what she and her brother said,” Sandi rebutted.


“Trent too?” Daria asked rhetorically. “No! Whatever they had to say is between them.”


“I’ll tell you anyway! He said ‘What did you tell Daria’ and she said…”


Daria interrupted. “Stop!”


“She said, ‘the cover.’ She’s hiding something.” Sandi continued.

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