Saturday 21 September 2024

Spider Quinn 12 Rise of the Green Goblin - Part 2


Daria paused. She knew Jane was hiding something. But she didn’t want to give Sandi the satisfaction. “I know what you’re doing. You destroyed your friendship with Quinn and the other two former fashion drones. Now, you’re trying to drive a rift between Jane and I.”


Sandi was undeterred “She also mentioned a suit.”


“Ah! Stop! Sandi!” Daria said. “I don’t want to hear it.”


“Aren’t you curious?”


“No, I’m annoyed. I will be later, but now, you’re facing my ire!”


“You don’t think I have ire?” Sandi asked.


“If we come to blows, it would be your fault,” Daria said, her nose not far from Sandi’s.


“Good point, but at least think about what I have said.”


“I know I will.”


Sandi then turned and left.



Daria wasn’t sure what to make of that.  ‘What is Sandi trying to prove?’ She turned back to the historical fiction, hoping to distract herself from thinking about what Sandi had said about Jane.



Sandi left the Historia, heading for home. She didn’t expect her confrontation with Daria to end up the way it did.



The Lanes got home, and soon, the Shadow was jumping from rooftop to rooftop along Howard Drive.



Norman Osborn got home, where he retreated to his study, where he began reading through the manual for the glider.



SpiderGirl looked out the window. The sun would set soon and she needed to patrol before heading home for dinner. She turned back to Sarah Robyn. “I’ll be going now. I’ll be back tomorrow.”


Sarah Robyn smiled wrote and wrote I’ll see you then.


SpiderGirl waved goodbye as she left the room. She found a nearby courtyard, where she swung away, heading towards Lawndale Flats.



The Shadow arrived back in the vicinity of the Historia, where she saw Daria leaving. But she knew that others would still be there. She climbed to the old theatre’s roof, where she looked out over the area and took in the afternoon scene. She knew that she would commit it to canvas at some point. She noticed something down the street, in an allyway.



Samara Collins had been at the Historia’s opening and had witnessed the standoff between Daria and Sandi. Thus, she was preoccupied thinking about that when a mugger appeared.


“Hand it over!” he said, brandishing a knife.


However, some kind of fog appeared between them and a hand grabbed hers. “Run!”


They ran and then the figure fired a grappling hook and Samara found herself on the rooftop looking at her rescuer and the afternoon sun reflecting off Lawndale’s rooftops. “You’re not SpiderGirl.”


The figure chuckled, sounding like a teenage girl. “No, I’m the Shadow. You need to be careful. Situational awareness is a thing! Especially with Lawndale going the way it is.”


“Oh, I was preoccupied,” Samara explained. “Two girls were arguing in the Historia’s bookshop before I left. But I will make sure to look around me in future.”


“I see,” the Shadow responded. “I hope you weren’t eavesdropping.”


“No, they were too far away.”


“Right. Can I get you anywhere?”


“Home, I suppose. It’s on the east side of the creek, but not in Lawndale Flats,” Samara said.


“You didn’t need to clarify that. Lawndale Flats is a small part of East Lawndale.”


“But it is near to it.”




They then descended to the street level and were on their way.



It was a relatively quiet afternoon. Ninja Talon headed home early.


“How was the Historia, honey?” Ashley-Amber asked once she had changed and come down to the lounge room.


“It was great. Many people from school were there, and Daria gave an inspiring speech.”


“Not Norman Osborn?”


“He did say something, but Daria’s was on point. That the Historia will be a place where people in Lawndale can come together,” Brittany answered.


“That’s inspiring,” Ashley-Amber responded.



SpiderGirl approached Lawndale Flats. The subdivision looked different to the rest of Lawndale, with many more apartment blocks than houses. She could see various people walking around taking in the Saturday afternoon sunshine.


As she patrolled she noticed the people looking at her. Most of them appreciated her purpose, but see did see some individuals who seemed fearful. ‘There is a lot to be afraid of,’ she thought as the sun began to set. ‘But there is hope.’



Quinn arrived home half an hour after sunset and found Daria pacing in the kitchen. “Daria?”


“Hi, Quinn.”


“What’s wrong, did something happen this afternoon?”


“Yes. It was Sandi, she said something about Jane.”


“Whatever it was, ignore it,” Quinn said, trying not to see red.


“Thing is, Quinn, she overheard something I can’t ignore.”


“I know Sandi, she’s trying to drive a wedge between you two,” Quinn said as she sat down.


“I know that,” Daria said as she also sat. “She said something about a cover and a suit.”


“That could mean anything,” Quinn said quickly. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. ‘I doubt Jane is the Shadow. It’s someone else.’


“I am going over after dinner,” Daria declared, “But that was decided when Jane left the Historia to do more on her project.”


“Tell her straight up that it was Sandi who said it,” Quinn said.


“Of course I will,” Daria said. “I don’t intend otherwise.”


“I don’t want you to lose Jane as a friend over a misunderstanding.”



Helen entered the kitchen and saw her daughters talking. “How was the Historia opening?”


“It was great,” Quinn answered, showing her usual enthusiasm. “Daria gave an inspiring speech.”


“That’s great, Daria!” Helen praised. “What about?”


“That the Historia can be a place where Lawndale’s young people can come together despite their differences.”


“Sounds great, but it’s going to take more than that to turn Lawndale around,” Helen said.


“I know that,” Daria said.



The dinner was quiet, before Daria headed off to Casa Lane.



Meanwhile, Sandi’s dinner was more tense.


“How was the Historia?” Linda asked.


“It was fine,” Sandi responded.


“Just fine?” Linda asked.


“Yes. There was morning tea, everyone talked, then there was lunch and the building declared open.”


“That sounds good, but I think you’re hiding something.”


“Daria Morgendorffer was the one who declared it open,” Sandi responded with ire in her voice.


“I see. Helen is spreading her influence in Lawndale…”


“I don’t think Mrs. Morgendorffer has anything to do with it. It was apparently Joey and Robert reaching out to Daria for help that lead to the old theatre becoming the Historia.”


“Maybe, but I’m sure Daria and Quinn talked to their mother about it,” Linda responded.


Sandi remained silent.



Daria arrived at Casa Lane with the discussion with Sandi on her mind. She thought on what Quinn had said as she knocked on the door.


Trent opened it. “Janie will be back from a run shortly,” he said.


“I can wait,” Daria responded as she entered the house.



Jane changed from the Shadow into her usual self in the garage and entered the house.



“Daria! You’re here,” she noticed something up with her friend as she entered the kitchen. “What’s wrong?”


“I had an encounter with Sandi soon after you left the Historia. It was something she said.”


“What did she say?”


“That she had overheard you and Trent talking as you left,” Daria responded.


‘What did she hear?’ Jane asked herself.


Daria noticed her silence. “She said something about a cover and a suit. Quinn said not to worry about it, but…”


“Daria, sometimes words can mean different things,” Jane said as she sat down.


“I know that. But, are you involved in something? Like, are you SpiderGirl?”


“I’m not SpiderGirl, Daria. I have as much as a lack of clue as you do about who she is.”


“Or Ninja Talon?” Daria asked.


“Same answer.”


“But you are involved in something?”


“Something I can’t tell you about,” Jane answered, her voice quiet. “Not yet. But it does have something to with my project.”


“I see.”


“See, Sandi is trying to split us.”


“I know, that and Quinn pointed that out,” Daria responded.


“She’s growing isn’t she?” Jane said with a smile.


“Yes, but I wish that it didn’t take Dad’s death.”


With Daria thinking on that, Jane realised the immediate crisis was past. ‘Daria will find out sometime, just not soon.’



While Daria was out, and their mother working in her room, Quinn went down to the basement. She wasn’t only working on an expressive mask, she was wondering if there was somewhere in the house other than her room that her mother and sister wouldn’t be able to get into. A place to store SpiderGirl related objects secretly. She found the blueprints to the house where they were stored in an old dresser. ‘Question is, can the house be modified without Mom or Daria knowing?’ She went over to a table next to the washing machine and unfurled them.

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