Thursday 31 December 2015

December Overall

November Overall:

30th November 2015 Writings:

All November 2015 Writings:

Church notes - 6 December:

Quinn's Code (Daria AU): Alternapalooza (Part 2):

Back to the Future Part III review:

Church notes - 13 December:

Church notes - 20th December:

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith review:

The Martian review:

Quinn's Code (Daria AU): Morgendorffers in the Woods:

Merry Christmas:

Church notes - December 2015:

Groundhog Day review:

Reviews of many movies:

Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
I have had a great Christmas with family.

What is important is remembering the reason for the season.

Have a great Christmas night!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

30th November 2015 Writings


Excerpt from: Ways Clara Oswald Survived the Raven

She recalled seeing the Zero Room. The Doctor had shown it to her some time after he had regenerated (but before she had met Danny).

Words: 25

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

However, as he approached the Cafeciducca, he saw the KI agent inside. 'That's not good,' he thought. But there was another way around the Cafeciducca, but he would have to go around the other side of Dalton Hall. That wasn't much a of a problem, except that there weren't so much cover near the Physics and Network Services buildings.

Words: 59

Total: 84

Monday 30 November 2015

28th, 29th November 2015 Writings


Excerpt from: Reverse Map Game: 1925

North America
The shift of the responsibility for the Administration of the Western territory from the Manitoba Provincial Government to the Federal Government is complete.

South America
The Eternal War continues, as the Bolivians turn back the tide against the Puruvians and the Brazilians, Again.

A Neon light is demonstrated at the Paris Motor Show.

The Unification of Germany completes, as Bavaria is the last nation to join, after a referendum early in the year.

Further colonisation occurs. Particularly around the Sahara, and in Cameroon.

Saudi rebels continue to expand their influence.

The site of the future Capital of Australia, is chosen to be the small town of Canberra in New South Wales. The Australian Capital Territory is established. As is the Jervis Bay Territory.

Words: 130

Excerpt from: World's Best Reverse Map Game 10/10

The Maritime People's Republic is annexed by the American Workers Republic.

The first 'test tube baby' is born in England.

The Spanish and French civil wars continue.

The Pro-objectivists in Chad continue to their path to defeat.

Otago is annexed by New Zealand after a referendum.

Words: 51

Excerpt from: Global Crisis

Chapter 31: The Many Professors

Bit do you know if all them have been?” Felix asked.

Not sure, but certainly most.” the Doctor said.

That at least is good,” Felix said.

They entered the center of the station.
...Come on, Ada. Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, Art, Politics. This era has got fine food, good manners...”

A woman then barelled past them. “Out of the way!” she said.

Good manners?” Felix asked.
Suddenly they see people everywhere, some of them hawking junk food.

Fine Crusine?” Ross asked.

My watch must be wrong,” the Professor pondered. “No, it's fine. It's weird.”

That's what comes of showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was,” Ross said.

My history's perfect.”

Well obviously not,” Ross retorted.

They're all human. What about the many other species? Where are they?” Ada asked.

Good, question. Actually thats a good question. Ada, you must be starving,” the Professor said.

No, just a little time sick,” Ada retorted.

The Professor found out how much a burger was and then cracked a nearby credit outlet. It produced three cards. She gave one to each companion. “There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets.”

How does it work?” Ada asked.

Go and find out. Stop nagging me.The thing is, Ada, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me? Stop asking questions, go and do it. Off you go, then.”

Ross, Felix and Ada went off. The Professor approached two gentlemen nearby. “his is going to sound daft, but can you tell me where I am?”

All staff are reminded that the canteen ara now operates a self cleaning table system. Thank you!

Ross handed something to both Ada and Felix. “Try this. It's called Zaphic, it's like a, er, Slush Puppy,” he said.

What flavour?” Ada asked.

Chapter 32: 44

We'll get out of this. I promise,” the captain said.

Mark looked out a porthole. “Professor!”

Forty two minutes until what?” the Professor asked.

Professor! Look!”

Forty two minutes until we crash into an underwater volcano.”

Words: 415

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

“Still, I'll try,” Elias said as he walked away.

While Elias exited the library, Parminder went back down to the lower level. As he exited the library Elias looked around the courtyard. The College was relatively close, but not visible, being on the other side of the Madgewick Building, which was barely visible to the south of the library. Besides there wasn't much cover, between the library and the Madgewick building. But there were multiple paths around the university. Elias looked in the other direction. The Cafeciducca was relatively close.
Between the library and the Cafeciducca was the University Tavern, below which was the UNOSA offices and the studio for the radio station.

Words: 114


Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor: Deep Breath – Prose Edition

“You've found something?” Jenny asked.

“A restaurant,” Clara said, turning the paper over.

Mancini's Family Restaurant, best Dinner in London.
“It could be a trap,” Vastra warned.

“It's worth the risk,” Clara opined.

“It certainly is. Which is why, we'll cover out front while you go in,” Vastra said.

Clara nodded.

Clara entered the restaurant. She looked around and found Susan near the back. She sat with her and sniffed.
“What's wrong?” Susan asked.

Words: 80

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: Season 8.5

You are the Doctor, aren’t you?”


We have been doing some reorganisation as the collection grows...”

And you’ve found strange twists in the layout of the shelves?” The Doctor knew where this was going. Sufficiently large collections of knowledge arranged in certain ways were liable to bend space and time.

Yes, Doctor.”

Take me to the place,” the Doctor directed.

This way....”

The librarian led the Doctor to the area where the layout of the Library had become warped.

Words: 80

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: The Doctor and Clara: Trap Street

The Street
“Lock me up, throw us out, anything but this. Please. I only took it to save her,” the old man pleaded.

“How many minutes left?” Ashildr asked.

Rump checked the back of the man's neck. “Two, Madam Mayor.”

“This man stole medical rations. He broke a rule of the street and he stole from all of you. And yes, I can remove the chronolock. But I won't. Our rules keep us safe.”

“Give it to me. Please. Tell me I can have it. One word. Say it. Say yes,” the man's wife pleaded.

I did this to save you, you silly old thing. You really think I could lose you now?”

Words: 119

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: Ways Clara Oswald Survived the Raven

The regeneration energy continued to do it's work.

It finished. The new Clara collapsed. She looked completely different. The Doctor glared at Ashildr. The old Clara had still ended afterall.

“I'm sorry, Doctor,” Ashildr said. “I truly am.”

“What she said about not taking revenge. Do you know why she said that?” the Doctor asked.

“Wait,” Rigsy said, stepping between the two. “What just happened.”

“A miracle. Clara just went through what should be impossible for a human. River Song was a special case. I doubt Clara was.”

“River Who?” Risgy asked. “What haven't made sense.”

“It's a capability of the Time Lords, my people. Clara isn't a Time Lady. She shouldn't have been able to regenerate,” the Doctor explained. He turned back to Ashildr, he still had a great deal of ire directed at her, afterall. “Now, do you know why she said what she said?”
“She was saving you,” Ashildr answered.

“I was lost a long time ago. She was saving you. I'll do my best, but I strongly advise you to keep out of my way. You'll find that it's a very strong universe when I'm angry with you!”

Ashildr nodded.

The Doctor turned back to Rigsy. “Take care of Clara. Take her to the TARDIS.” He was about to say more, but the transport bracelet beeped and he was teleported away...

Rigsy looked to the new Clara, and back at Ashildr. “Take her, your memories won't be erased when you leave the street. But remember this, neither of you are welcome here!”

“Understood,” Rigsy said.

Once clear of the Street, Risgy had called Jen and said that he was on his way home. First he dropped Clara in the console room. Immediately, she sat up. “I've survived! I've changed! More girly. I like that!” She pulled a strand of hair in front of her eyes. “A lighter brown. I thought it would be lighter still,” she said with a disappointed tone. “Rigsy!” She ran and hugged him.

He pushed her off him. “I have someone, remember,” he said, looking into the new Clara's bright green eyes.

“Oh yeah. You can go.”

Rigsy exited the TARDIS. He then saw, it start to disappear, as the new Clara attempted to make it fly....

The Street
The Doctor looked as Clara walked down the Street. “Let me be brave,” she said.

'No! There has to be a way to defeat a Quantum Shade! Just because a method hasn't been found, doesn't mean that they can't be defeated,' he thought. He brought out the sonic shades and put them on. Instantly he called the TARDIS and directed her to materialise around Clara. The Shade left it's cage, and started flying towards Clara. The Doctor smirked as the TARDIS materialised.

“What are you doing, Doctor?” Ashildr asked.

“What I do best! Improvising!” he said, as the TARDIS landed around Clara. He transmitted more instructions to the TARDIS, to stay ahead of the Quantum Shade in the Time Vortex.

The TARDIS then dematerialised, taking Clara with it.

“She will still die, Doctor,” Ashildr said.

“Not before I get back,” the Doctor said, as the Raven approached the place where the TARDIS had been.

“I'm sorry, Doctor,” Ashildr said. “I truly am.”

“What she said about not taking revenge. Do you know why she said that?” the Doctor asked. The Raven had vanished, following the TARDIS.

“She was saving you,” Ashildr answered.

“I was lost a long time ago. She was saving you. I'll do my best, but I strongly advise you to keep out of my way. You'll find that it's a very strong universe when I'm angry with you!”

Ashildr nodded and the transport bracelet beeped and he was teleported away...

Clara tried to relax as the TARDIS took off, but she knew that the Quantum Shade was still following her. The TARDIS made some noises and a hologram of the Doctor appeared. “This is emergency program one. The TARDIS will continue to fly around the universe until I return from wherever 'Lady Me' sent me. I highly advise you to head to the Zero Room, where it would be less likely for the Quantum Shade to find you if it does penetrate the TARDIS' defenses.

Words: 742

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

That was a safer path. He could then walk down the portico alongside Dalton Hall, the University's main Hall. The Madgewick building would then be rather close. He could the dash along it's northern wall, and then pass the Chemistry and Mathematics buildings to their east. 'That will work,' he thought.

Words: 51

Total: 1652

Friday 27 November 2015

27th November 2015 Writings


Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

Parminder and Elias emerged into the main library in an out of the way alcove, on the lowest floor. Elias could see that they were in the history section. “Maybe there's something on the history of the university here,” he said.

“The tunnels are secret, they wouldn't be mentioned,” Parminder said with slight exhasperation.

“No, but there would be hints,” Elias responded.

“Probably,” Parminder said. She hadn't read the history books, being focused on her Commerce and Law studies.

“Now, 9-7-4 for history in Australia...” Elias murmured, trying to recall the Linnae Classfication Numbers.

“I'm not stopping you,” Parminder said, still exhasperated.

Soon, Elias found a few books on the history of New Oxford, and one on the the history of the university. “And while I'm at it, one on the history of Kelsington International in Australia...”

“I doubt that would have pertinant information.”

“I'll find one that wasn't published by their publisher,” Elias shot back.

“That still wouldn't be helpful.”

“Something may have slipped through...”

Elias did find one book on the recent history of KI in Australia (published in the 90's, but it had to do), that was published by the Press Division of the University of New Monmouthshire (which was a university that still hadn't had KI's glance on it). He then went to borrow the books.

Elias borrowed the books. “I'm heading back to the College now, the agent should be gone,” he said to Parminder, who had followed him to the loans desk.

“I don't think that's a good idea,” Parminder objected.

“Why not?”

“Kelsington could be viewing the University from space,” Parminder whispered.

“Maybe, I'll keep under cover as much as possible,” Elias said.

That probably won't be enough.”

Words: 302

21st - 25th November 2015 Writings

Excerpt from: Reverse Map Game: 2014
The French Government considers crushing the breakaway states, but given the dire straights that France is in, they back down.

The Ethiopian Imperial Government signs a treaty that gives them membership in the Alliance for Order. However this is after (not before) they opportunistically invade the French colonies on their western border. This had happened after consideration of the Status of the French in their defence of their homeland. (Apparently not very good.)

Words: 74


Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy


“Just follow me,” Parminder said.

Elias then followed Parminder, up the stairs that were there, to a corridor that reminded him of the area above.

The KI agent re-entered the administration area of the College.

Words: 38

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: Season 8.5

I can work with that,” Laurel said.

While this was happening, the Doctor was deep within the British Library... He had been scanning through the books for hints of strange activity that he wouldn’t have been involved in. However, something had come up to distract him.

What’s that?” he asked the librarian.

Words: 52


Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

“Could you tell Elias Stanton and Parminder Sangha that I am looking for them,” she said.

“Weren't they here?” the administrator, Sarah Bryans, asked.

“They were,” the KI agent said with annoyance, “but they ignored me.”

“If they don't want to talk to you, there is nothing I can do about it,” Bryans said.

“I see,” the KI agent said. She stalked out of the college.

Once outside the college, the agent flipped open her mobile. “Alert!” She said. “I require immediate satellite redirection over the University of New Oxfordshire!”

What are we looking for.”

“Two students at the Mara Green College have vanished without a trace. I need to know if they emerge anywhere else on the campus.”

You suspect something?


In space, several Kelsington International sattelites changed their orbits, so as to be able to image the campus of the University of New Oxfordshire as per the agent's request.

Unknowing of the occurrences in space, Parminder had lead Elias to an area beneath the Dickens Library, the main library that served the University. “This is a subbasement beneath the library,” Parminder explained.

“It seems to be a secret part of the library,” Elias stated.

“That is true,” Parminder said guardedly.

“Tunnels beneath the entire university?”

“Yes, but you don't know where they all are.”

“The other colleges?”

“Of course,” Parminder answered.

“New Oxford?”

Words: 246

Excerpt from: Doctor Who: Ways Clara Oswald Survives the Raven
Ways that Clara Survives the Raven...

The Street
“Let me be brave,” Clara whispered. She looked down the street, and saw the raven flying towards her.

The Doctor looked on, his emotions in turmoil. How had it come to this? That Clara would be so reckless. He should have seen it coming. Should have stopped it. He should have found the Street by himself, and then called Clara and Rigsy in once he found Ashildr.

The raven approached Clara. Then penetrated her. It started doing it's work. She cried out, in pain. Such terrible pain. Smoke came from her mouth as she did so. She then fell to the ground. She was dead.

But after a few moments, something unexpected started to happen. “What?” the Doctor asked, hardly beleiving it.

“What is that?” Rigsy asked.

“Doctor!” Ashildr warned.

“I'm not doing it!” the Doctor said.

Golden energy had started emerging from Clara's body...

Words: 159


Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

“Also correct, Elias.”

Elias took this in. “Wow,” he said quietly. He looked Parminder in the eyes. “How did you find out?”

“You don't need to know that!” Parminder chastised.

“I guess not.”

The agent had taken a cab to the university's main cafeciducca. Her mobile rang. “Yes,” she said as she flipped it open.

One of the sattelites can see the campus now, no sign of either of those two students.”

Let me know when they are spotted.”

Words: 87

Total: 656