Saturday 29 July 2023

Church notes - 30th July 2023


Matthew 6:9 - 13



Psalm 133:1

Genesis 1:1, 2

John 1:1 - 3

All of the Trinity were involved in Creation.

Luke 3:21, 22

The Trinity is there. Three in one.

He is a community.

Genesis 2:15 - 25

Ephesians 2

The Cross - reconciliation with God and each other.

Matthew 22:36 - 40

John 17:11 - 19

Ecclesiastes 4:8 - 12

vs 10

There are times when we need the help of others.

vs 11

When you live in Community you need wamth

vs 12

When you live in community you will find protection.

Proverbs 17:27

Friends can support each other.

Galatians 6:2

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Thursday 27 July 2023

Convergence on Lawndale - Part 9

 Part 9

As Stacy returned to her seat, she tried to ignore Sandi’s glare. “What was that about, Stacy?” the latter asked.


“Um, nothing,” Stacy said.


“It’s not nothing,” Sandi said.


Stacy turned back to her work.



The Doctor approached the source of the interference. It looked like an ordinary stretch of street, with the usual suburban houses, much like the rest of Lawndale. There had to be someone using one of the houses as a base. He whipped out the sonic and walked along the street.



At the same time, Kim and Ron were also approaching the area. “This is the street,” Kim said.


“It just looks like an ordinary street,” Ron said.


“You should know by now that looks can be deceiving.”


“I know.”


Kim took out the Kimmunicator. “There is definitely something here.”


“So, we’re just going to walk along and narrow it down?”


Kim nodded.



The Doctor soon found it. “This is the place,” he murmured to himself, while looking at the two teenagers he had noticed out of the corner of his eye. There was something familiar about the girl, but he couldn’t place her.



Kim eyed the man with suspicion. He was certainly weird. “Do you know something about that house?” she asked.


“No,” he answered. “Something is in there that caused that flicker earlier.”


“That’s our conclusion,” Kim said, indicating Ron.


“That’s right,” Ron said with a nod.


“Well, you two can help me investigate,” the man said.


“You know more, don’t you?” Kim asked.


“Of course. But I guess that you know of a portal? One to Middleton perhaps?” the man asked.


“Yes?” Kim asked. “I’m Kim Possible, and this is my friend Ron Stoppable.”


“You can call me the Doctor.”


“Doctor who?” Ron asked.


“Just the Doctor.”


“Right,” Kim said.



The Doctor used his strange device to open the door. Kim recorded its sounds for Wade to analyse later. “Ladies first,” he said.


“Sure,” Kim said as she and Ron entered ahead of him.


The lounge room looked like an ordinary lounge room, but Kim’s experienced eye noticed some things that were off.


“Uncanny,” Ron commented. It was clear that he did too.


The Doctor followed them in. “Nobody is home,” he said as he waved his device about.


“Good,” Kim said. “We won’t be interrupted.”


“Wait!” Ron said.


“What?” the Doctor asked.


“Any pets or robots?” Kim asked.


“Of course,” the Doctor said. He ran another scan. “Oh!”


“What?” Ron asked. “Don’t tell me it’s monkeys.”


“No, not monkeys,” the Doctor answered. “That would be ridiculous.”


“Then what is it?” Kim asked as she glanced into the kitchen.


“Several cats, and two robots, both currently inactive.”


“We have to be careful, KP.”


“Of course,” Kim said. She was sure there was some kind of secret passageway behind one of the walls…



Ron was sure that there was something wrong with the house. It was giving him the creeps. More so than the ‘Doctor’ anyway. Rufus agreed with him. “Hh ha,” his little buddy said. He knew Kim knew it too. She was looking around with suspicion. She came to a decoration on the wall opposite the kitchen.


“I think this is it,” she said.




“I’m prepared for the possibility of traps, Ron,” Kim admonished.




Kim pressed the decoration button in and a portion of the wall slid aside. She brought the Kimmunicator up. “There is an increase in magnetic field strength, here.”


“Something that requires a Faraday Cage,” the Doctor commented. “Not something that an ordinary house would contain.”


“You’re right,” Kim said.


Ron had heard about it in Science. “So, it’s some kind of magnet?”


“Yes,” the Doctor said. “And it probably draws a lot of power.”


“So, it would cause that flicker. But that doesn’t explain what else may have happened,” Kim said. “But what else is new?”


There was a lot about the devices that their villains used that Ron didn’t understand.


The Doctor’s device gave off a sound. “Uh oh!”


“What?” Kim asked.


”The robots have activated,” the Doctor answered.


“I knew it was a trap!” Ron exclaimed.



The Doctor was annoyed at the boy’s panic, but he knew the pair’s future reputation. He knew that the portal lead to a point in time early their high school career.


“Don’t worry, Ron. Quickly!” Kim said.


“Right behind you, KP!” Ron followed her into the passage.


The Doctor also followed them and turned around at the entrance, ready to face off against those robots.



Kim looked at the metal walls around her. Whoever lived there, was probably someone much like any of the people she thwarted on a regular basis. ‘Great!’ she thought. She couldn’t find a light switch, forcing her to use the flashlight built into the Kimmunicator. “It’s likely to be in a basement.”


Ron nodded beside her. “Let’s go.”



Saturday 22 July 2023

Church notes - 23rd July 2023


Psalm 25

Hebrews 12:1 - 4

Romans 10:14, 15

Matthew 5:13 - 16

Genesis 2:8 - 17


- Self discipline

- Who we are

Jesus talked about the hypocracy and duplicity of the Pharisees.

How's your integrity?

Grace is giving people what they don't deserve.

Mercy is not giving people what they deserve.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil


The tree of life.

Saturday 15 July 2023

Church notes - 16th July 2023



Exodus 12:21 - 23



Matthew 22:36 - 50

Matthew 28:19, 20





Demonstrate God's love

To Worship God

A reset. It resets our focus to be on Him.

Psalm 116

Psalm 73

vs 2

Bad people appearing to prosper

vs 11

People mocking God and seeming to do well despite their warped worldview.

vs 17

Entering the sanctuary of God.

Their focus is off their preoccupations and on God.

A new reality.

vs 18

The other people are on slippery ground.

We need to be on a stable ground.

Things can change in an instant.

Worshipping God and seeing His love and mercy in our lives

God is worthy of being worshipped.

Selfishness is a barrier to worship.

1. Worship is my response to God's love.

He sent His Son to die for us.

2. Worship is giving back to God.

3. Worship expressing affection to God.

Hosea 6

Exodus 34: 

God is passionate about His relationship to us.

Romans 6:13

4. Worship is using my activities for God.

Colossians 5:35

Romans 12:1

Turn every aspect of your lives over to God.

Sunday 9 July 2023

Church notes - 9th July 2023


Ephesians 1:1 - 7

Ephesians 2:1 - 10

Acts 2:42 - 47

What is your purpose?

God has a purpose for all of us.

We are here for His purposes.

It is not about you!

Start with God!

Why are we here? What is my purpose?

Jeremiah 20:18

The purpose of life is greater than your fulfillment.

We are made to have a relationship with God.

Does my life have purpose.

2 Corinthians 5:1


Ephesians 2:1 - 10

vs 1

Spiritual deadness - transgressions and sin.

vs 2

Following Satan

vs 3

Self indulgent

Under divine judgement and righteous anger.

Results of rescue

vs 4

His great Love

His richness of mercy

vs 5

The miracle of new birth


- Favour

- Not a reward for good behaviour.

vs 10

Jesus is the purpose of our life.

Matthew 22:36 - 40

Matthew 28: 19, 20

Worship God




Demonstrate God's Love

Acts 2:42 - 47

Sunday 2 July 2023

The Youngest Barksdale - Part 8


Ten months earlier

When I told Mom about the classes she asked me to investigate the Principal as well as participate in them. I couldn’t ignore her request. I knew by then that there’s something up with Ms. Li. I did hear about what happened with Val. Back on topic.



Upon arriving at school, Quinn met her friends. She hadn’t yet told them about her mother’s suspicions about Ms. Li. She wasn’t sure that she would trust them to help. But with the previous night’s talk, she considered telling at least Stacy. She was sure that Sandi wouldn’t be helpful in that manner, given that it seemed that Sandi didn’t like the fact that she was trying to assert herself within the Fashion Club.


“Quinn!” Stacy called.


“Coming, Stacy,” Quinn said as she came over.


“So, Quinn, you think you going to get in?” Sandi asked.


“Yes!” Quinn said. She knew Sandi was just out for herself. She turned to Stacy. “Before the class I want to talk to you about something.”


“What?” Stacy asked.


“Not in front of Sandi,” Quinn whispered.




“What was that?” Sandi asked.


“You don’t need to know.”



As the Modelling class was later in the day, Stacy was able to take Quinn aside during lunch. “What was that earlier? Sandi has been glaring at me in some of the classes.”


“It’s about Ms. Li.”


“What about her?”


“Don’t you think it’s unusual for a High School to have Modelling agents visit?” Quinn asked.


“You’re right,” Stacy realised.


“And my Mom says that she has anecdotal evidence of other sketchy dealings.”


Quinn had already said that her mother was a lawyer. Many times. “That she can’t prove?”


“That’s right.”


“So, she wants you to use the classes to dig up dirt, as it were?”


Quinn nodded.


“Like, why does she want bulletproof skylights anyway?”


“No idea.”



“All right, ladies, your worst enemy is at the end of the catwalk. The one who stole your boyfriend. She has fallen and broken her leg. Your job is to tell her, without words, that you've come to watch them cut it off.”


‘Perfect motivation, there,’ Quinn thought as Sandi and Stacy walked out. She then followed them, after a plump girl.


“Ah, Quinn, that is excellent. You appear truly to be savoring another's misfortune,” Romonica praised.


“Thanks,” she responded with a glare.


“Now, girls, you're little kittens in an animal shelter. You have to look sad and helpless so someone will adopt you, or else it's kitty heaven.”


“That’s so sad,” Quinn commented.


“I get the idea that he's been there,” Stacy added.


“It’s certainly an interesting example,” Quinn considered.



The sessions started off well. Then…


Quinn saw Brittany crying in the audience as she came out on the stage. ‘Sorry Brittany,’ she thought, with a glance in Romonica’s direction.


“Girls, your runway work is truly superb. Now, let's try a little ensemble posing. Might we have some male volunteers from the audience?” Romonica asked.


She saw Joey, Jeffy and the other one come running onto the stage.


“Very good,” Romonica said. “Any more?”


Claude then called Kevin up on stage, and things went down hill from there.



She then had the boys strip off their shirts and for the girls to rub their chests. I made an excuse to run to the bathroom. It was then that Ms. Li called it off. I don’t know how Kevin was briefly employed by them.




Daria was shocked at what her niece had revealed. She said so. “Again, nothing directly against the Principal, just the Modelling Agency.”


“You’re right,” Quinn said. “They viewed us as something Vending, rather than who we are.”


“Vendible,” Daria corrected. “But you’re right.”


“I realised that later,” Quinn added.


“That’s Good, Quinn, but I’ll have to find something else to use.”


“True. In any case, I have some things to work on.”


“Trying to get through a game?” Daria asked as she turned to the bedroom door.


“Not just that,” Quinn said with a slight giggle


“Of course not,” Daria said in a lighter tone.


Saturday 1 July 2023

Church notes - 2nd July 2023



Romans 12:1 - 8

Romans 3:23

Romans 6:23

The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 10:9, 13

vs 1

Paul urges us.

God's mercy requires a response.

Our sins are dealt with.

'This text speaks to those who neglect or withold this sacrifice, this service, and reproaches them as unreasonable, unapproachable, indefensible, disobedient...'

vs 2

Moulds of the World.

A sense of selfishness. Focus on what one wants, on consumerism...

You can no longer follow the practices of this world.

We need to be teachable.

Come together as a community.

Relationships amongst God's people are crucial.

vs 3

If we are going to build meaningful relationships we must know ourselves.

vs 4 - 6

We are all different.

Diversity is God given.

We are dependent on each other.

1 Peter 4:10