Sunday 30 December 2018

Google + Content reposting - 27 Jul 2015

25 Ant-Man
A Marvel movie. Starring Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, Evangelline Lilly as Hope van Dyne, Paul Rudd as Scott Lang and Corey Stoll as Darren Cross. The story of a convicted burglar who is trying to go straight after being released from a state prison. However his attempt at going straight doesn't go well, with him loosing the job he gets. This leads to his unusual recruitment by Hank Pym, inventor and former SHIELD agent, for him to do a job. However, there is tension between Hank and his daughter, Hope over Lang's recruitment.
The reason for this recruitment, is that Pym's successor at the company Pym created is not someone who Pym trusts. The film's storyline is rather good, although there are some spots that seem out of place (for instance, early heist scenes, and Lang's confrontation with his ex-wife over vistation rights). Michael Douglas is great as Hank Pym, who wants to stop a threat arising from his work that would change the world for the worse. Corey Stoll is also great as the main antagonist who wants to use Pym's breakthrough for personal power.
All in all the film has very good effects (particularly in the miniaturisation scenes) and is a great addition to Marvel's repertoire. 8/10.

#antman   #marvel   #review  

Google + Content reposting - Jul 26 2015

Google + Content reposting - Jul 25 2015

Digital and Interactive Games, 2015, Term 3, Session 4
Today: - coloring block (wool, glass, pane)
bit specific block manipulation (door, bed)

Create a structure (building, statue, etc)

Create a new project for a plugin based on the cube1 project
implement three commands
1. make door (permission makedoor.use)
2. make bed (permission makebed.use)
3. BuildIt (permission buildit.use)


.setData( ) ← byte


TUT – Doors: A better understanding:

import  org.bukkit.Location;
import  org.bukkit.Material;
import  org.bukkit.World;
import  org.bukkit.block.Block;
import  org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import  org.bukkit.command.Command;
import  org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import  org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import  org.bukkit.entity.Player;

public  class MakeDoorCommand implements CommandExecutor {
  public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command arg1, String arg2,
  String[] arg3) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  if(!(sender instanceof Player)) return true;

  Player player = (Player) sender;
  Location loc = player.getLocation();

  BlockFace bf = TomUtililties.yawToFace(loc.getYaw(), false);
  BlockFace bf1 = null;
  BlockFace bf2 = null;

  byte doorface = 0x0;
  byte righthinge = 0x1;
  byte lefthinge = 0x0;
  if (bf == BlockFace.SOUTH) {
  bf1 = BlockFace.NORTH;
  bf2 = BlockFace.EAST;
  doorface = 0x3;
  } else if (bf == BlockFace.WEST) {
  bf1 = BlockFace.EAST;
  bf2 = BlockFace.SOUTH;
  doorface = 0x0;
  } else if (bf == BlockFace.NORTH) {
  bf1 = BlockFace.SOUTH;
  bf2 = BlockFace.WEST;
  doorface = 0x1;
  } else if (bf == BlockFace.EAST) {
  bf1 = BlockFace.WEST;
  bf2 = BlockFace.NORTH;
  doorface = 0x2;

  Block block = loc.getBlock();
  // right hand side
  block.getRelative(bf1, 1).setTypeIdAndData(64, (byte) (0x0 | doorface), true); // bottom half

  block.getRelative(bf1, 1).setTypeIdAndData(64, (byte) (0x8 | righthinge), true); // top half

  // left hand side
  block.getRelative(bf1, 1).getRelative(bf2, 1).setTypeIdAndData(64, (byte) (0x0 | doorface), true); // bottom half

  block.getRelative(bf1, 1).getRelative(bf2, 1).getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 1).setTypeIdAndData(64, (byte) (0x8 | lefthinge), true); // top half

Player player = (Player) sender;

player.sendMessage("Successfully execute makedoor");
  return true;
private void createABlock(Player p) {
World w = p.getWorld();

x 7 – 15
z around 5
1 – 3 types of material
One of wool, glass or pane must be used.
(Dye it)
Submit it as name
.setTypeId and Data

#gamedesign   #gameprogramming   #java   #minecraft   #plugins   #programming  

Google + Content reposting - Jul 19 2015

Church notes 19th July
Ephesians 2:1 - 10
God has us here because He has a plan for us in the expansion of His Kingdom

He has great patience for us.

D Desire
E Environment
S Spiritual Gifts
I Individuality
G Growth
N Natural Gifts

#church   #ephesians   #spritualgifts  

Google + Content reposting - Jul 18 2015

Digital and Interactive Games 2015 – Term 3, Session 2
Create your first plugin
Create a plugin with one simple command

Link file


Totally open source

Plugin Tutorial

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo W18001_zpsrmufgdhm.png"/></a>

public final class pluginTutorial extends JavaPlugin


import org.bukkit.Bukkit;


Command Tutorial

My Command

getCommand(“myCommand”).setExecuter(new myCommandCommand());

onEnable() → main Plugin reference sent
Link new command
. Command
. Class
. . on Command() reference received

if (!sender instanceOf Player) {
} else {
Player player = (Player) sender;
player.sendMessage(“You type my command”);
return true;


Next week manipulating blocks

Week 3 manipulating timing

Create a plugin based on your .yml
Search Bukkit for similar plugins
read the docs
what needs to be improved

#gamedesign   #gameprogramming   #java   #minecraft   #programming   #yaml  

Google + Content reposting - Jul 7 2015

Beta Request
Title: A Hobbit's Quest for Knowledge: Prologue
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings
Summary: Near the end of the sixth century of the Fourth Age, a young Hobbitess has decided to research information that the Red Book of Westmarch doesn't cover.

#betarequest   #fanfiction   #hobbits   #thelordoftherings  

Note: fanfic is already on

Saturday 29 December 2018

Rise of Weirdness - Part 45

November 17th, 2019:
A strange ship appears in a burst of cherenkov radiation in Earth orbit. The various Homeworld Nations go into a higher state of alert until they realise that the newcomer isn't hostile. The ship is from the colony at Alpha Centauri. Since the colony's establishment, they have been working on a method of Faster Than Light drive.
They had finally succeeded. Of course, magic is involved. In much the same way as magic had been used since '72 for manipulating gravity, magic is used for the distortion of space-time required for Faster Than Light travel. Of course, machinery, incantations and Transformed magic users are required. The more powerful those are, the better. (Of course, the microstorms have to be larger too, more like a 'millistorm'.) The ambassador from Centauri to the United Nations is aboard...

It was quiet on the Klytia II's bridge as they approached the Homeworld. Captain Sigrun Olafdoittir was nervous. The contact was likely to go wrong. She knew that the nervousness was growing into anxiety. Still, she had spent the past three days going over various contact scenarios, so she was sure the crew were as prepared as they could be. She looked at the screen on her 'armrest' console. They had entered the Field of Arbol and would arrive in less than two minutes.

Navigator Rani Kaur was ready as the Klytia II made it's final approach. 'Twenty Seconds,' she thought as she input the commands to make a turn such that the ship made a curve into the ecliptic. 'Fifteen seconds,' she input the command to slow to sublight, and enter a geosynchronous orbit.
Report,” Captain Sigrun ordered once she saw Earth to one side through the viewport screen.

A geosynchronous orbit has been achieved,” Kaur reported.

No direct signals yet, neither by radio nor by Spellspace,” the communications officer, Sarina Singh, reported.

White House, Columbia
President Wells was alone in the Oval Office when the hotline phone began to ring. He picked it up. “Mr. President, some kind of ship has appeared in orbit...” came the report of the commanding officer at NORAD.

That was one of the last things he wanted to hear, that the Offworlders had gotten a cloaking spell to work on a large object. “Any more detail?” he asked.

None,” the General reported, “other than it appeared in a manner that is not indicative of any known cloaking spell.”

Is it targeted yet?” the President asked.

Most batteries are still moving into position, but should you order it gone. It will be.”

Klytia II
The United States has acquired weapons lock, but still hasn't tried to contact us,” the tactical officer, Olaf Signurdsson, reported.

Noted,” Captain Sigrun reported.

We're now receiving a message via Spellspace, from Aphrodite.”


This is Aphrodite Council to unknown Ship state your intentions towards this world.”

A little full of themselves, aren't they?” Kaur asked.

A little,” Captain Sigrun said. “I shall reply.”

Aye, Captain,” Singh said. “Channel open.”

This is Captain Sigrun Olafdottir of the Klytia II, representing the Union of Centauri.”

Centauri, there is no such state,” the Aphrodite representative stated.

The original colonists who left 73 Klytia had brought with them to Alpha Centauri the knowledge of the stellarpolitical situation in the Field of Arbol at the time of departure. As such, Captain Sigrun knew that Aphrodite had one of the best Intelligence Services. “That's because it exists at Alpha Centauri,” she responded.

Alpha Centauri?


Wait a few moments.”

Any other signals?” Captain Sigrun asked Singh.

None, as of yet,” Singh answered.

The Soviet Union has also acquired weapons lock,” Kaur reported.

Confirmed,” the Aphrodite representative reported.

November 18th, 2019:
Having met with paranoia from the Homeworld leaders, the Centauri ship sends a module back to Centauri. (A backup drive in case something went wrong with the primary. They still haven't worked out faster than light communication.)

November 18th - 26th, 2019:
There is deadlock in the UN regarding the Centauri ship, which remains in orbit.

November 22nd, 2019:
The backup module from the Klytia II arrives back at the Centauri colony. The leaders are shocked at the description of the events that are occuring in the Sol System. They give the order to share the information on the FTL drive.

November 26th, 2019:
The backup module returns to Earth (The FTL drive at this point in time has a maximum sustainable velocity of 360 c). Soon after redocking occurs, the crew release the all the information regarding the FTL drive onto the internet and into Spellspace...

November 26th - 28th, 2019:
Attempts to suppress the information on the FTL drive fail. It has gone viral...

December 2nd, 2019:
Kootingal is the first spaceborn village to leave the Solar System via FTL. They certainly wouldn't be the last.

December 4th, 2019
Netta releases another hit 'Just in Time for Hanukkah'.

December 7th, 2019
A tenth of Cerestown's population leaves aboard several ships (where FTL drives are under construction.)

December 10th, 2019:
United States forces attempt a forcible boarding of the Centauri ship. The US ships are damaged by the ship entering FTL in close proximity... The damage done, they head home...

December 11th - 20st:
More Transformed communities leave the Solar System. Mostly to get away from the prejudice of the Home System (not that that would succeed), but also to explore what's out there.

December 14th, 2019:
Kootingal arrives at Epsilon Eridani. They find the system uninhabited.

December 15th, 2019
The Langaris is the first ship to arrive at Bernards Star. This system is also uninhabited.

23 December 2019
The settlement at Copernicus Crater, the oldest Offworld settlement, lifts off the Moon. Almost immediately they enter FTL...

Church notes in 2018













Church notes - 30th December 2018

30th December - sermon notes without those from the rest of the month.
Luke 9:33

'Blessed Be Your Name':
'Alive in Us':

John 16:5 - 18

'Broken Vessels':

Names of God
What is God like?
There are many misconceptions
We can only know Him through what He has revealed.
Through creation

Jn 16:13

Through His Names

Psalm 23

Through Jesus
Through His Word

Jesus came to erase our misconceptions about God.
- These misconceptions enslave people.
The Things He taught.
He exploded the myth that God is cold and uncaring.
If you want to know what God is like; look at Jesus

Jesus came to express the love of God.
John 3:16

Ephesians 2:4, 5

Jesus came to enable a relationship with God.

Galatians 3: 26

Genesis 22:9 - 14
God Provides
Forshadowing Jesus' sacrifice - Provision of God's Son.

'The Splendour of the King':

Church notes - December 2018

On LiveJournal:
On Dreamwidth:

Friday 28 December 2018

Google + Content reposting - 21 June 2015

Digital and Interactive Games 2015, Term 2, Week 9, Session 1
Mastermind continued


int correctPlace = 0;
int correctColour = 0;

if new(i) = puzzle(i)


#include "Square.h"


void Square::setUp(float size, ID2D1SolidColorBrush* brush) {
    this->size = size;
    setLocation(halfSize, halfSize);

void Square::setLocation(float x, float y) {
    location.x = x;
    location.y = y;
    rect = D2D1_RECT_F(/*
        D2D1::Point2F(location.x, location.y),
        location.x - halfSize, location.y - halfSize, location.x + halfSize, location.y + halfSize*/

void Square::update(GameTime gameTime) {
    velocity.setX(velocity.getX() + getAccelerationX());
    velocity.setY(velocity.getY() + getAccelerationY() + getGravity());
    setLocation(static_cast<float>(location.x + velocity.getX() * static_cast<float>(gameTime.getElapsedTime())),
        static_cast<float>(location.y + velocity.getY() * static_cast<float>(gameTime.getElapsedTime())));

void Square::draw(ID2D1HwndRenderTarget* renderingTarget) {
    renderingTarget->DrawRectangle(rect, brush, strokeWidth);
    renderingTarget->FillRectangle(rect, brush);


#include “Square.h”

background = new image(“media/Mastermind 002.png”)

#cplusplus #gamedesign   #gameprogramming   #java   #mastermind   #programming   #tafe  

Google + Content reposting June 14 2015

Church notes: 14th June
Matthew 7:13 - 23
There are only two roads
Only one leads to God.
The other - the easy way to destruction
The narrow way that leads to God - it is difficult but it also leads to Eternal Life!

False Prophets - Don't be paranoid, but also don't think that it happens at some other place or some other time.
Recognise them by their fruit and deeds
- Character and conduct
- - Selfish?
- - Not patient or kind
- - Their character doesn't rememble that of Christ
Do they teach in accordance with Scripture?
Influence - the effect on others

Truth builds up
Error is destructive

We need to choose to be different to all others, because Jesus is in our lives.
The Truth - our obedience

#church   #matthew7   #sermononthemount  

Google + Content reposting June 13 2015

Digital and Interactive Games 2015 – Term 2, Week 8, Session 2
Today – Spawn Object & Remove Object


it = at(2)

1.    if declaring
        std::vector<objects> objects
    use the clean up
        delete __
        erase __


Change from elipse to rectangle

2.    Create a square object
    & implement necessary methods and fields (similar to Ball)

3.    Spawn at least 50 of your objects

4.    Clean up and delete objects on the fly

2.    D2D – microsoft site

location.x - ½ width
location.y - ½ width
location.x + ½ width
location.y + ½ width

CreateViewBox(25.f, 100.f, 350.f, 400.f);
CreateViewBox(400.f, 100.f, 250.f, 400.f);

#pragma once
#ifndef _SQUARE_H
#define _SQUARE_H
#include <d2d1.h>
#include "DrawingObject.h"
#include "GameTime.h"
class Square :
    public DrawingObject
    D2D1_RECT_F rect;
    float size{ 1.f };
    float halfSize{ size / 2 };


    void setUp(float, ID2D1SolidColorBrush*);
    void draw(ID2D1HwndRenderTarget*);
    void update(GameTime);
    void setLocation(float, float);
    float setSize() { return size; }


#include "Square.h"


void Square::setUp(float size, ID2D1SolidColorBrush* brush) {
    this->size = size;
    setLocation(halfSize, halfSize);

void Square::setLocation(float x, float y) {


#cplusplus   #gamedesign   #gameprogramming   #programming   #tafe  

Thursday 27 December 2018


Actually, Miles Morales is actually half African American, half Hispanic.

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Rise of Weirdness - Stage 8

Part 41 - 2011:,

Part 42 - 2012, 2013:,

Part 43 - 2014, 2015:

Part 44 - 2016 - 2019:,

Rise of Weirdness - Part 44

February 23, 2016:
State of Arizona passes legislation banning secession of cities/municipalities in reaction to the "Greater Exodus", sparking international attention,...

March 4, 2016:
Zootopia by Walt Disney/Pixar makes its hit debut, promoted as an optimistic pro-Transformed/ pro-Furries "vision of the future",...

March 18, 2016:
Port of Dailan transports itself into space in an effort to protest government policies, triggering civil unrest and panic across China,....

March 19, 2016:
Riots erupt across China as the port city of Dalian disappears, fueling anti-Transformed sentiment across the Pacific Rim,....

April 7, 2016:
Finding Love in the Feild of Arbol Offworlder romance starring Trevina Ellis and David Watts sympathizing with the plight of Transformed refugees trafficked into the Offworlder colonies,....

April 11, 2016:
Pope Francis I openly discusses the issue of same-sex unions before the College of Cardinals, discussing the need for tolerance and acceptance of "all of God's children",....

April 23, 2016:
Chinese city of Kangbashi transports itself into space, triggering fears of the political collapse of China, fueling civil unrest worldwide,...

May 17, 2016:
Despite massive progress in civil rights and development, 78 countries worldwide including Mozambique actively criminalize Transformed persons, according to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International,.

May 23, 2016:
Filipino President Rody Duterte declares martial law, after attacks by aswang (Filipino vampires) in Mindanao, fuelinging civil unrest and violence,.

June 12, 2016:
(insert name here) kills 53 Transformed at a nightclub in (insert place here), sparking outrage,...

June 16, 2016:
European leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkle and Anglo-French Prime Minister David Cameron veto plans to register and report all "Offworld conflict resources", fueling tensions amongst world leaders,.

June 30, 2016:
Soviet Premier Gennady Zyuganov signs legislation in Moscow, banning "Transformed/ neo-pagan propaganda" sparking international condemnation,

Peter Wells is proclaimed as the Republican nominee for the Presidential Election.

July 13, 2016:
Transformed leaders form the (insert name here) movement after the police shooting death of (insert name here) in (insert city here),...

July 18, 2016:
Senator Sarah Palin (R-AL) is named as the Vice-Presidential candidate on the Republican ticket, at the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, with many seeing the move as a reaction to the Michelle Obama Administration,....

July 28, 2016:
Nerissa Neverton becomes the first openly Transformed person on a presidential ticket, fueling racial and sectarian tensions during the election,

September 6, 2016:
Terror from Offworld film directed by Use Boll is banned from theatres after riots erupt in major cities across the European Union including Warsaw, Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussels, investigations report evil mystical energies of a possible curse around the film...

September 9, 2016:
Transformed rapper Aaron Hall sparks international controversy as the "crossover artist" after making his debut on the Arsenio Hall Show (CBS-TV)

October 4, 2016:
Residents of Auchencairn, Scotland report attacks by poltergeists, fueling civil unrest and panic across the region,....

November 8, 2016:
Peter Wells wins the U.S. Presidential elections by a thin margin, with opposition leaders almost calling for a recount,...

December 4, 2016:
Terminus Event; Disney/Touchstone executives report strange and disturbing behavior in droids in Anaheim, California and Orlando, Florida, killing 15 guests and park executive Michael Eisner, sparking concerns of an legal liability,....

December 12, 2016:
Atlantean city is discovered under 2.1 miles of ice at Carlini Base on Ross Ice Shelf, fueling tensions with the State of Aphrodite,...

December 14, 2016:
Swedish Prime Minister Gustav Fridolin reports a massive military buildup along the Soviet-Swedish border from Stockholm, Sweden, fueling tensions with NATO and the European Union against the Soviet Union,.....

January 18, 2017:
Chinese government panics after the entire city of Yueyang transports itself into space, triggering civil unrest and violence,...

January 25, 2017:
Military official report the discovery of "vimanas" at Ross Ice Shelf, escalating the political and military crisis in the region,...
January 22, 2017:
Scientist (insert name here) of (insert place here) confirms the existence of an interdimensional realm of (insert place here)

January 26, 2017:
United States Space Force (USSF) uncover a 20km monolith on Saturn's moon Iaeptus, sparking international attention and concern, further fueling concerns about the extent of alien life in the known solar system,....

January 31, 2017:
Birmingham Riots; President Wells announces the deployment of the National Guard to Birmingham, Alabama, in an effort to prevent the city from joining the "Greater Exodus",...

February 1, 2017:
State and federal police law enforcement agencies launch a crackdown on Travis County, Texas, which is threatening to secede as city, launching into space,...

February 2, 2017:
Were-being "Foxler Nightfire" proclaims the "superiority of the species" in a Transformed "Furred Reich" rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota,...

State of Georgia passes legislation banning secession of cities/municipalities in reaction to the "Greater Exodus", sparking international attention,...

February 8, 2017:
State of Tennessee passes legislation banning secession of cities/ municipalities in reaction to the "Greater Exodus", sparking international attention,...

February 20, 2017:
Tensions mounts as municipal leaders consider the issue of Montreal, Quebec joining the "Greater Exodus" angering social and religious conservatives,...

March 16, 2017:
U.S., Soviet, Anglo-French and Chinese military forces gather at Villa des Estrellas, State of Aphrodite, reporting evidence of "pre-Adamite" civilization under Ross Ice Shelf,...

April 17, 2017:
FBI agents raid "Yes,California" campaign offices in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Stockton, and San Diego, citing links to the Soviet Union; Local politicians claim this is an attempt to arrest political opponents of the Wells Administration,....

April 21, 2017:
"Side B" album by Christina Grimmie, makes its hit musical debut, topping the Billboard charts,....

May 7, 2017:
Wikileaks takes credit for the leaking of Anglo-French Union e-mails in London and Paris, citing Offworlder/Transformed colonies; Later investigation confirms that the leaks were actually performed by the Soviet Union in an act of cybernetic warfare,....

May 7, 2017:
State of Texas passes legislation banning secession of cities in reaction to the "Greater Exodus", sparking international attention,

May 18, 2017
Offworlder representatives report that their citizens are being mistreated in the Leningrad Free Trade Zone.

May 20, 2017:
CEO Steve Bezos, calls for the relocation of factories to the lunar surface in an effort to help boost space colonisation, and to also preserve and repair Earth's environment, during a TED talk in Mountain View, California,.

June 9, 2017:
"All is Vanity" pop music album by Christina Grimmie makes its hit musical debut...

July 15, 2017:
Afrikaner leader Pieter Groenewald warns the United Nations General Assembly, that the Offworlder colonies will erupt in civil war, unless the United Nations starts "cracking down on troublemakers...",.

July 19, 2017:
Cornwall, England announces its transport into space, triggering calls for a "State of Emetgency" by British officials,

April 19, 2017:
Streets of Armstrong City #1 (Marvel Comics) a "new era" is introduced with the introduction of the character Ultimate Girl from Armstrong City into the Marvel Universe,.

August 21, 2017:
Ambrosia Plasma (AP) is established in San Francisco, California, granting practical life extension utilizing the blood transfusions from children and younger patients, targeting residents of the Third World, without fears of transforming into a vampire or one of the undead,....

August 26, 2017:
Rohingya ARSA guerillas launch the massacre of Ah Nuk, Myanmar using orbiting villages as platforms for terrorist attacks,...

October 1, 2017:
Disgruntled mage (insert name here) kills 59 people during a concert in (insert place here)

October 10, 2017:
Catalonian government led by Roger Torrent proclaims national independence after a national referendum in Barcelona; Spanish and Anglo-French Union leaders claim the referendum is invalid, threatening to launch a military crackdown,

October 17, 2017:
Scientists claim the pyramids in Antarctica are 100+ million years old, fueling speculation about the artifacts uncovered,

October 20, 2017:
Geostorm featuring former President Al Gore popularizes the "Global Superstorm Theory" regarding the rise in extreme weather across the globe, sparking international attention and concern,...

October 25, 2017:
Soviet leaders proclaim the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution and the rise of the Soviet Union, with celebrations in major cities, sparking international attention and concern,....

Octobee 30, 2017:
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is accused of fueling antagonism in Romania, by promoting its garlic sauce as "vampire repellant" in Bucharest,

December 6, 2017:
U.S. President Peter Wells condemns the "State of Aphrodite" as supporting terrorism during a televised address in Washington D.C., much to the concern of the Soviet Union and the Anglo-French Union and China,..

December 12, 2017:
Greenpeace and the Sierra Club announces protests against CERN experiments regarding the possible breach of the dimensional barrier in cities across Europe, demanding a halt to planned breaches,....

December 28, 2017:
Scientists led by Richard Turner at CERN announce the possible breach of the dimensional barrier for the Anglo-French Union,...

February 4, 2018:
Hugh Jackman is elected Australian Prime Minister based on a progressive platform, sparking international attention,...
Soviet officials disclose that they have conducted mock nuclear strikes against the Scandinavian Peninsula; Swedish Prime Minister Gustav Fridolin warns that the country is "prepared for war", fueling political and military tensions in the region,...

March 8, 2018:
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan angers the Wells Administration, after warning of impending raids against Transformed communities,...

March 21, 2018:
Swedish officials report Soviet Mig-22s flying over the Gotland region; Swedish officials report that emergency fallout shelters are ready for operations,....

April 5, 2018:
Vice-President Sarah Palin warns "Progressives, liberals, Transformed and neo-pagans are basically socialist and aligned with the Soviet Union" during a rally in Des Moines, Iowa,...

May 14, 2018:
Alaskan Jewish singer Netta Barzilai makes her hit debut with the song "Toy" , becoming one of the top music industry leaders.

May 20, 2018:
Police and local officials report "violent and suspicious activities" by "love dolls" in Tokyo, Japan, triggering concerns about the safety of clients and the local community,

Swedish Prime Minister Gustav Fridolin warns the Soviet delegation that invading Sweden "would quickly turn into a nightmare", fueling tensions between the United States and Soviet Union,.....

May 23, 2018:
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman dies in Riyadh, triggering a succession crisis for Saudi Arabia,.

June 3, 2018:
A majority of humanity, either Transformed or Bland, are born in Offworlder colonies, weakening the political and cultural ties between the Homeworld and the colonies,...

June 5, 2018:
Golden State Warriors led by Stephen Curry beat the Cleveland Cavaliers, 101-92 the NBA Finals; Lebron James announces his move to join the Los Angeles Lakers, shocking most NBA fans,..

June 29, 2018:
Valley Girl independent comedy starring Chloe Wang, Ashleigh Murray, and Logan Paul makes its hit film debut, with a major soundtrack sales blitz,

September 16, 2018:
Proclamation of Cerestown; Offworlder leaders led by Melinda Jameson condemn the military policies of the United Nations Expeditionary Forces (UNEF) at Pallasgrad.

24 September 2018
In Australia, Telstra’s Social Network service, Bigpond Social, starts operating.

September 26, 2018
The United States exploratory submarine USS Nautilis discovers a part of the Library of Alexandria, leading to an international incident.

October 13, 2018:
Human purist organization Keep Arbol Human League lays claim to Mercury proclaiming a "racial holy war",....

November 25, 2018:
Offworlder singers Wendy Pallamore and Debbie Roberts from Pallasville spark controversy by promoting the illegal potions trade throughout the known solar system,...

November 7, 2019:
Another Italian Prime Minister resigns...