Friday 31 August 2018

August 2018 Overall

August Overall

July Overall:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 7:

Church notes - 5th August 2018:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 8:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 9:

Math101 - Lecture 13 review:

Church notes - 12th August 2018:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 10:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 11:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 12:

Mission Impossible: Fallout review:

Church notes - 19th August 2018:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 13:

Church notes - August 2018:

Church notes - 26 August 2018:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 14:

Rise of Weirdness - Stage 1:

Changes in Time and Space - Chapter 31:

Robin Hood (1973) rating:

Rise of Weirdness - Part 15:

Saturday 18 August 2018

Church notes - 19th August 2018

19th August
Psalm 99

Matthew 24:1 - 14
WEC - established 1913
A third of the world hasn't heard of Jesus.

STOMP - Short Term Overseas Missionary Program
e.g. to East Timor in October

Is not to be taken lightly

Missionary - you being you somewhere else

Matthew 24:1 -14
vs 1
The Disciples pointing out the ornate design of the Temple buildings
They didn't expect Jesus' response! He says 'Take your eyes off the buildings, pay attention to your heart!
He is more focused on our hearts than on outward show.

The last days
Deceptions, wars, wickedness
vs 14
All nations will hear the Word.
The certainty of the message
Certainty - It will be preached
The recipients of the message
16000 people groups
7000 haven't heard of Jesus!
Mongolia - 40000 believers
Japan: Prayer - Mrs S. - stumbling block. Pressure from the local Buddhist community has caused her to flee her community. Thus other's who may come to know Christ haven't her presence to encourage them...

The promise of the Message
Revelation 7:9, 10

Will you take up the challenge of sharing the love of Christ with people and the difference He's made in your life?

Are you open to going whereever the Lord asks you to go?

Monday 6 August 2018

Rise of Weirdness - Part 8

September 7, 1941
More Tablets are stolen from the British Museum by Italian agents...

September 11, 1941:
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Aleister Crowley invoke the demon lord "Aiwass" to aid Allied forces in London,...

October 15, 1941
An "Orichalum" meteorite crashes on the south shore of Martha's Vineyard...

October 20, 1939:
Mystic Georges Battaille is executed by German occupation forces in Paris; Patrick Waldberg is called upon to lead the mystical resistance movement,....

October 31, 1941:
Nordegg Mine Disaster; Canadian officials report a strange underground attack at the Nordegg, Alberta mines, killing 29 people,...

November 1, 1941:
German forces unleash werewolves against Soviet forces at Vynnitsia, Ukraine SSR, delivering a major blow to Allied forces,...

December 10, 1941:
Guru Subbaraya Shastri of Bangalore, India proclaims the discovery of "vimana" as an "ordained miracle" in a radio message, sparking international attention and concern about the Eurasian Continent,....

December 22, 1941:
German/Indian "vimanas" strafe and bomb New York City, New York, cutting the Brooklyn and Queensborough Bridges, shocking many Americans,...

Sunday 5 August 2018

Church notes - 5th August 2018

5th August
Psalm 1

'Lift Up Your Voices':
'Only a Holy God':

For the farmers struggling financially and with their mental health due to the severe drought in the western regions of New South Wales and Queensland.
Members of the Baptist Church congregation struggling with cancer.

'How Deep the Father's Love For Us':

Psalm 15

Good choices are decisions that help you head into the direction in which you want to go. Bad choices on the other hand, end up being counterproductive and quickly begin spirilling into stress, confusion and despair.
- Psychology Today

'10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)':

Good Choices, Bad Choices
Psalm 1:1
The influence and advice of people we associate with affect our choices
e.g. the Media.
The righteous person meditates upon God's word

Meditate - root word: to mutter


Psalm 1:3
Psalm 1:4
A picture of Judgement
Matthew 3:12

Psalm 15
vs 3
Often we wrong people by our speech. e.g. Gossip
Where our allegience lies
vs 4
Ps 37:10
Proverbs 8:13

Ps 15:4
All healthy relationships are built on trust. God is faithful in keeping His word
vs 5

Psalm 133
God values unity

John 17:23

Ephesians 4:1 - 16

Ps 133
A picture of extravegance
Make choices based on God's word
Make choices based on righteousness
Make choices that promote unity


Friday 3 August 2018

Rise of Weirdness - Part 7

May 10, 1941:
Astrologer Louis de Wohl advises U.S. Army officials under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in breaking KKK and Non-Partisan League positions...

May 17, 1941:
Georges Bataille and Louis Couturier lead a mystical defense of Paris against German defense, fueling international attention,...

May 23, 1941
A German agent captures a Sumerian Tablet from a Soviet base in Lithuania.

Adolph Hitler announces that he has secured Babylonian tablets via Arab leaders including Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani in Baghdad, sparking tensions as the Axis proclaims control over vast mystical resources,....

May 31, 1941:
Indian Nationalist Army (INA) uncover a "vimana" (magic flying vehicles) in Orissa, India, providing the Axis a major weapon against the Allies in the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters of War;.....

Georges Bataille calls for mystics to unite with the Allied cause and to continue resistance against German occupation in Paris,....

5th June 1941:
North and South Dakota gain independence from the USA and form the People's Republic of Dakota.

June 21, 1941:
Heinrich Himmler and William Wulf announce successful developments in alchemical research at Dachau, with promise of gold and petroleum creation,...

June 22, 1941:
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, with Aleister Crowley, sign a demonic pact with the demon lord "Choronzon" in London, sealing the fate of Great Britain,...

June 30, 1941
By this time, 3,000 Jews are living in Anchorage.

July 2, 1941
The French resistance, drive German occupiers out of the centre of Dijon.

July 12, 1941:
KKK militia members proclaim that they have "liberated" the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area, sparking national attention and concern,.

July 18, 1941:
Karl Johannes Germer is recruited by Heinrich Himmler to head up occult warfare operations in Heidelberg, Germany,...

August 4, 1941
A battle occurs in the Parisian Metro as French resistance forces attempt to drive the Nazi's out from a part of the city.

August 28, 1941:
President Franklin D. Roosevelt ends the FCC ban on astrologers after being advised by Edgar Cayce, in Washington D.C.,....