Saturday 22 August 2015

Church notes - 23rd August

23rd August
Ephesians 4:7 - 16

Eph 4:1

Don't be consumers, be contributors. It is not just about meeting our own needs.

Gentle - power under control
Bearing with one another
All of these ensure unity.

vs 7
Everyone has received the gift.
We are gifted in different ways

The comma was controversial
We are to build each other up
The Pasters aren't to do everything themselves.
All others are to help each other in ministry.

To Prepare God's people for works of service
'So that the body of Christ might be built up'

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Sunday 16 August 2015

2014 November Writings 17


Excerpts from: The Many Doctors

The Doctor opened a bulkhead door, and went through, followed by his companions.
Two men and a woman ran towards them.

“Oi you two!” a young man said.

“Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?” the woman asked.

“Are you police?” the man who had spoken earlier asked.

“Why would we be police?” the Doctor asked.

“We got your distress signal,” Martha said.

“If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?”

“It went dead four minutes ago,” the woman said.

“So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering, Captain.”

“Secure Closure active,” the computer said.

… … … … ...

“Why are you asking your past self?” the male companion said.

“Because, I don't remember seeing her in this incarnation. Time is being rewritten,” the older Doctor said.

“Isn't it always being rewritten? In this universe, anyway?” #Ezri asked.

“No, not always,” the older Doctor said.

“The Time Lords reverse the alterations that come to their notice,” the younger Doctor said, with irony.

“What happened when she appeared?” the older Doctor asked.

“She continued to travel with me for a while,” the younger Doctor answered.


Words: 206

Excerpt from: #Daria 2097

, and put it on.

Virtual 1111 Glen Oaks Lane
Daria appeared in the virtual representation of her room (Not that it was the only one.)

Words: 26
Total: 234

Sunday 9 August 2015

2014 November Writings 21


Excerpt from: (Mostly) Silent Reverse Mapgame: 2014

The split is amicable. Australia allows the Hawaiian's to continue to use the Pine Gap Signals Intelligence facility to the north of Alice Springs, and give them Air Force base on Diego Garcia...

The 'Space Race'
The Hardingists beat the Pact to the Moon. Their Apollo 11 lands in the Sea of Tranquility, ahead of the Commonwealth/Russian Soyuz-Hermes 6C. Neil Armstrong is the first man on the Moon.

Words: 69

Excerpt from: The Queens in the Shire

It was a bright sunny day in northern Narnia.

Words: 9

Excerpt from: Maglor and the Hobbit

It was a bright sunny day in Hobbiton. Up at Bag End, Hamfast Gamgee finished pruning a particularly large rose bush... He turned around and looked at the garden. It looked great. It had been a satisfying day of work.
Words: 41

Excerpt from: Back to the Future... Of the Shire

He turned around and looked at the garden. It looked great. It had been a satisfying day of work. He walked around to the front door, and let himself in. “Mr. Frodo?” He found Frodo in the writing room.

Words: 39

Friday 7 August 2015

Church notes - 9 November 2014

Church notes
9 November
Pray for - least reached people groups.
7064 least reached people groups (some groups counted once for each nation they occur in).
Nearly 3 Billion people haven't heard of Jesus!

Colossians 4:3
2 Corinthians 4:4
Ephesians 1:7
2 Peter 3:9
Matthew 6:10
2 Thesselonians 3:1

'Saviour, Lead me to the Cross'

Philippians 3:1 - 11
Confidence can be placed in the completely wrong things. (e.g. The favourite for the 2014 Melbourne Cup, who came last, and then died!)

We cannot have confidence in the flesh.

'Dogs' - Judaisers
    - Those who believed that one had to be Jewish before becoming Christian...

We are circumcised in the heart
- What matters is what our attitude is

Deuteronomy 10:16
Deuteronomy 30:6
Romans 2

God is interested in what is in our hearts.
The Judaisers had confidence in the flesh

Philippians 3:3 - 6
Paul accounted his past as loss. He only had confidence in Jesus.

John 3:16

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Excerpts from: The Many Doctors

The Doctor opened a bulkhead door, and went through, followed by his companions.
Two men and a woman ran towards them.

“Oi you two!” a young man said.

“Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?” the woman asked.

“Are you police?” the man who had spoken earlier asked.

“Why would we be police?” the Doctor asked.

“We got your distress signal,” Martha said.

“If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?”

“It went dead four minutes ago,” the woman said.

“So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering, Captain.”

“Secure Closure active,” the computer said.

… … … … ...

“Why are you asking your past self?” the male companion said.

“Because, I don't remember seeing her in this incarnation. Time is being rewritten,” the older Doctor said.

“Isn't it always being rewritten? In this universe, anyway?” #Ezri asked.

“No, not always,” the older Doctor said.

“The Time Lords reverse the alterations that come to their notice,” the younger Doctor said, with irony.

“What happened when she appeared?” the older Doctor asked.

“She continued to travel with me for a while,” the younger Doctor answered.


Words: 206

Excerpt from: #Daria 2097

, and put it on.

Virtual 1111 Glen Oaks Lane
Daria appeared in the virtual representation of her room (Not that it was the only one.)

Words: 26
Total: 234

Sunday 2 August 2015

Kill the Moon (DW 8.07) Live Reactions repost

Kill The Moon Live Reactions

1. 2049! That's close...

2. The Doctor's upset Courtney! Clara's upset about that...

3. Artificial Gravity? (landing on the moon...)

4. Shuttle on the Moon...

5. Shoot the girl first, Doctor?

6. What is the matter with the moon?

7. Tides swallowing whole cities? That's not good...

8. A Mexican mining survey?

9. Does this follow directly on from 'The Caretaker'?

10. Mexican mining survey in 2039?

11. Is Courtney OK?

12. How are they going to get off the Moon in that Shuttle?

13. Moonquakes?

14. What is that?

15. What is making that sound?

16. Moon Spiders...

17. (Well, there's your Large Spiders in Modern Who, Cameron.)

18. Some moments that the Doctor can't see?

19. So the Second Doctor serial won't happen?

20. Evolving... (Just adapting...)

21. Pictures on Tumblr

22. Where is the mass coming from?

23. And he takes off...

24. So, Clara asked all of humanity (or all of humanity where the moon is in the sky, (Europe, and eastwards..)

25. Light's off.

26. A new moon...

27. Clara...