Sunday 29 September 2019

52 Tales of 2019 - Reverse Map Game 2019 - Late 1949

Late 1949
North America
Various pockets of Cascadian forces on the Alaskan shores are defeated and captured.

The Dakotan forces continue to withdraw southwards.

More importantly, the Siege of Ottawa is broken on the 19th of August, with a strong strategic thrust from Quebec. The Dominion government moves back from Halifax by Christmas.

United States
American forces recapture Carson City and Sacramento from the Cascadians.

Some of Colorado and half of Kansas are recaptured from the Dakotans.

The Siege of Independence is broken, with the Great Lakes forces driven away. Elsewhere, they are no longer threatening DC...

Some Mexican ships sink a Cascadian submarine that had been attacking shipping off the west coast...

With the Canadians and Americans having definitively turned the tide, the Council of the Republic in Olympia begins to discuss strategies of delay.

Even with their forces on the retreat, the Government believes that the situation can be turned around. (Indeed, some small towns in Kansas are exchanged several times between American and Dakotan forces in September and October.)

Great Lakes
Coughlin, and those around him, order more conscription and for the factories to work 24/7. American and Canadian bombing campaigns begin to stifle the war economy.

In Panama, the percentage of native speakers of Darien Norse drops below 3 percent.

South America
Enlistment rates in Patagonia continue to go down from the high point at the beginning of the war.

British forces make great gains in the German colonies, especially in Uganda and the north east of Congo where the local rebellions join the Allies. German troops are also pushed out of Zambia and the Central African Territory.

With American money and British equipment pouring in, the French are able to push the German forces back from where they had been threatening Lyons.

The Danes recapture Bornholm from the Germans after several battles in September. They also drive the remaining Polish forces in Scania into the sea. (Most are captured.)

The Hungarian forces bust out of the Szeged pocket, recapturing half of the country from the Germans.

More Russian territory is recaptured from the Poles and Rostovites.

With continued losses over the past year, Heidler orders production of war materials to be stepped up.

The same occurs in Poland.

The Polish attempts at trying to get Finland to join the Axis by invading Russia ultimately fail.

British supplies continue to be smuggled into the occupied Israel.
In India, the British forces continue to force the Mysore advance back.

The Taungoo finally defeat the Mysore beachhead near Rangoon.

The Indo forces finally capture the pockets of Mysore resistance on Sumatra.

With Denmark partly under occupation, large numbers of men continue to enlist...

Isaiah Sermon notes list

3rd Term '19/Isaiah
21st July '19:

28th July '19 - Immanuel:

4th August 19' - Light in the Darkness:,

1st September '19 - The Suffering Servant:,

8th September '19 - Deconstructing Attitudes:

22nd September '19 - The Comforter:,

29th September '19 - New Heavens and New Earth:,

Church notes - August, September 2019

On LiveJournal:

On Dreamwidth:

Wednesday 25 September 2019

120 Beginnings of 2019 - Reverse Map Game 2019 - Late 1949

Late 1949
North America
Various pockets of Cascadian forces on the Alaskan shores are defeated and captured.

The Dakotan forces continue to withdraw southwards.

More importantly, the Siege of Ottawa is broken on the 19th of August, with a strong strategic thrust from Quebec. The Dominion government moves back from Halifax by Christmas.

United States
American forces recapture Carson City and Sacramento from the Cascadians.

Some of Colorado and half of Kansas are recaptured from the Dakotans.

The Siege of Independence is broken, with the Great Lakes forces driven away. Elsewhere, they are no longer threatening DC...

Some Mexican ships sink a Cascadian submarine that had been attacking shipping off the west coast...

With the Canadians and Americans having definitively turned the tide, the Council of the Republic in Olympia begins to discuss strategies of delay.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Daria and the Flynn Fletchers - Daria in Danville - Part 4

Part 4: Danville Plans
Stacy entered the Flynn-Fletcher’s kitchen. Candace was cooking pancakes as a belated breakfast. “Daria?” she asked.

Stacy?” Daria asked in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

Um, Sandi has gone missing and Quinn said that you were here, and that you would know what to do,” Stacy said.

Daria was then in thought. “How do you know that Sandi has gone missing?”

No one is answering at the Griffin’s and she is not answering her cell!” Stacy said, emotionally.

That’s not an indication of someone going missing, Stacy!” Daria snarked.

You don’t know the Griffin’s. Mrs Griffin always works from home during the holidays. If she has gone shopping, Sandi would be babysitting her brothers. Sandi always takes her cell with her if she is going out. Something has happened!” Stacy said, being in tears at the end of her statement.

Ok,” Jane said.

Daria was then in thought. “And she wasn’t at my place or at Tiffany’s?” she asked.

No!” Stacy said.

I will have to think about this. Candace here has already got me trying to figure out a way to get Mrs Flynn to know the true nature of Phineas and Ferb’s hijinks,” Daria said.

I can wait. I just hope that she is ok. I mean, she may be mean and bitchy sometimes but Sandi is my friend,” Stacy said.

Daria raised an eyebrow at this statement.

Maybe when Phineas and Ferb are finished we can use a flying car made out of stone to look for Sandi,” Jane said.

That would be so cool!” Stacy said.

Only if you can take it to Mom as well!” Candace said.

That can be arranged,” Daria said.

Perry the Platypus approached a purple building in downtown Danville.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!

Perry landed his hovercraft on the balcony of the building. He then went towards the door and jumped through it.

Aaaahhhhh, Perry the Platypus...” Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz said, as he held a remote.“How unexpected! By Unexpected, I mean entirely Expected!” He pressed the button on the remote causing a cage to crash down and trap Perry.

Perry made a Playpus noise.

You want to know my plan, don’t you?”Doofenshmirtz asked. He pressed a button on a different remote and a section of wall rolled up, revealing Sandi confined in a large cage.

Like, let me out you monster!” she said.

No, Ms Griffin, your teenage popularity is part of my scheme to take over the TRI-STATE-AREA!” Doofenshmirtz said.

Perry looked at Doofenshmirtz.

I will tell you my scheme after I tell you the back-story behind the scheme,” Doofenshmirtz said.

I don’t see how anyone could take over Danville, or even, like Lawndale, much less the entire Tri-State-Area using one person’s popularity, even the popularity of someone like myself!” Sandi stated.

That’s where you’re wrong. And no complaining during my back-story,” Doofenshmirtz said.

I will if it’s like, too boring,” Sandi said.

Right!”Doofenshmirtz said.

Back at the Flynn-Fletchers Baljeet Raj and Buford Van Stomm had arrived. “So you’re saying that you are combining two Hanna-Barbera cartoons after you saw a crossover movie between the two?” Buford asked.

Yes, yes we are,” Phineas said.

Cool!” Baljeet said.

Buford thought for a bit. “I’m in, If I get to act like Mr Spacely, that is,” he said.

Sure,” Phineas said.

Baljeet looked for Ferb, and saw him at the top of the cavehouse-style skypad apartment that was under construction in front of the tree. “Interesting,” he said.

Daria was looking out at said cavehouse-style skypad apartment out of the kitchen window. “And you say that their projects always disappear?” she asked.

Not always, but most of the time,” Candace said. Her mobile then rang. “It’s Jeremy!” she exclaimed and flipped it open.

Boyfriend I guess,” Jane said, as she sketched.

Maybe,” Daria said.

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz entered her father’s lab and saw Sandi in the cage. “Dad, Why do you have Sandi Griffin in a cage?” she asked. “This is like, a new kind of evil’ she thought, as she glanced at Perry the Platypus.

Vanessa! I was about to tell Perry my backstory! Wait a minute, you know Ms Griffin?” Heinz asked.

Vanessa rolled her eyes, she had heard enough of her father’s ‘backstory’. “It’s rather difficult to attend Lawndale High and not know her, Dad!” she said.

Sandi smiled at that, popular enough for all the students to know her... She then frowned as she realised that was one reason that Dr Doofenshmirtz had her kidknapped.

Yes, that is part of my scheme. Wait, you go to Lawndale High? I thought you went to Fielding!”

Like I would have went to that school of snobs?” Vanessa thought. “Mom let me choose which school to go to,” she said.

Ok,” Heinz said.

So what sort of machine-inator have you built this time?” Vanessa asked.

Perry repeated Vanessa’s question with a look.

Fine,” Heinz said, he walked over beside Sandi’s cage, taking a cover off a machine-device... “BEHOLD! My Popularity-AmplicaTransfer-Inator!”

That’s, like, stupid!” Sandi said, as she rattled the cage.

It’s not stupid!” Heinz said, as he launched into the description of his scheme.

Friday 20 September 2019

Horton Hears a Who rating

Horton Hears a Who

Quinn's Code - Invite of the Geek - Part 3

Soon, the three teens were in Jane's room, leafing through the sketchbook. “These are really good,” Daria said.

Thanks. I do have talent. It runs in the family,” Jane said.

Suddenly the house was shaken by loud discordant music from the basement. Jennifer gave Jane a look.

Ok, most of the family,” Jane conceded, as her brother Trent continued to rock the house at its foundations.

'Must be a new song,' Jennifer thought. She didn't recognise the (rather vague) tune.

Ok,” Daria said, she glanced at the page she had stopped at. The picture described by the lines looked unnatural. “You're really bursting out of the picture plane here,” she said.

Jennifer briefly looked at the picture. Her eyes opened with with shock before she looked away. 'That's just wrong,' she thought.

Oh, yeah. That particular model was quite bursty. I think she had her bursts done,” Jane said. There was another jarring burst of rock/metal music from the basement. “Sounds like all of Mystik Spiral rather than just Trent,” she mused.

Jennifer nodded in agreement.

Mystik Spiral?” Daria asked. 'Sounds like the name for a Doors cover band, rather than whatever they are attempting to be,' she thought.

That's Trent's band. I could introduce you to them,” Jane offered.

Daria thought about it. “As much as I would like to meet your brother, we need to get to school,” she said.

Jane looked at the time. “You're right. You will have to meet Trent another time,” she said, wistfully.

Jennifer looked at Daria meaningfully. Daria sighed. Jane chuckled. Soon the 3 teens were on their way out of the house, on their way to school.

Andrea looked at the iMac screen as Quinn's AppleScript script finished running. She sat down on the robin's-egg-blue bed, next to one of Quinn's stuffed animals. “I must admitt that I was sceptical when I saw that you listed AppleScript on your application, Quinn.” she said.

Like I would have a Mac, and not use it?” Quinn asked.

Andrea scoffed at that. “Why have a Mac at all?”

Apple does make programs that are interesting, and their hardware designs are cute, especially the iMac, second to the iPod. Anyhow, OS X is a good operating system, especially the 'Tiger' release,” Quinn said.

'Of course she would think that the iMac is cute. This room just screams 'cute'. It says 'Hackers can be cute,' Andrea thought, as she looked around the room that was half 'hacker cave' and half 'typical popular 00's teen girl. It couldn't be more different to her own room if it tried. She stood up as she looked at a Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex poster. “I suppose so,” she said.

Quinn could see that Andrea was distracted, looking around her room. She wondered if it had to do with what she had said the previous day. “Are you ok?” she asked.

I'm fine,” Andrea said, flatly.

Ok, So what is the AppleScript score?” Quinn asked. 'Even if it's abysmal, it is worth finding out,' she thought.

B+,” Andrea said as she produced a form.

Quinn took the form and placed it between the iMac and one of her desktop PCs. She saw that Andrea had filled it out. 'Of course she would,' she thought as she signed it. She handed it back to Andrea.

You are now a full member of the Programming Club, though you can hand the form in yourself,” Andrea said, handing the form back.

Cool!” Quinn said as she placed the form in her laptop case.

I would do it first thing,” Andrea said.


Best to do it that way,” Andrea said, enigmatically.

Ok,” Quinn said. 'What is she up to?' she pondered, not for the first time.

Friday, October 8, 2005
Before homeroom, Quinn entered the office. “Hi, how may I help you?” the receptionist asked.

Hi, I am handing in this club membership application,” Quinn said, as she handed over the Programming Club Full Membership application.

A third club, Ms Morgendorffer? Ms. Li would be thrilled to hear that,” the receptionist said.
She would?” Quinn asked, wondering why the Principal would be interested in her student's activities.

Yes. Less than ten percent of the the Lawndale High student body has more than two extracurricular activities.”

Why would she be worried about that?” Quinn asked, still curious.

The Principal is of the opinion that one can never have too much school spirit.” the receptionist said as she typed.

Quinn thought, that certainly jived with what she knew of the principal so far. “That makes sense, what with the way she pronounces the school's name and all.”

That's it, done. You are now a full member of the Programming Club, as well as the Computer Club and the Anime Club.”

Cool,” Quinn said, as she left.

At lunch, Quinn sat with Cindy. “Where's Kristen?” she asked.

Cindy looked at Quinn “I'm not sure,” she said.

Just then Kristen came up to the table, carrying her lunch and talking on her cell phone. “Thanks, that's great. It's a great help.” A pause, then. “You too, bro, bye,” she said. She turned to Cindy and Quinn. “All settled, Keith will be able to drive us to Crewe Neck's main checkpoint tomorrow night.” She said, as she sat down.

Cindy considered this “But what about afterwards?” she asked.

We still have to figure that out,” Kristen said.

Many people will be going. It probably will be safe to walk back into Lawndale proper, right?” Quinn wondered.

That's an option,” Kristen said.

If they're all leaving at the same time, perhaps,” Cindy pointed out.

Like that's going to be an issue,” Quinn said.

True,” Kristen stated. It was likely that most of the people going would leave at the same time.

But what about your sister? Wouldn't she want to leave early?” Cindy asked.

Not to mention Jennifer. I know she doesn't like going to parties,” Kristen said.

Oh yeah, but Daria will likely have her own transportation lined up. She likes having contingency plans,” Quinn said.

Besides, Jennifer has a car,” Cindy said.

Oh yeah,” Kristen said.

They continued their discussion about the party and their plans for it.

Saturday, October 9, 2005
Late in the afternoon, Quinn walked along the street, looking for Cindy's house. The street, located approximately halfway between Glen Oaks Lane and the Cranberry Commons Mall, was lined with many nondescript houses. She recalled the house number that Cindy had given her, and the way Cindy had described her house. 'Medium sized house, two thirds the size of mine, brown bricks, green tiles and blue curtains in the windows,' she thought.
She soon found the house, although the name BROLSMA in large letters above the name ROBINSON in smaller letters on the mailbox confused her for a moment. She shrugged and walked up the path.

Cindy answered the door. “Hi Quinn, come in,” she said.

Quinn entered. “I found it relatively quickly, though the mailbox was slighly confusing,” she said.

Cindy was amused. “Yeah, Brolsma is my father's surname, Robinson's my mother's,” she said.

Ok,” Quinn said. 'Morgendorffer sounds cooler than Barksdale, thank goodness,' she thought.

Kristen and Keith will be here at six, so we have some time to get ready,” Cindy said. She looked at Quinn, the ubiquitous laptop case had been replaced by bag of clothes.

Cool! Lets go see what you have to wear,” Quinn said.

I hope you're not going to go overboard?” Cindy asked, with slight concern as she led Quinn upstairs towards her bedroom.

Depends on what you call 'overboard',” Quinn said. Cindy held back a sigh.

Thursday 19 September 2019

120 Beginnings of 2019 - Changes in Space and Time - Chapter 6 Ilkona

Chapter 6 – Ilkona
9 February 2710
Ilkona City, Ilkona, Terran Empire of Planets
Deep in the seedy underbelly of Ilkona City two people met.
“Yes,” the other said.

They exchanged information on their personal electronics
“Is this all of it?” one of them asked.

“Yes,” the other said, as she vanished into the night. The other also went back the way he had come.

Outside Ilkona City
The TARDIS materialised beside a road on a forested hillside not far from Ilkona City.

“So, where are we?” Felicia asked, looking at the Scanner screen as Susan activated it.

“The Terran colony of Ilkona in the year 2710,” Susan answered. “I think it’s a peaceful year.”

“If we are here, I doubt that will remain true for much longer,” Tamsin said, cheekily.

“I agree, Tamsin,” Susan said.

“Is there any more information we should know?” Felicia asked, wondering how dangerous it could be.

“Not really,” Susan answered. “But you should be careful, and be ready to run if I say to run.”

“She always says that,” Kiara added.

“My Susan sometimes says it too,” Felicia said in a wistful tone.

“Let’s go,” Susan said as she opened the TARDIS door. “Wait a moment.” She pressed a button on the console. “There, Tamsin and Felicia. Your phones will be able to access the local internet now.”

“But that’s not very fair. What about Kiara and Nathan?” Felicia asked, as they left the TARDIS.

“I share! Besides, Kiara has a Tyrian device that performs a similar function,” Tamsin said.

Saturday 14 September 2019

120 Beginnings of 2019 - Terror and Recovery

Doctor Who – Terror and Recovery
In his centuries of travel through time and space, the Doctor thought he had seen everything. Then the impossibility of Clara Oswald hit him in the face. (Not literally, although Clara did sometimes slap him elsewhere.)

Friday 13 September 2019

Quinn's Code - The Invitation - Part 2

In Quinn's 'hacker cave' of a room, Andrea Hecuba looked at the Javascript code on the screen as Quinn typed. “You want my opinion on what to do?” she asked.
Of course,” Quinn said, as she continued typing.

Just sneak them in,” Andrea said.

Huh?” Quinn was confused.

Brittany will be focused on the party. She won't notice two people whom she didn't invite,” Andrea said.

How do you know that?” Quinn asked, she knew that Brittany and Andrea didn't hang out.

We were friends in Elementary School,” Andrea said, with some bitterness; “two rough and tumble tomboys having fun.”

Rough? Brittany seems nice,” Quinn commented.

Not as rough as I was,” Andrea said, with a tone of lamenting regret.

Quinn could hear the regret in Andrea's voice. “What happened?” she asked.

A long story,” Andrea said, in a tone that reminded Quinn very much of Daria.

7 years earlier
Nine year old Andrea and Brittany, dressed in boys clothes, were playing with Lego in Brittany's bedroom. They stopped as they heard Brittany's mother, Vivian, yelling at her father, Steve.

Brittany twirled her finger in her short blonde hair “It is happening again!” she said with slight panic in her voice.

Do you know why she is yelling at him?” Andrea asked, as she nervously ran a hand through her mid-length, dark brown hair.

She says that he needs to be at home at night every night, or something,” Brittany said. Andrea could hear the certainty that Brittany felt that her mother wasn't telling the whole truth. Brittany leaned against the bedroom door to listen. Andrea also leaned next to the door, next to her friend, to offer support if required.

They winced as they heard a door being slammed downstairs.
End of Flashback

Quinn typed slowly, waiting for Andrea to speak after saying “A long story.”

A minute passed.

Sorry,” Quinn said. 'Must be rather unpleasant memories,' she thought.

Andrea snapped out of her reminiscence. “Right,” she said.

You were saying that Brittany won't notice Cindy and Kristen?” Quinn asked.

She won't. You can just sneak them in,” Andrea said.

Ok,” Quinn said, thinking.

It was a usual Morgendorffer dinner. Jake was reading the paper (the Lawndale Sun-Herald), Daria was reading the book she had purchased on the life of Mozart 2 weeks previously (she was almost finished), Quinn was reading a game guide (the game in question being a RPG on the X-Box) and Helen was wondering if there would ever be any family interaction at dinner. “Did anything interesting happen at school today?” she asked.

Quinn put the game guide down. “I was invited to a party this weekend,” she said.

A party, where?” Helen asked.

Brittany Taylor's. Actually it was her boyfriend who invited me,” Quinn said.

That's fascinating!” Helen said.

Yeah. My first party in Lawndale!” Quinn said.

Helen turned to Daria. “Have you heard of this?” she asked.

Brittany invited me, I haven't decided if I am going to go or not,” Daria said.

You can't go, you will embarrass me,” Quinn said.

Touché,” Daria said.

You should ground her because...” Quinn said. She groped for a reason; “her room is a mess!”

Helen looked at Quinn, knowing that her 'hacker cave' was as messy as her sister's unusual room.

If I go down for that one, I'm taking you with me!” Daria said.

Helen sighed. Before Quinn could come up with a retort she said; “I think it's great that you two are going to be spending time together. Dad and I would be happy to drive you to the party and pick you up.”

No!” the sisters said in unison.

There are another two days of school before then, I'll find a way to get there,” Quinn said, she finished her vegitarian lasagna and left the kitchen nook.

Once Quinn was gone, Helen said; “Daria, I would like it if you would keep an eye on Quinn at this party.”

Daria looked at her mother “As if!” she said.

Helen sighed. “She doesn't have to know about it, Daria!” she said.

Daria ignored her mother, as she chewed on the tasteless lagagna.

Daria, answer me!” Helen demanded.

I don't know what I did, but it couldn't have been that bad,” Daria said.

I just want you to keep an eye on her,” Helen said.

Is this a way of acknowledging how much more trustworthy I am?” Daria asked.

It's my way of saying that if you don't do it, I'm sending both of you with a babysitter.”

I'll take that as a ringing declaration of parental approval,” Daria said, in her customary monotone, she then finished her lasagne and left the kitchen nook.

Helen sighed.

Thursday, October 7, 2005
Daria arrived at Casa Lane. She could see Jennifer's Beetle parked behind Trent's Satellite. 'I see that Jennifer takes better care of her car than Trent does,' she thought as she passed the unusual lawn ornament. She knocked on the door. Jane answered it. “Hi, Daria, come in,” she said.

Jennifer had brought Jane some takeaway breakfast, as the Lane fridge and cupboards were rather empty (It seemed that Trent hardly did any grocery shopping).

So, Brittany invited you to the party?” Jennifer asked, as she took a bite out of a muffin.

Yeah,” Daria said. “And Kevin invited Quinn, as I am sure you have heard,” she continued.

You are not thinking of going, are you?” Jane asked.

My Mom has roped me in as a babysitter, Now I have to go,” Daria said.

Ouch,” Jennifer said. 'About as bad as having to babysit my cousins in middle school,” she thought.

Bummer!” Jane exclaimed.

I don't want to go with Quinn alone,” Daria said.

You want us to come with you?” Jennifer asked.

Yes,” Daria said.

Someone has to ensure that you don't embarrass Quinn too much, I guess. I'll come.” Jennifer said, shyly. She really did not like parties. “But how are we going to get past the guards?”

Actually, I have some life drawings that may come in handy,” Jane contributed.

You did life drawings?” Daria asked.

Last summer,” Jane answered.

Interesting,” Jennifer said.

There is time before school. You want to have a look?”

Sure,” Daria said.

Your art always gives me a laugh,” Jennifer said.

Cool,” Jane said, as she stood up. 'All this time, and she never told me,' she thought.

52 Tales of 2019 - Changes in Time and Space - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Drahvins!
29 September 2018, The Azores Autonomous Region, Portugal, just outside the city of Ponta Delaga
The Doctor and her companions were still behind the trees in the park as they watched foot soldiers march out of the Drahvin starship. “What are we going to do?” Felicia asked.

“We will have to find the leader. Then I’ll have to improvise,” the Doctor said.

Daniel gave this some thought, before asking; “Are we just going to march onto that ship?”

“I haven’t any other ideas, Dan. We need to find out why the Drahvins are invading Earth in this time, and why starting at the Azores,” the Doctor said.

“I see that, but how are we going to get on board?” Sigrun asked.

“We will have to wait until all of the soldiers get out of the ship, and hope that they won’t find us here in the meantime,” the Doctor said.
Oh dear” Felicia said. 'It is certain there is going to be discomfort ahead.'

Soon the soldiers had left the ship, and the door remained open.
“Ok, now, everyone. Run!” The Doctor said.

The Doctor and her companions darted out from behind the tree, and ran towards the Drahvin starship. The starship looked the same as all other Drahvin ships she had seen, made out of a trashy tin-alloy that could easily be punctured by weapons fire or micrometeorites.

The Doctor bounded up the debarkation ramp, followed by Felicia, Daniel, Jia’hale and Sabir with Sigrun bringing up the rear.

Ok, we need to find the bridge,” the Doctor said.

Why?” Daniel asked.

The leader is most likely to be there,” the Doctor answered.

“Wouldn’t that be at the top of the ship?” Sabir asked.

You have been watching too much Science Fiction,” the Doctor objected “Most often the bridge isn’t on the top, but in a more protected position within the ship.”

Wouldn’t it be worth a try though?” Sigrun asked after a moment of reflection.

Absolutely. Otherwise we wouldn’t know,” the Doctor replied.

Let’s go then,” Daniel said. The Doctor lead the way along the corridor and soon found a service shaft that lead upwards. She started climbing, followed by Daniel, Felicia, Sigrun, Jia’hale and Sabrina. They soon found themselves on the top deck of the Drahvin transport.

“It’s clear, and it is likely that the bridge is on this deck, let’s go,” she said. Her companions followed her out into the corridor, and followed her towards where the sonic screwdriver was indicating the bridge was.

They soon arrived at a door, which was locked. “Deadlock seal, the sonic screwdriver is useless,” the Doctor said.

“We could try a ventilation shaft,” Sabir said.

The Doctor was then in thought.

“Worth a try,” Daniel said.

“Ok, Sab, Dan, we will try it,” the Doctor said. They then looked along the corridor for any openings to the ship's ventilation shafts.

They soon found one, about 10 meters from the bridge door. This time the Doctor could open it with the sonic screwdriver. It clanged down onto the floor.
“Ok, I'll go first,” Daniel said.

No, Dan, I'll go first. You don't know what would be in there. It could be booby trapped!” the Doctor said.

“Of course,” Daniel said, the Doctor usually went first into dangerous situations like this.

“You can bring up the rear” the Doctor said. The Doctor then entered the ventilation duct, with Jia'hale following.
Sabir, Felicia and Sigrun followed, and Daniel came last.

The Doctor leapt out of the ventilation shaft onto the Drahvin Bridge, where many Drahvins were waiting.

“Hello Doctor!” one of them, who seemed to be in charge, said. The Doctor looked up straight, and her companions carefully exited the shaft.

'Of course, it has to be her!' the Doctor thought to himself. “Hello, Kellira,” the Doctor said, with irony in her voice. The Doctor had run into this particular Drahvin before. Many times.

You know her?” Daniel asked.

“In a manner of speaking,” the Doctor said.

Kellira made a signal and suddenly every Drahvin on the bridge were pointing their guns at the Doctor and her companions, it appeared that the Doctor was outwitted.

We are in trouble now,” Jia’hale said in an exhasperated tone.

“What do you have planned now?” Daniel asked. Sabir, Felicia and Sigrun were speechless with shock.

I have no plan, maybe I should have contacted UNIT or Torchwood before we entered the ship. It has been so long since I have been in contact with either of them,” the Doctor mused.

Kellira made another signal and one of her soldiers stepped forwards.

“Silence!” she shouted.

There is nothing you, or the Earth associations you referenced, can do Doctor!” Kellira objected. “Or plan plan is proceeding perfectly. The Azores will be ours and we can then interfere with Earth's history to our ends!”

“You can’t do that!” Jia’hale said.

“Yes we can,” Kellira said.

“You Drahvins are all the same, use everything as a weapon. Whatever your plan is, it will fail” the Doctor said.

But you have no plan! Every time we met before, I could see that you had some kind of plan, you obviously didn't think that the bridge would be heavily guarded,” Kellira said.

I have almost lost count of the times when I didn't have a plan and still won the day, this will be no different, and as I once told a Dalek Emperor, doesn't that scare you to bits!” the Doctor said.

Meanwhile Sabir was edging along towards a computer console; all of the soldier's had their eyes on the Doctor...

“What is your plan?” Sigrun asked.

Wouldn't you and your Time Lord friend like to know. You will not find out!” Kellira said.

“What is the point of taking over the Azores anyway?” Daniel asked. ‘They are quite isolated.”

“I am not answering that question,” Kellira said.

Unnoticed, the Doctor grabbed her sonic screwdriver and changed the setting...

The setting hadn't been used for a while, but she was sure it would work. She activated the setting. Bizzzzt, bizxewt, wizzzte.

What was that?”Kellira said as she heard the Sonic screwdriver.

Sabir whirled around to the nearest computer station. Amongst other things the sonic screwdriver had brought up a directory listing.

“Call up their plan” he heard Felicia call out.

“That is what I am doing!” he shot back as he began looking through the files.

Jia’hale and Sigrun had flanked the Doctor, and they both charged at Kellira ready to take her down...

Outside the city, the TARDIS waited patiently for the Doctor and her companions. It then received the signal from the Doctor, via the communications system of the Drahvin starship that she was in. She knew that she was in trouble, though not the sort of trouble that she was afraid of and had been avoiding for a while...
She sent a few messages to allies of the Doctor via the worldwide internet and then set into motion, homing in on the Doctor's signal.

Sigrun and Jia’hale had knocked Kellira over but it wasn't long before she recovered and fought back. Her soldiers did shoot in the direction of two companions, and the Doctor, but most of the shots went wild and some of them fell victim to friendly fire.

Kellira stood up again. “Feisty are you two? But I am a highly trained Drahvin warrior, you stand no chance!” she said fuming and charged at Sigrun, who promptly twisted her onto her back.
I am also trained; in Terran Eastern Martial Arts. What do you say to that?” Sigrun then said.

“That just makes it more of a challenge! It will make no difference in the long run,” Kellira said.

Sabir had called up the file containing the plan. “Of course it would be encrypted!” he said, however he knew how to get around that.

Kellira was still trying to fend off Sigrun and Jia’hale when an echoing noise came into the room. “No!” she said.

Yes, Kellira, I summoned my ship,” the Doctor said. “I can then use it to further the destruction of your plan.” The TARDIS finished rematerialising and she clicked her fingers, opening the doors.

“I haven't decrypted the file yet, but it can be accessed from the TARDIS,” Sabir as he ran from the computer panel towards the TARDIS.

Guards, surround the Time Lord's ship!” Kellira ordered.

Many of the Drahvin soldiers tried to surround the TARDIS. But there was an interruption. Jia'hale lashed out, all feet and fists, and cleared the area near the door. Sabir unlocked the door and dashed inside.

Feeling inadequate now?” Daniel asked. This only added fuel to Kellira's rage.

I am more than 'adequate' obligatory male companion. Not even the TARDIS can decrypt that file!” Kellira said.

You seen very confident for a Drahvin who has just been outwitted, unless you pilfered some encryption software from a derelict Dalek ship,” the Doctor said. “I wouldn't think even you would risk that.”

Kellira called for the guards again, but found none were answering. While Daniel and the Doctor were talking to her, they had either been caught in their own crossfire, or had been knocked out by Sigrun and Jia'hale.

You're still very confident, Doctor. The Drahvin forces are still as of this moment taking control of the city of Ponta Delaga, and I am still confident that you cannot change that fact, or decrypt that file,” Kellira said.

Sigrun, Jia’hale, hold Kellira here, Felicia, come into the TARDIS with me, maybe three and the ship can do what one and the ship can't do. Daniel, watch the soldiers, make sure they can't make trouble,” the Doctor said. She and Felicia went into the TARDIS.