Wednesday, 25 September 2019

120 Beginnings of 2019 - Reverse Map Game 2019 - Late 1949

Late 1949
North America
Various pockets of Cascadian forces on the Alaskan shores are defeated and captured.

The Dakotan forces continue to withdraw southwards.

More importantly, the Siege of Ottawa is broken on the 19th of August, with a strong strategic thrust from Quebec. The Dominion government moves back from Halifax by Christmas.

United States
American forces recapture Carson City and Sacramento from the Cascadians.

Some of Colorado and half of Kansas are recaptured from the Dakotans.

The Siege of Independence is broken, with the Great Lakes forces driven away. Elsewhere, they are no longer threatening DC...

Some Mexican ships sink a Cascadian submarine that had been attacking shipping off the west coast...

With the Canadians and Americans having definitively turned the tide, the Council of the Republic in Olympia begins to discuss strategies of delay.

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