Sunday 25 June 2023

Church notes - 25th June 2023


John 17:9 - 19

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus was praying for us.

What He had already given.

vs 12

His protection.

vs 13

Filled us with His joy.

vs 14

Given us God's word.

Grace is recieved by faith.

What He asked for.


vs 14

vs 16

'Make them holy'

vs 17

Teaching in the truth.


Ezekiel 37

Raising up a vast army to send into the world.

Desperate times. Desperate Prayer.

vs 19

Jesus gave himself. His blood was shed on the Cross for us.

Saturday 17 June 2023

Church notes - 18th June 2023



Come to the table

Luke 22:14 - 16


Aliens and Strangers

Everything else will end, but Jesus and His Kingdom will continue.

The right assignment

Fellowship - learning to grow together.

1 Corinthians 3:5 - 9

Paul and Apollos were a team working together for God's purpose.

The task of every Christian

- To build the team

- To commit ourselves to the task,

Nehemiah 3

4 kilometers of wall to be constructed and up to 10 gates to be put into place.

Nehemiah 1:3 - 5

Nehemiah motivated the people.

Divide the project into manageable sections.


Capitalise on Personal Interest

Appreciate/recognise accomplishments

Ephesians 4:11 - 13

'But to the people of God I ask on the authority of the New Testament, have you forgotten who you are? You are a minister of Jesus Christ, a holy priest and ambassador for Christ, an agent of reconciliation in the world.'