Sunday 30 August 2020

Changes in Time and Space v2 - Chapter 1: Invasion at the Azores - Malware of the Daleks

 Chapter 1: Invasion at the Azores - Part III – Malware of the Daleks

The found Sabrina hunched over the console looking at the encryption of the Drahvin plan file with confusion...

“Kellira may have some reason to boast. I can't make heads or tails of it, each time I try to decrypt, and the TARDIS with its capabilities can't do it either, as far as I can tell,” Sabir said, he was very confused by the complexity of the encryption...

The Doctor looked at the file over Sabir shoulder. “You may be right there, Sab, but I doubt that the Drahvins would be so stupid as to use a Dalek encryption program,” the Doctor said.

“What if they did?” Felicia asked.

She could see that the Doctor did not like that possibility. She absolutely did not like it one bit...

“The Daleks, as you know, are arrogant genocidal maniacal supremacists, and as such would not want anyone else hijacking their technology, and so they put in safeguards, in all of their technology, and generally everyone knows this, so they would not risk using Dalek technology. However I see that the Drahvins would be arrogant enough to believe that the risk was worth taking,” the Doctor said, she was sure that the Drahvins might take such a risk if they thought it was worth it.

“So, what would these ‘safeguards’ be?” Felicia asked, dreading that the Doctor’s answer would be the harbinger of doom, at least for the Drahvins, and possibly for Ponta Delaga as well.

“At the least the Drahvin computers would be hosting dormant Dalek viruses that would wait until the opportune moment to strike, though what effect that they would have would be variable, depending on the Drahvins’ own cybernetic security,” the Doctor said. As she had been talking she had been looking at the encryption of the file that contained the Drahvin plan.

“So you think the encryption is a Dalek encryption? And if so would it contain one of these viruses?” Felicia asked, wondering if that was what the TARDIS was worried about. But as soon as she thought it, she knew that it wasn’t what the ship was afraid of.

“Good question, but even if the file does contain a Dalek virus, the TARDIS’s own security systems would be able to deal with it, even though it is a Type-40. The Time Lords were always way ahead of the Daleks in that area, as well as most others,” the Doctor said.

‘Of course there would be some damage, but it would certainly be limited,’ the Doctor thought. However she knew that even Time Lord software could not stop the Dalek software from damaging some part of the TARDIS.

Inside the TARDIS's systems, the TARDIS attempts to decrypt the Drahvin plan file again, using extremely large prime numbers. However it fails again, the TARDIS is sure that the encryption is somehow outsmarting it, giving credence to the Doctor's suspicion that the Daleks had written at least some of the software behind the encryption.

The Doctor is aware that the TARDIS agrees with her about the possibility of Dalek software having been used by the Drahvins. She, Felicia and Sabir attempt decryption again.

Something in the software associated with the Drahvin plan awakens...

Alert, Time Lord Software Detected! Activate Artificial Intelligence Subroutines!' a malware program activates in the scanner circuitry where the plan file is stored, beginning to download more data from the Drahvin systems outside.

The TARDIS decides to alert the Doctor, in more ways than one...

“Oh no!” the Doctor says.

“What is happening Doctor?” Felicia asks.

“It is downloading more data from the Drahvin ship,” the Doctor said.

“Can it be stopped?” Felicia asked.

“Not that I can see,” Sabir said, with stress showing in his voice. However the Doctor was back at the console, alongside him, trying to stop the download.

Outside the TARDIS, Kellira noticed the bridge computers doing something, and is worried.

“What is happening?” Sigrun asked, knowing that something is happening with the computers...

“I don't know. I don't know much at all about the more advanced functions of computers, I have just used them for communications over the 'Nets and stuff” Jia'hale said.

Kellira said nothing, she doesn't want to provoke the Doctor's more apparently competent companions. She knew that there would be re-enforcements soon, though she didn’t know what the computer activity portends, she was sure that the derelict ship that the encryption software came from was Thal, not Dalek! Though the possibility was there, and that possibility scared her.

“Too late, it’s downloading,” the Doctor said.

“Oh no!” Sabir said.

“It is up to the TARDIS to stop it initiating,” she continued.

Inside the scanner circuitry, the downloaded software activates...

Time Lord Software confirmed, running Hardware Analysis.” The software attempts to run the Hardware Analysis. However the TARDIS defences move into action, fighting the attempts to analyse the hardware, with help from the Doctor's input. In the meantime, the decryption effort continues, with Felicia and Sabir helping there.

Many times the hardware analysis stops and re-starts as the process times out. The multiple failure of the hardware analysis activates another downloaded packet, which activates and fights the TARDIS defences more aggressively. This time the hardware analysis determines the Gallifreyan origin of the hardware...

The Doctor cursed, 'a nontranslated Gallifreyan epithet.'

Felicia starts at that, she had only heard that word before in a moment of severe stress, ‘which I am sure this situation qualifies as,' she thought.

“What is wrong?” Sabir asked, with very little hesitation.

“The software has determined that this is, in fact, a TARDIS!” the Doctor said, Sabir could hear the concern in her voice, more clearly.

“I suppose that is not good?” Sabir asked.

“It is most certainly not, Sab!” the Doctor said. 'There are very few species or organisations that would be capable of writing such software,' she thought.

Inside the scanner circuitry, another downloaded program activates...

TARDIS detected! Exterminate all Time Lord Control Software! Exterminate and Conquer, the Dalek AIs shall be triumphant! Exterminate!” The Dalek software commenced a bigger cyberbattle against the TARDIS defences. The Dalek AI software being as arrogant as its creators, believed it was superior against the comparatively ancient Time Lord software. However the Time Lord software fought back more against the Dalek software.

The TARDIS then quarantined the scanner circuitry, to stop the infection spreading any further.

“Good, the quarantine is holding,” the Doctor said, a few moments later.

“But wouldn't that mean that the scanner is useless?” Sabir asked, worried that the TARDIS had lost more functionality...

“Not useless, just unable to share its information with the rest of the TARDIS systems. Meaning that to decrypt the plan file we just have to rely on ourselves and the computational capacity of the scanner circuitry itself,” the Doctor said.

The battle within the scanner continued, with the Dalek AIs attempting to move beyond the scanner circuitry, but continually failing.

One of the Dalek AIs then decided to do something else to force the Time Lord in control of the TARDIS (Not knowing that it is the Oncoming Storm) to give it access to his/her ship.

Sigrun and Jia'hale wait patiently whilst guarding Kellira, when suddenly an alarm sounded in the Drahvin Bridge...

Sigrun saw that Kellira was suddenly afraid.

“What is wrong?” she asked.

“It is a decompression alarm! But how?” Kellira asked.

“Maybe your compatriots have decided to sacrifice you, to kill the Doctor and us, not knowing that the TARDIS is here,” Jia'hale said.

“No! They wouldn't do that, besides they wouldn't believe that the Doctor could take over the bridge to begin with!” Kellira exclaimed.

Suddenly the access hatch that the Doctor and her companions had used to enter the bridge slammed shut!

“There is only one way out of this bridge now,” Sigrun said. Then a voice rasped over the bridge comm system…


“Into the TARDIS!” Sigrun said, flinging the door wide open, and dragging Kellira in after her, leaving Jia'hale to decide about what to do about the knocked out guards.

The Doctor was surprised when she heard the doors open and looked up to see Sigrun dragging Kellira into the ship.

“A Dalek program is decompressing the bridge,” Sigrun said.

“Bring her in, but we have Dalek stuff in the scanner as well, seem to have infected the plan file,” the Doctor said.

“I could have sworn that it was a Thal ship, not a Dalek ship,” Kellira said.

“So, you are behind this invasion of Earth?” the Doctor said.

“Of course I am, with the blessing of the Matriarchy,” Kellira said, as if that was obvious.

“Of course, but you did not take into account that the Thals were the Daleks' oldest enemy, and thus were not above copying their designs so that a scenario like the one that is occurring now, will happen,” the Doctor said, exasperated that any Drahvin would fall for one of the oldest tricks in the metaphorical Dalek book. It most certainly had made her attempt to defeat their invasion of the Azores much harder.

Out in the bridge, air was screaming out of the TARDIS doors, which Sigrun had left open; the air pressure in the bridge having been reduced to a 1/3 atmosphere. However the sea level air pressure of Tossekia IV being 2/3 atmosphere, Jia'hale was not struggling that much as she started dragging the still-alive-but-knocked-out Drahvin guards to the TARDIS...

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor was worried. The air pressure in the console room was down to 2/3 atmospheres, with air screaming out of the internal door from the corridors, as well as from the ventilation ducts that served the console room. She could see Jia bringing the guards into the console room, just beyond the doors and then dashing back out again.

Inside the scanner circuitry the Dalek and Time Lord software continued to battle each other.

“Right, Sab you can keep watch on the computer, you can attempt to reach me and Elisha on the internal comm.,” the Doctor said.

'Since when does the TARDIS have an internal comm?' Felicia thought, at that, surprised that she could hear the Doctor properly above the scream of the circulation system.

“Ok, Sigrid, keep an eye on 'Ira'tant and her soldiers, keep them away from any important things,” the Doctor said. She could see that Sigrun was willing to watch Kellira for as long as needed.

“What are you doing, Doctor?” Daniel asked.

“I am going to look for a program that I haven't used since the Time War for combating Dalek battle programs, it is stored in a storage device somewhere in the depths of the TARDIS. I may need it to expunge the Dalek programs from the Scanner circuitry and the Drahvin computer systems,” the Doctor said.

“I can keep an eye on her,” Sigrun said.

“Good, Elisha, come on,” the Doctor said.

“What about me?” Daniel asked, as the Doctor and Felicia went towards the internal door.

“Help the others, and if a serious problem, that you think you cannot deal with arises, you can come looking for us,” the Doctor said, he and Felicia then left the console room.

“Ok...” Daniel said.

The air pressure in the bridge had dropped to 1/4th of atmospheric pressure; Jia'hale was now beginning to find it hard to breathe, though she could see that the Drahvin guards remaining in the bridge were having more difficulty.

Inside the Drahvin computer system, the Dalek programs spread through more of their systems.

Jia'hale pushed more of the guards to the TARDIS, against the wind coming out of the doors, not aware that the air pumps servicing the bridge were nearing their failure points, so she kept up the effort to best of her ability.

Being that the sound of the air pumps was not penetrating to the area of the bridge near the TARDIS...

The Doctor and Felicia ran along the TARDIS corridors. “Are you sure you know where this thing is Doctor? You did say that you haven't used it since the Time War, and the TARDIS does change its layout a lot, it could be anywhere,” Felicia said.

“I don't know where it is now, but I do know where I put it, I just have to rely on my instincts to find it,” the Doctor said.

“I hope that your instincts are right this time, that you can find it, and that you haven't jettisoned the room it was in in the meantime,” Felicia said. The Doctor hoped that Felicia's hopes were not in vain.

Jia'hale looked at the Drahvin bridge one last time, before leaping back into the TARDIS against the wind still exiting the ship.

Jia'hale slamed the doors shut, and then breathed deeply as the air pressure in the console room returned to normal.

“Now all we can do is wait for the Doctor to return,” Sigrun said.

“Agreed!” Jia'hale said, as she laid on the floor to rest amongst the Drahvin guards, who were still unconscious.

In the Drahvin bridge a readout said 'Decompression Complete'

A Dalek AI accesses a camera and looks at the bridge, and spots the TARDIS.

Blue Box! It is the Doctor! Exterminate the Doctor! The Oncoming Storm! The Doctor!” the AI initiates more uploads to the TARDIS.

When those are complete it initiates the Drahvin Flagship's self destruct sequence, although it is not 100% sure that it would take the TARDIS with it.

The bridge readout now said 'Self Destruct in 2 minutes'. A large vibration started up, shaking the bridge.

“More programs are being downloaded into the scanner circuitry,” Sabir said, concerned that more malware was being downloaded into the TARDIS.

“Can you stop it?” Daniel asks.

“No!” Sabir said, trying to stop the download.

The download completed. Another set of programs are initiated.

A warning flashes on the scanner screen. “What is that?” Daniel asked.

“The Drahvin ship has been set to self destruct!” Sabir said.

What!” Kellira exclaimed. Sigrun had to restrain her from hitting Sabir.

“How could that happen?” she asked.

“Obviously it is the Dalek malware,” Sabir said.

“I know that there is Dalek malware, but it is impossible for someone who is not responsible for the ship to set the self destruct sequence,” Kellira said. 'It is impossible,' she thought, but then she had not expected the Doctor to interfere with the Drahvins plans either.

“I think you underestimate the Daleks. All of them were geniuses capable of hacking the most secure computer systems. Or so the Doctor says. They would definitely be capable of programming Artificial Intelligences capable of doing similar things,” Sabir said.

“Someone has to tell the Doctor about the self destruct. He may be able to do something,” Daniel said.

“You can go,” Sigrun said, Sabir agreed with her.

“I guess so, I hope that I will be able to find them,” Daniel said, he then exited the console room.

Kellira was still having trouble believing that her ship was going to self destruct.

“That is what the scanner says, and infected as it is with Dalek malware, it is right and there is nothing you can do about it,” Sabir said. Kellira huffed, still not believing what Sabir had said.

On the bridge of the doomed Drahvin starship, the readout now said '51 seconds to self destruct'









The Doctor and Felicia moved deeper into the TARDIS, the corridors had changed from their usual roundeled look, to look more like tunnels lined with brick...

Felicia hadn't been this far from the console room before; she hoped that the Doctor's instincts would not get them lost.

Daniel was running through the TARDIS corridors, hoping that he was following the Doctor and Felicia and not getting lost in the corridors or going in a completely different direction...

In the Console Room Kellira was still seething. “Can't the TARDIS do something about the Dalek Malware?” she asked.

“I don't know, Kellira, we will have to wait for the Doctor to come back,” Sabir said.

“The other male companion will not find her in time, and there is no time for her to return, there are less than 15 seconds left!” Kellira said.

“Ok, we better brace ourselves for the ship exploding,” Jia'hale said.

“Brace yourselves!” Sabir said, grabbing ahold of the console.

Daniel caught up to the Doctor and Felicia. “What is happening?” the Doctor asked.

“The Drahvin ship, it’s set to self des...” He was then interrupted...








The self destruct ordinance in the Drahvin ship went off, blasting the ship to pieces, sending shrapnel into the ships nearby, and totally destroying the park that the ships had landed in...

The TARDIS was knocked about a lot, but it had been through a lot worse, especially in the Time War.

Daniel was knocked over before he could finish the word. The first person to get up was the Doctor. “Thankyou Daniel, now the Drahvin ship has self destructed. I hope that sets their plan back some” she said.

Felicia was next to get back up. “I suppose the TARDIS is still right side up, and barely a scratch?” she asked.

“Absolutely, it would take a great deal more than a Drahvin ship self destructing to damage her in a way that would imperil her,” the Doctor said.

“Ok, Doctor, so where is this data storage device?” Daniel asked.

“We are still looking for it,” Felicia said.

“Somewhere in this direction,” the Doctor said. She led her 2 companions that were with her deeper into the TARDIS.

In the console room, both Jia'hale and Sigrun were on their feet before the Drahvins in the room with them recovered.

“There goes your ship, Kellira,” Sigrun said.

“Ok, my ship may be gone, but there are still many Drahvin soldiers occupying the city of Ponta Delaga, and there are still other ships in orbit around Earth, undamaged by the explosion. The plan may have been set back, temporarily, but the Drahvins will proceed with it,” Kellira said, menacingly. She was all business and did not let the companions put her down.

“We will wait and see what the Doctor says when he gets back” Sigrun said. Kellira huffed at that.

The Doctor, Daniel and Felicia entered another room in their search for the data storage device.

“Are you sure that it is in this area of the TARDIS, Doctor?” Daniel asked. He hoped that they did not have to search the entire TARDIS.

“Absolutely sure, Dan,” the Doctor said. She soon was rummaging through the various objects that were in the room.

“This is getting tiring,” Felicia said.

“I agree,” Daniel said.

“Here it is, now let's head back to the console room,” the Doctor said, holding the data storage device up in triumph.

“Are you sure that you have the right device?” Felicia asked.

“Absolutely sure,” the Doctor said. Felicia hoped that she was right. It would not be good to go through all that effort for nothing.

“Let's go, before anything else happens,” Daniel said.

“Let's go,” the Doctor said. The Doctor, Daniel and Felicia headed back towards the console room.

They got back there 10 minutes later. Where Kellira was still in a dangerous huff, both Jia'hale and Sigrun were holding her.

“Doctor! You are responsible for the destruction of my ship!” she said.

“No, 'Ira. You are. You took Dalek software off a Dalek ship; you are responsible for what happens with it. And now I am going to purge the remaining Dalek software from my TARDIS,” the Doctor said.

He put the storage device into a port in the console.

“What is going to happen now Doctor?” Sabrina asked.

“The storage device contains Time Lord AIs, capable of combating, and defeating Dalek AIs. Whilst the Dalek's were geniuses, so were the Time Lords” the Doctor said.

The Time Lord AI's activate and leave the storage device, they then enter the Scanner Circuitry, where the Dalek AI's had been battering the Quarantine defences.

DalekAI's you are not welcome in this TARDIS!” one says.

Time Lord AI's prepare for Extermination! The Dalek AI's shall be triumphant! Exterminate, Exterminate. Exterminate!

The Time Lord AI's start battling the Dalek AI's.

“Ok, is anything happening?” Sigrun asked.

“Oh, something is definitely happening, Sigrid, a cyberbattle, one that the DAI's will lose, and the TLAI's will win, they are much more advanced,” The Doctor said.

“That is cool!” Sabrina said.

After 5 minutes the Dalek AI's and all traces of Dalek code or software had been erased, the TARDIS drops the quarantine. The Time Lord AI's return to the storage device.

Sabir jumps at the sound. “The TARDIS reports that the Scanner is clear of Dalek software,” he said.

“Very good,” the Doctor said.

“And the Drahvin plan file has been decrypted, there is no Dalek code in it either,” Sabir said.

“Good, now that that is over, will you Kellira leave my ship?” the Doctor asked.

Saturday 29 August 2020

Church notes - August 2020

 On LiveJournal:

On Dreamwidth:

Church notes - 30th August 2020

 30th August

1 John 3

Say no to sin.

Love others.

Psalm 104

Acts 22:1 - 22

Relationships are important.

Acts 21:17 - 40

Lies had been told about Paul that he had been teaching Jews to ignore the Law. As he sponsers Nazarites to sacrifice their hair in the Temple, Jews assume that he brought Greeks into the Temple to defile it.

Paul defended himself in Aramaic, which was more meaningful for those in the crowd then Greek.

Testimony of the Damascus Road experience. Saul's repentance and Baptism.

But the riot started again.

vs 23:11

Paul is to testify in Rome. To share the Gospel there.

Acts 1:8


2 Timothy 1:8 - 13

We are also to share the Gospel. We have experienced Salvation.

Relationships are important.

Matthew 5:23, 24

They need to be put in order.

You are influential in the lives of many people. Share the Gospel with them, point them towards Jesus.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Beginnings of 2020 - Trouble in Georgeton

 Trouble in Georgeton

Diana Prince entered the console room, where the Doctor was running frantically around adjusting the TARDIS’s course.


“Ah, Diana, we’re almost there,” the Doctor said.


“That’s good,” she said.


The TARDIS then landed. The Doctor changed his attention to the scanner as soon as the final thud was heard. “Wait, that’s not Themyscira,” he said.


“Good try,” Diana said. She had suspected that it wouldn’t be as simple as pointing the TARDIS at Themyscira. Either that or the ship wanted her to continue travelling with the Doctor.


“It’s a small town in Iowa, in the 1950s.”



Sunday 23 August 2020

Doctor Who - Paternoster Row - Stranded

 Paternoster Row


The Paternoster Gang arrived home with Clara Oswald after the Doctor’s defeat of the Half Faced Man. “You’re sure he’d come back here?” Jenny Flint asked.


“There’s no trace of him in the wreckage. They searched all Parliament Hill. Where else would he go?” Vastra asked. They then noticed a square space in the straw. It was empty. The TARDIS was gone. “I fear we have missed him.”



The next day, the Doctor still hadn’t appeared. Clara knocked on the door of Vastra’s chamber. “Please come in,” Vastra directed. She saw that Clara hadn’t dressed in the clothes she had arrived in two days earlier, rather in another of Jenny’s outfits. Perhaps she wasn’t as sure of the Doctor returning as she thought.


“I’m not interrupting?”


“I should be glad of your company. What can I do for you?”


“Ah,” Clara said. “Well, that’s exactly what I was going to ask you. Seems like I’m stuck here now. Got a vacancy?”


“You are very welcome to join our little household, but the Doctor could return at any moment.”


Clara frowned. “I don’t think he is. And I don’t suppose you have any Vortex Manipulators?”


“I was afraid of that. If the person who knows him best in the whole universe doesn’t know if he will return, then he isn’t likely to return soon.” Vastra paused. “I’m afraid we don’t have any Vortex Manipulators, but you are welcome to stay.”


Clara teared up. “Thanks.”


“I know this will be a shock, so you can come to Jenny or myself if you want to talk, understood?”


“Yes, Ma’am.”


“Please, call me Vastra.”



Saturday 22 August 2020

Church notes - 23rd August 2020

 23rd August

Not afraid of the dark.

1 John 3:8

His love glows in the dark.

Revelation 4:8, 11, 5:9 - 14

God being praised.

2 Corinthians 4:5

Luke 7:11 - 17

Death: the only certainty that's 100%. More certain than taxes, mobile phone batteries running out of charge, software updates and husbands apologising to their wives.

Jesus did three 'ridiculous' things. He told the woman not to cry, touched the coffin, and told the dead man to get up, as if he were sleeping. All were cultural taboos, especially to the Jews.

Do you trust that Jesus is the only way?

Jesus is willing

His heart went out to the grieving woman. His heart was full of compassion. He wept.

While we may be willing, we aren't able. 

Jesus is able.

He has the power and authority.

His miracles were more than just the event. They revealed Jesus' character, that of God.

God intervenes with boundless compassion and boundless power.

But often we treat His intervention as a hinderance. When God intervenes in your life it as the Good Shepherd. Let the God of boundless compassion and boundless power intervene in your life. All of your life.

Glorious Day:

Die Another Day rating

 Die Another Day


Wednesday 19 August 2020

Beginnings of 2020 - Daria and the Impossible - Asylum

Daria and the Impossible
Daria Morgendorffer awoke with a start. She had just had a nightmare in which Beavis and Butthead featured prominently. “Highland!” she said with a moan. It seemed that even with nearly sixteen months spent in Lawndale she hadn’t put that place in Texas completely behind her. She looked at her clock. 7:30. Time to get ready for school.

As she arrived at school, she met her friend, Jane Lane.  “Rough night?” Jane asked.

“Yes,” Daria said. She wasn’t willing to say more.

Jane could tell something was up. “Huh, huh.”

“Something to do with Texas,” Daria allowed.

“I see,” Jane said. “I know you don’t want to talk about your old school, but maybe you should if you’re having nightmares about it.”

“Maybe.” Daria was about to say more, when there was an interruption.

“Daria Morgendorffer? Jane Lane?”

Daria turned and saw that it was one of the agents who had lead away DeMartino in cuffs a few weeks earlier. “Who’s asking,” she asked.

The agent produced a badge. “Agent Leung, FBI.”

“And you’re willing to provide credentials now?” Jane asked skeptically, as he and partner hadn’t the last time they were in the school.

“An unfortunate need for operational security,” Agent Leung said as apology.

“Acceptable,” Daria said, although she was wondering if there were people in the school (staff or students) the agency had an eye on.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Changes in Time and Space v2 - Chapter 1 Invasion at the Azores - Incursion

 Chapter 1 – Invasion at the Azores – Part II: Incursion

29 September 2018, The Azores Autonomous Region, Portugal, just outside the city of Ponta Delaga

The Doctor and her companions were still behind the trees in the park as they watched foot soldiers march out of the Drahvin starship. Felicia was worried. “What are we going to do?”

The Doctor thought for a moment. “We will have to find the leader. Then I’ll have to improvise.”

Daniel gave this some thought, before asking; “Are we just going to march onto that ship?”

I haven’t any other ideas, Dan. We need to find out why the Drahvins are invading Earth in this time,” she answered. “And why they're starting in the Azores.”

“I see that, but how are we going to get on board?” Sigrun asked.

We will have to wait until all of the soldiers get out of the ship,” the Doctor answered. “Then we hope they won't find us here in the meantime.”

Soon the soldiers had left the ship, and the door remained open. “Ok, now, everyone. Run!” The Doctor directed.

The Doctor and her companions darted out from behind the tree, and ran towards the Drahvin starship. The starship looked the same as all other Drahvin ships she had seen, made out of a trashy tin-alloy that could easily be punctured by weapons fire or micrometeorites.

The Doctor bounded up the debarkation ramp, followed by Felicia, Daniel, Jia’hale and Sabir with Sigrun bringing up the rear.

Ok, we need to find the bridge,” the Doctor said.

Why?” Daniel asked.

The leader is most likely to be there,” the Doctor answered.

“Wouldn’t that be at the top of the ship?” Sabir asked.

You have been watching too much Science Fiction,” the Doctor objected “Most often the bridge isn’t on the top, but in a more protected position within the ship.”

Sigrun reflected for a moment. “Wouldn’t it be worth a try?”

Absolutely. Otherwise we wouldn’t know,” the Doctor replied.

Let’s go then,” Daniel said. The Doctor lead the way along the corridor and soon found a service shaft that lead upwards. She started climbing, followed by Daniel, Felicia, Sigrun, Jia’hale and Sabir. They soon found themselves on the top deck of the Drahvin transport.

It's clear,” the Doctor said. “Let's go.” Her companions followed her out into the corridor, and followed her towards where the sonic screwdriver was indicating the bridge was.

They soon arrived at a door, which was locked. “Deadlock seal, the sonic screwdriver is useless,” the Doctor said.

We could try a ventilation shaft?” Sabir suggested.

The Doctor thought for a moment. “There's no guarantee that it would be big enough.”

But we could try,” Daniel said.

Of course, Dan,” the Doctor said. They then looked along the corridor for any openings to the ship's ventilation shafts.

They soon found one, about 10 meters from the bridge door. This time the Doctor could open it with the sonic screwdriver. It clanged down onto the floor.

Ok, I'll go first,” Daniel said.

No, Dan, I'll go first. You don't know what would be in there. It could be booby trapped!” the Doctor said.

“Of course,” Daniel said, the Doctor usually went first into dangerous situations like this.

“You can bring up the rear” the Doctor said. The Doctor then entered the ventilation duct, with Jia'hale following.

Sabir, Felicia and Sigrun followed, and Daniel came last.

The Doctor leapt out of the ventilation shaft onto the Drahvin Bridge, where many Drahvins were waiting.

Hello Doctor!” one of them, who seemed to be in charge, said. The Doctor looked up straight, and her companions carefully exited the shaft.

'Of course it has to be her!' the Doctor thought to herself. “Hello, Kellira.” She had met this particular Drahvin many times before.

You know her?” Daniel asked.

In a way,” the Doctor answered.

Kellira made a signal and suddenly every Drahvin on the bridge were pointing their guns at the Doctor and her companions. It appeared they were outwitted.

We are in trouble now,” Jia’hale said in an exhasperated tone.

What do you have planned now?” Daniel asked. Sabir, Felicia and Sigrun were speechless with shock.

I have no plan,” the Doctor admitted. “I probably could have contacted UNIT or Torchwood.”

Kellira made another signal and one of her soldiers stepped forwards.

“Silence!” she shouted.

There is nothing you, or the Earth organisations you referenced, can do Doctor!” Kellira objected. “Our plan is proceeding perfectly. The Azores will be ours and we can then interfere with Earth's history to our ends!”

“You can’t do that!” Jia’hale said.

“Yes we can,” Kellira said.

You Drahvins are all the same! You use anything as a weapon.,” the Doctor said. Whatever your plan is, it will fail!”

But you have no plan! Every time we met before, I could see that you had some kind of plan, you obviously didn't think that the bridge would be heavily guarded,” Kellira said.

I have almost lost count of the times when I didn't have a plan and still defeated my opponent,” the Doctor said. “And as I once told a Dalek Emperor; doesn't that scare you to bits?”

Meanwhile, Sabir was edging along towards a computer console; all of the soldier's had their eyes on the Doctor...

What is your plan?” Sigrun asked.

Wouldn't you and your Time Lord friend like to know. You will not find out!” Kellira said.

“What is the point of taking over the Azores anyway?” Daniel asked. ‘They are quite isolated.”

“I am not answering that question,” Kellira said.

Unnoticed, the Doctor grabbed her sonic screwdriver and changed the setting...

The setting hadn't been used for a while, but she was sure it would work. She activated the setting. Bizzzzt, bizxewt, wizzzte.

What was that?”Kellira said as she heard the Sonic screwdriver.

Sabir whirled around to the nearest computer station. Amongst other things the sonic screwdriver had brought up a directory listing.

“Call up their plan” he heard Felicia call out.

“That is what I am doing!” he shot back as he began looking through the files.

Jia’hale and Sigrun had flanked the Doctor, and they both charged at Kellira, ready to take her down...

Outside the city, the TARDIS waited patiently for the Doctor and her companions. It then received the signal from the Doctor, via the communications system of the Drahvin starship that she was in. She knew her thief was in trouble.

She sent a few messages to allies of the Doctor via the worldwide internet and then set into motion, homing in on the Doctor's signal.

Sigrun and Jia’hale had knocked Kellira over but it wasn't long before she recovered and fought back. Her soldiers did shoot in the direction of two companions, and the Doctor, but most of the shots went wild and some of them fell victim to friendly fire.

Kellira stood up again. “Feisty are you two? But I am a highly trained Drahvin warrior, you stand no chance!” she said fuming and charged at Sigrun, who promptly twisted her onto her back.

I am also trained; in Terran Eastern Martial Arts. What do you say to that?” Sigrun then said.

That just makes it more of a challenge! It will make no difference in the long run,” Kellira said.

Sabir had called up the file containing the plan. “Of course it would be encrypted!” he said, however he knew how to get around that.

Yes, Kellira, I summoned my ship,” the Doctor said. “I can then use it to further the destruction of your plan.” The TARDIS finished rematerialising and she clicked her fingers, opening the doors.

“I haven't decrypted the file yet, but it can be accessed from the TARDIS,” Sabir as he ran from the computer panel towards the TARDIS.

Guards, surround the Time Lady's ship!” Kellira ordered.

Many of the Drahvin soldiers tried to surround the TARDIS. But there was an interruption. Jia'hale lashed out, all feet and fists, and cleared the area near the door. Sabir unlocked the door and dashed inside.

Feeling inadequate now?” Daniel goaded.

This only added fuel to Kellira's rage. “I am more than 'adequate' obligatory male companion. Not even the TARDIS can decrypt that file!”

You seen very confident for a Drahvin who has just been outwitted, unless you pilfered some encryption software from a derelict Dalek ship,” the Doctor rejoined.

I wouldn't think even you would risk that.”

Kellira called for the guards again, but found none were answering. While Daniel and the Doctor were talking to her, they had either been caught in their own crossfire, or had been knocked out by Sigrun and Jia'hale.

You're still very confident, Doctor. The Drahvin forces are still as of this moment taking control of the city of Ponta Delaga, and I am still confident that you cannot change that fact, or decrypt that file,” Kellira said.


Sigrun, Jia'hale, you hold Kellira here while Felicia and I help the TARDIS and Sabir crack the file.”

Saturday 15 August 2020

Church notes - 16th August 2020

 16 August 2020

1 John 2:1, 2

Hebrews 10:19 - 25

Acts 20:13 - 21

Paul's Third Missionary Journey

Antioch to Corinth. Corinth back to Jerusalem.

Only speach in Acts intended soley for a Christian audience.

Acts 20:22 - 38

Paul was remembering his time with them. He was not boasting, rather reminding them of the example he set and carrying on. Warnings of people who would distort the truth by teaching things that aren't the Gospel at all.

vs 22 - 24

A life in Christ is one that seeks to be led by the Spirit to follow God's will.

Sometimes God's leading happens that way. But it's not something Paul expects.

Romans 8:1 - 17

Galatians 5:16 - 26

We should be focused on being led out of the sinful life and into obedience to Him.

What does it look like?

A life in Christ is that seeks spiritual purpose above self preservation.

vs 24

The worth of life is not about 'success' or longevity, but whether we do the task Jesus has given us.

vs 24

The task of spreading the Gospel.

We can't allow COVID, nor any other difficulty, to stop our purpose.

How can we boldly testify to God's grace?

The World Is Not Enough rating

 The World Is Not Enough


Friday 14 August 2020

Beginnings of 2020 - Doctor Who - Quest in Time

 Doctor Who: Quest in Time

It was quiet in the console room as the Doctor directed the ship to go forwards to another Wednesday. It wasn’t often that he travelled without Clara after what happened at Trenzalore. She seemed more, contemplative, after what happened. Dealing with all those echo memories was undoubtedly hard.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Quinn's Code - Geekery at the Mega Mall - Part 3


Ten minutes later, the cell phone rang. “Who could this be?” she said prior to taking the call. “Hello?”

Hi, Quinn, it's Wolfgang.”

 Quinn moved the cell phone from her ear and covered the microphone with her hand “Oh, dear!” she said. She then placed it back at her ear. “Um, I have already arranged with Koichi to go to the Mall of the Millennium with him.”


Oh!” Wolfgang's voice sounded slightly hurt.


You're welcome to come with us if you want,” Quinn said, with a slight agitated giggle.


What are your plans?


Koichi is going to pick me up at 8:15 and be out of Lawndale by 8:30,” Quinn said.


Ok,” Wolfgang said.


We could pick you up; it wouldn't do to have your car parked on the street near my house all day.”


No problem there, your house isn't that far from mine. I can walk.


Are you sure? We could go by your place.”


I'm sure.


Cool, I'll see you at 8:10 then?”


Wolfgang agreed and hung up. Quinn hoped that the situation wouldn't go out of hand. As she placed the phone down it rang again. 'I guess that this is Xavier!' she thought with slight agitation. “Hello?”


Quinn, I hope I am not too late!” Xavier said.


Depends how you define 'too late.'”


I am too late, aren't I?


Yeah, you are, Xavier, but you can still come with if you still want to skip school,” Quinn said sweetly.


That would be good. What time can I come around?


About eight, but not any later.”


About eight?




I can do that.


Cool,” Quinn said.


So, who is picking you up?” Xavier asked.




Oh, OK.”


Is that alright?”


It's alright, I wasn't expecting it is all.




Friday, October 29, 2005

Quinn saw Daria leave the house at 7:50, heading towards Jane's house, from one of her bedroom windows. She had heard her parents leaving for work earlier. She then left the room to get breakfast.



Xavier found the Morgendorffer's house at 8:00. 'Eleven-Eleven, this is the place. Quite a large house,' he thought. He rang the doorbell.


Quinn opened it soon afterwards. “Hi, Xavier, the others aren't here yet,. You can come in and wait,” she said.


Sure, Quinn,” he said. He stepped inside and took in the sight of the living room... “This is quite large,”


It is, isn't it?”



Wolfgang arrived at Quinn's house slightly early. He knocked on the door. Quinn opened it “Hi, Wolfgang, we're just waiting on Koichi now,” she said.


How soon?” Wolfgang asked as he came inside. He saw Xavier watching the news on the TV. “Hi.”


Five to ten minutes,” Quinn said.


Cool,” Wolfgang said.



When Jennifer arrived at Jane's house she could see that Daria and Jane were waiting for her.

So, ready for the mall trip?” she asked.


As I'll ever be,” Daria said.


Same here,” Jane said.


You don't usually wait out in the front,” Jennifer said.


I want to get there early,” Daria said.


Ok,” Jennifer said.


Sure,” Jane said.



At 8:25 Koichi drove his mother's SUV out of Lawndale on Maryland State Route 276. Quinn was sitting in the passenger seat and Xavier and Wolfgang were in the back. “We should be at the Mall of the Millennium by 11:00 at the latest, Quinn,” he said.


Very good, but it would be good idea to keep the radio on to listen for traffic conditions,” Quinn said.


Sure, Quinn,” Rob said.


I'm not sure it would make much of a difference,” Wolfgang said.


Why?” Quinn asked.


There is only one bridge over the bay,” Wolfgang said.


I meant for within Baltimore,” Quinn said.



At 8:35 the Fashion Club also left Lawndale on the same route, being driven by a male victim escort.

Why did we have to do this again?” Stacy asked.


Because, we had to take up this opportunity!” Sandi said.


Right!” Stacy said.


I don't think that answers the question, Sandi,” Tori said.


I think it does, Tor-ri,” Sandi said.


Tori grumbled.




Maryland/Delaware Border

The Fashion Club stopped at a gas station immediately on the Delaware side of the border.

Why are we stopping here?” Sandi asked.


We need gas!” Guy, the Fashion Club's driver, said.


Didn't you fill it up back in Lawndale, like, before you picked us up?” Sandi asked.


No, you were insistent on leaving so quickly!”


Right! I'll fill it then!” Sandi said. She went to the pump herself.