Saturday, 22 August 2020

Church notes - 23rd August 2020

 23rd August

Not afraid of the dark.

1 John 3:8

His love glows in the dark.

Revelation 4:8, 11, 5:9 - 14

God being praised.

2 Corinthians 4:5

Luke 7:11 - 17

Death: the only certainty that's 100%. More certain than taxes, mobile phone batteries running out of charge, software updates and husbands apologising to their wives.

Jesus did three 'ridiculous' things. He told the woman not to cry, touched the coffin, and told the dead man to get up, as if he were sleeping. All were cultural taboos, especially to the Jews.

Do you trust that Jesus is the only way?

Jesus is willing

His heart went out to the grieving woman. His heart was full of compassion. He wept.

While we may be willing, we aren't able. 

Jesus is able.

He has the power and authority.

His miracles were more than just the event. They revealed Jesus' character, that of God.

God intervenes with boundless compassion and boundless power.

But often we treat His intervention as a hinderance. When God intervenes in your life it as the Good Shepherd. Let the God of boundless compassion and boundless power intervene in your life. All of your life.

Glorious Day:

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