Saturday, 29 August 2020

Church notes - 30th August 2020

 30th August

1 John 3

Say no to sin.

Love others.

Psalm 104

Acts 22:1 - 22

Relationships are important.

Acts 21:17 - 40

Lies had been told about Paul that he had been teaching Jews to ignore the Law. As he sponsers Nazarites to sacrifice their hair in the Temple, Jews assume that he brought Greeks into the Temple to defile it.

Paul defended himself in Aramaic, which was more meaningful for those in the crowd then Greek.

Testimony of the Damascus Road experience. Saul's repentance and Baptism.

But the riot started again.

vs 23:11

Paul is to testify in Rome. To share the Gospel there.

Acts 1:8


2 Timothy 1:8 - 13

We are also to share the Gospel. We have experienced Salvation.

Relationships are important.

Matthew 5:23, 24

They need to be put in order.

You are influential in the lives of many people. Share the Gospel with them, point them towards Jesus.

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