Saturday, 18 August 2018

Church notes - 19th August 2018

19th August
Psalm 99

Matthew 24:1 - 14
WEC - established 1913
A third of the world hasn't heard of Jesus.

STOMP - Short Term Overseas Missionary Program
e.g. to East Timor in October

Is not to be taken lightly

Missionary - you being you somewhere else

Matthew 24:1 -14
vs 1
The Disciples pointing out the ornate design of the Temple buildings
They didn't expect Jesus' response! He says 'Take your eyes off the buildings, pay attention to your heart!
He is more focused on our hearts than on outward show.

The last days
Deceptions, wars, wickedness
vs 14
All nations will hear the Word.
The certainty of the message
Certainty - It will be preached
The recipients of the message
16000 people groups
7000 haven't heard of Jesus!
Mongolia - 40000 believers
Japan: Prayer - Mrs S. - stumbling block. Pressure from the local Buddhist community has caused her to flee her community. Thus other's who may come to know Christ haven't her presence to encourage them...

The promise of the Message
Revelation 7:9, 10

Will you take up the challenge of sharing the love of Christ with people and the difference He's made in your life?

Are you open to going whereever the Lord asks you to go?

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