Thursday, 20 December 2018

Rise of Weirdness - Part 43

February 18, 2014:
Kiev Massacre; Soviet troops launch a brutal political crackdown on pro-democracy demonstration in Kiev, Ukraine SSR; U.S. President Michelle Obama openly condemns the measures in a televised address,

April 25, 2014:
Rapper Snoop Dogg announces that he is a "closeted" werewolf, after years of rampant speculation in Los Angeles, California,.

May 3, 2014:
Argentina announces its membership in the ALBA Socialist Bloc, fueling political civil unrest and panic within the region; Political critics claim the Obama Administration has "lost Latin America...",....

May 11, 2014:
Cantonese pop star Chloe Wang launches her concert tour starting with Toronto, Ontario, Canada, sparking international attention,....

May 18th, 2014:
Pakistani forces capture a cache of Hex books from a Kashmiri separatist base.

May 24, 2014:
Rapper Kanye West and Model Kim Kardashian break up in a messy celebrity fight in New York City, New York,...

June 19, 2014:
Destination: Pluto film directed by Use Boll is banned from theatres after riots erupt in major cities across the European Union including Berlin, Vienna, Rome and Athens, investigations report evil mystical energies of a possible curse around the film....

July 29, 2014:
Kahane Chai leader Ariel Oppenheimer is accused of using a home-made bomb against the Jordanian Embassy in Canberra, demanding a "Right of Return".

August 8, 2014:
Police officials in San Jose, California report "strange activities" regarding golems throughout the "Chuck E. Cheese" franchise, leading to many restaurants to consider abandonment of golems,

August 13, 2014:
Eko Atlantic City, Nigeria enters into orbit, further angering Sub-Saharan African leaders as well as the Anglo-French Union,

November 4, 2014:
Soviet troops launch a brutal invasion of Poland, launching a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters,...

November 13, 2014
The UN accepts the subsea settlement of New Tasmania as a member.

24 December 2014
A miser in Romania has a ‘Scrooge Experience’...

10 January 2015
AT&T starts its social networking service, Bell Social.

January 11, 2015
Australia joins the Mutual Disaster Asssisant Pact. The 7th nation to do so.

January 26, 2015:
Christian evangelical leaders warn against American support for the Kahane Chai, during a press conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, sparking international attention and concern,....

10 February 2015
AT&T launches its Secure Online Facsimile service, ‘Guaranteed to be Spam Free’.

1 March 2015
AT&T launches its Video Chat Service.

March 3, 2015:
Alaskan Governor Benjamin Netanyahu (R-AK) calls upon President Michele Obama to support a Zionist homeland or "be labeled an anti-Semite" during a speech in Washington D.C.,....

March 17, 2015:
Edinburgh Declaration; Anglo-French Union leaders proclaim "right of free movement and trade" by citizens of the Commonwealth of Nations, as a means to boost trade and development within the network of states,....

March 29, 2015:
Soviet Premier Ivan Melnikov announces the construction of the "New Silk Road" highway plan, connecting Eurasia and the Pacific Rim, as a major infrastructure project,

April 20, 2015:
African Union (AU) leaders voice concern after the sudden disappearance of the residents of Dulali, Nigeria, sparking tensions across Sub-Saharan Africa,...

May 12, 2015:
Fighting erupts in Athens, Greece after President Karolos Papoulias announces the departure from NATO and the European Union, threatening to shatter the international alliances,....

29 June 2015
The Romanian former miser officially establishes his philanthropic foundation.

July 27, 2015:
Police in Detroit, Michigan report the invocation of the demon "Baphomet", triggering civil unrest and panic,...

August 11, 2015:
California organizer Louis J. Marinelli launches campaign calling for the secession of the state of California from the United States, considered initially as a fringe campaign that will fail to be ratified;....

August 21, 2015:
Target: Stalin directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Tamara Hill, Peter Allan, Robyn Eris and Erica Black details the plot by Transformed special forces unit to assassinate Stalin, banned in the Soviet Union,.

September 7, 2015:
Bangkok Disaster; Tensions mount as Bangkok, Thailand is hit by a massive "Orichalum" asteroid, killing thousands of people, destroying the Thai monarchy, and triggering a massive humanitarian crisis,.

September 27, 2015:
United Nations Security Council passes Sustainable Development Goals, including the elimination of slavery in the Offworlder colonies, with many Transformed advocates warning that the legislation is an attempt to establish a military foothold in the Offworlder colonies,.

1 October 2015
AT&T links Bell Social to the Video Chat Service.

October 4, 2015:
Police and state officials in Orange, California warn that local officials led by Tim Donnelly are attempting the secession of the Southern California town,....

October 20, 2015:
Chinese authorities declare martial law after the disappearance of the cities of Foshan and Jiangxi, fueling international civil unrest and panic,...
Twin Cities Uprising; Chinese cities of Foshan and Jiangxi transport themselves into space, triggering praise amongst Offworlder colonies but civil unrest and panic amongst Chinese leaders,....

October 22, 2015:
British officials call for implementation of martial law after Hastings, England launches itself into space, fueling the Offworlder cause...

November 2015
After some outcry, AT&T removes the social networking captions from the video chat service.

8 December 2015:
Reports reach Earth that some Offworlders have managed to achieve relativistic velocity over nine years before. There is now an Offworld colony at Alpha Centauri. This news prompts panic in some countries. ("They're going to spread through the Galaxy and outcompete us!")
Some more planetoids leave the Solar System, heading for other nearby star systems... Beginning of the Greater Exodus

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