14th May
Mothers Day
Genesis 2:18 - 23
Eve is the crown of creation. His final touch.
Duke, Broqq
1 Samuel
John 3:1 - 21
- He had everything that seemed to be valued
- Sought Jesus by night
- A success by the standards of the culture of the time
- Impoverished in his heart
Hollywood - the centre of the modern variety - Stars have everything, yet drug abuse is very high.
- Emptiness, self doubt
One can appear to have it all together, and yet feel lost inside.
vs 3
Jesus says that doubts should be there.
Matthew 5:3
The poor in spirit - They know that they need to change.
We need to have a radical change
Being born again - we should have a radical change in our thinking.
Nicodemus was questioning the possibility of change.
You can't change by your own strength.
The Spirit was sent for this purpose.
vs 14 - 18
The demonstration of God's love. The object of His love is all of humanity. A broad, generous love. A love that's self giving.
John 17:39 - 40
A picture of a most unlikely victory. Nicodemus' life was changed.
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