Midgard County, Minnesota is renamed to Carrol County. The percentage of native speakers of Minnesota Norse in that county drops below 2.5%.
In eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 1.4%.
In Minnesota overall, the number drops below 0.5%
It is noted that the RAWN had been encouraging immigration into the state by English speakers for the last decade. This process would continue.
Protests in various parts of the Caribbean increase, as it is becoming more apparent that the Federation is failing...
The last Druid dies (of old age) in northern Wales...
The Sino-Mongolian war continues.
A Japanese navy ship faces off against Russian patrol boats off the southern tip of Sakhalin for a few tense days in June, but cooler heads prevail.
As the democratisation program continues. Oceania changes it's name to Australia-Pacifica. (From the Oceanian Confederal Rationalist Worker States to the Commonwealth of Australian and Pacifican States and Territories)
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