Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Rise of Weirdness - Part 55

July 27, 2141:
Bruna's Rebellion; Salvador Bruna leads an armed insurrection against American life-extension groups in Sao Paulo, fueling tensions across the Hemisphere,...

January 6, 2142:
Mayan guerrillas proclaim the "liberation" of southern Yucatan from American occupation forces, sparking international attention and concern,.....

March 29, 2142:
Anti-American riots erupt in Pernambuco, Brazil, citing the life-extension corporations, fueling political and economic tensions between the countries,....

July 21, 2142:
Neo-pagans led by Athena Olympia Black demand a criminal crackdown on "patriarchy faiths" throughout Aphrodite,...

February 18, 2143:
Biologists report dragons in Styria, Germany, signaling an expansion of the species,...

February 21, 2143:
Ethiopian peacekeeping forces are deployed into Lisbon, Portugal citing the civil unrest and violence, triggering ethnic and sectarian unrest in the region,.....

June 2, 2143:
In the first major conflict since the Antila Purchase, The Centauri Union clashes with the Aarkn'gnr alien aboriginal race, triggering political and military condemnation,....

August 18, 2143:
Demerara Uprising; Joseph Ketley leads an armed insurrection against American life-extension groups in Demerara, Guyana, fueling civil unrest and violence in the region,.....

December 28, 2144:
New South Wales Uprising; Transformed and Offworld groups launch an armed insurrection against the Australian government, fueling tensions across the Pacific Rim,...

December 26, 2145:
Russian government collapses in Saint Petersburg amidst fuel and food shortages, escalating the violence and civil unrest in the region,...

May 23, 2146:
Mermaids led by "Jennifer Haniver" launch seaborne attacks on shipping in flooded Antwerp, Belgium, demanding an end to European dumping of toxic wastes, fueling tensions across the region,...

November 17, 2147:
Ghost of Achsa W. Sprague demands that spirits be granted political rights and protections in Plymouth Notch, Vermont,...

July 1, 2148
A majority of Humanity, whether Bland or Transformed, lives more than 25 light years from Sol/Arbol.

March 21, 2149:
Maximillian von Este of Kostheim, Germany proclaims that he has refined and created the "Philosopher's Stone" fueling religious and political unrest across inhabited space,...

July 27, 2149:
Human missionaries led by Nathaniel Jameson attempt to introduce religion to Oaniarlati, actively angering members of the Oaniarlati government,.....

May 2150
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 5840c (sixteen light years in a day).

August 21, 2151:
Golem R-e134-X launches a violent insurrection in the Offworlder region of North Ceres triggering calls for possible military and political intervention; the insurrection is considered one of ht most brutal in history,...

November 1, 2151:
Aquarian Offworlder state forces the mass evacuation of Iggrmoab alien aboriginal people from the continent of New Chadia, on the planet Sahel, fueling animosity and anger by the species,....
Ghosts erupt along the "Trail of Tears" (1831) representing Choctaw victims sparking international attention and concern,...

February 18, 2143:
Biologists report dragons in Styria, Germany, signaling an expansion of the species,...

March 10, 2154:
Lunar Disaster; Devastation erupts as the explosion of nuclear wastes at Chang'e triggers a massive humanitarian crisis,...

May 12, 2154:
Lucy Robins and Eric Warren launch the Cereston Advent art movement in Cereston, sparking international attention and concern across inhabited space,...

2155 – 2161
The Arbol-Nova Roma War.
The United Nations of Earth-Arbol vs. the Imperium of Nova Roma. The war ends in a stalemate and the creation of a Demilitarized Zone.

June 6, 2155:
Philadelphia General Strike; Workers launch a massive general strike in Philadelphia, which is the scene of a violent military crackdown, sparking international condemnation,...

July 2, 2155:
Charles Carrol of New Lyons emerges as the most powerful mage since Michel Nostradamus, sparking interstellar attention, with predictions up until 3757...

March 24, 2156:
Muscogee Ghost Uprising; Ghosts of the Muscogee nation appear along the "Trail of Tears" fueling calls for Native American reparations,...

September 14, 2156:
Ghost of Aaron Burr angrily questions why he is vilified, after an appearance in Staten Island, New York, sparking national embarrassment,....

February 25, 2159:
Mallory Samuels popularises holographic art in New London, New Britannia, sparking an interstellar art movement across inhabited space, sparking international attention,...

June 27, 2159:
Lowcaste Born Centauri led by Ravi Pippal launch a brutal mutiny aboard the Rajput, fueling political rifts between the Offworlder colonies and the Centauri government,....

July 5, 2159:
Cairo Massacre; Vampire lord Mahmud al-Barzani kills c. 259 people after failed attempts to contain the elderly vampire,...

June 2160
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 9125c (twenty five light years in a day).

August 11, 2160:
Anglo-French Union Prime Minister Donald Findlay calls for the development of an independent Zionist state, triggering controversy in Cambridge,....

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