Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Depth Takes a Holiday - Facebook Edition

Daria - Depth Takes a Holiday - Facebook Edition
Chris Mass, Holly Hallows and Gunny Night have left the Holiday Island network.

Chris Mass, Holly Hallows and Gunny Night have joined the Lawndale network.

Daria Morgendorffer became a fan of Sick Sad World ripping into out of season nativity displays.

Daria Morgendorffer wonders if Jane Lane is sometimes too cynical even for her.
Jane Lane is that sarcasm I detect?
Daria Morgendorffer Yes.

Cupid Valentine and Pat Ireland have joined the Lawndale network

Daria Morgendorffer has met two strange guys on Glen Oaks Lane.
Pat Ireland we’re not that strange! We need to speak to you.
Cupid Valentine we come in peace.
Daria Morgendorffer Who are you?

Pat Ireland is explaining to Daria Morgendorffer about Holidays who have come to Lawndale.

Daria Morgendorffer is freaked out!
Helen Morgendorffer what’s wrong sweetie?
Jake Morgendorffer Are you ok?

Cupid Valentine has hit the Morgendorffer parents with the Love Taser(TM)

Helen Morgendorffer à Jake Morgendorffer xxx

Jake Morgendorffer à Helen Morgendorffer xxx

Daria Morgendorffers parents are acting weird.

Quinn Morgendorffers parents are acting all yucky.

Daria Morgendorffer is attempting to meditate.
Quinn Morgendorffer Something is wrong with Mom and Dad!
Cupid Valentine you will help us, right?
Quinn Morgendorffer who is that?
Daria Morgendorffer A figment of our imagination.

Daria Morgendorffer is at Jane’s
Jane Lane You lead an interesting life when I'm not around.

Chris Mass, Holly Hallows and Gunny Night are at Casa Lane.

Daria Morgendorffer has met the renegade Holidays.

Chris Mass prefers ‘X’
Holly Hallows short for Xmas
Daria Morgendorffer I got it.

Gunny Night Bollocks!

Daria Morgendorffer is taking the renegades out for Pizza
Holly Hallows You are cool!

Daria Morgendorffer is at Pizza King

Jane Lane is at Pizza King

Trent Lane is at Pizza King

Chris Mass, Holly and Gunny are at Pizza King
Pat Ireland Cupid and I are here too!
Gunny Night Bollocks!
Trent Lane What is so bad about Holiday Island anyway?
Holly Hallows You have to be happy all the time.

Daria Morgendorffer Pat is saying that if X, Holly and Guy Fawkes don’t go back to Holiday Island that their holidays won’t come.
Jane Lane No Guy Fawkes Day! L L /feigned sob

Chris Mass, Holly, Guy Fawkes and I are crashing at Daria’s place.
Daria Morgendorffer oh no!

Jane Lane became a fan of Gunny Night.

Helen Morgendorffer à Jake Morgendorffer xxx

Jake Morgendorffer à Helen Morgendorffer xxx

Quinn Morgendorffer à Sandi Griffin and now they’re thinking of having another baby!!!!
Sandi Griffin how do you know?
Quinn Morgendorffer why else would they be ‘doing it’
Sandi Griffin Eeww!
Quinn Morgendorffer They can’t make a popular person compete with a new baby!

Sandi Griffin became a fan of Cute Smiling Babies
Sandi Griffin Hello Precious
Quinn Morgendorffer Sandi!
Sandi Griffin Sorry!
Quinn Morgendorffer I have to follow them around to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Sandi Griffin Well, try not to stay up too late. You know what that does to your skin.
Quinn Morgendorffer You’re such a good friend!
Sandi Griffin I know

Holly Hallows has become a fan of Padded Walls in Bedrooms
Chris Mass and Gunny Night Like this.

Daria Morgendorffer The fugitives are sleeping in my room

Cupid Valentine and Pat Ireland have joined the Lawndale High School network.
Pat Ireland That Daria chick is going to screw everything up a lot worse than she thinks.

Kevin Thompson became a fan of Motivating Football Teams by calling them Ladies
Brittany Taylor Likes this

Pat Ireland à Brittany Taylor Some friends of ours have come to Lawndale and we’re hoping that you can talk them into leaving.
Kevin Thompson You can just tell them what a cool place Lawndale is.
Pat Ireland No, we want you to tell them the opposite.
Kevin Thompson Opposite?
Pat Ireland We want to you to talk them into leaving Lawndale.

Kevin Thompson and Brittany Taylor have become fans of Lawndale

Pat Ireland à Cupid Valentine We’re going to need the smart chick. Don’t tell me to relax!
Cupid Valentine For once I agree with you, dude

Sandi Griffin, Quinn Morgendorffer, Stacy Rowe and Tiffany Blum-Deckler are attending the event Fashion Club Meeting at the Griffin Residence.

Tiffany Blum-Deckler has posted Accessory Committee Report
Stacy Rowe Isn’t that great Quinn?
Stacy Rowe Quinn?
Sandi Griffin She seems uncharacteristically sloppy.

Quinn Morgendorffer must stay awake and ensure that her parents won’t have another baby.

Quinn Morgendorffer My cousin has Holidays staying with her
Sandi Griffin You need to take a leave of absence from the Fashion Club
Stacy Rowe Get some rest.

Quinn Morgendorffer has left the event Fashion Club Meeting at the Griffin Residence

Sandi Griffin Quinn will be back once she has had some rest.

Daria Morgendorffer has been dragged to the mall by Cupid and the Leprechaun.
Pat Ireland Life as we know it has come to a halt
Pat Ireland You did see the unsold Halloween candy
Cupid Valentine and the toys that the kids won’t be getting for Christmas?
Jane Lane And the pie stand, Daria. Don’t forget the pie stand.
Daria Morgendorffer My statements from earlier are still valid.
Pat Ireland You really did have a wonderful life
Daria Morgendorffer And again; what the hell are you talking about?

Gunny Night thinks the United States is completely imbecilic.
Daria Morgendorffer Oh Really?

Daria Morgendorffer X. There are is no gingerbread at my house or at Janes!

Holly Hallows became a fan of Rich Neighbourhoods with their own woods and Toilet Papering
Daria Morgendorffer What is that about?
Holly Hallows Aren’t you nosey. You really know how to make someone not feel at home
Daria Morgendorffer Excuse me, but you are in my home.
Holly Hallows Do you own it?
Daria Morgendorffer My Mom’s name is on the title deed.
Hollow Hallows Then it’s not really yours, is it?

Chris Mass There are no baked goods at 1111 Glen Oaks Lane

Chris Mass Let’s go to Trent’s and rehearse

Daria Morgendorffer doesn’t want to meet Leap Year

Jake Morgendorffer became a fan of Overcast Days

Holly Hallows added Daria Morgendorffer as a friend (Awaiting friend confirmation)
Helen Morgendorffer likes this

Helen Morgendorffer à Jake Morgendorffer xxx

Jake Morgendorffer à Helen Morgendorffer xxx

Helen Morgendorffer à Jake Morgendorffer xxx

Daria Morgendorffer wants to go to Holiday Island.
Jane Lane we need to find Cupid and Pat

Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane have joined the Holiday Island network.
Daria Morgendorffer There is a Good Time Chinese Restaurant here too?
Pat Ireland It’s a chain.

Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane have joined the Holiday Island High School network
Jane Lane This is just like a High School
Daria Morgendorffer I get the feeling that we will be saying that all our lives
Pat Ireland It only seems like high school. It’s actually worse
Jane Lane That’s what we’ll be saying all our lives.

Pat Ireland The social order at Holiday Island High has gone completely haywire.
Daria Morgendorffer X and Holly were the most popular?
Pat Ireland Now its President’s Day

Abraham Kentucky à Arbor Lumber Remember the footware dress code!

Rory Liberty à Pat Ireland Lincoln’s going to make me recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Call him off!

Holly Hallows has received her first paycheck from Coffee Cafe
Chris Mass What!
Gunny Night Bollocks!
Trent Lane She doesn’t want to share it if she doesn’t want to.

Daria Morgendorffer has invited Chris Mass, Gunny Night and Holly Hallows to the event Holiday Island High School Prom
Gunny Night Proms are for tossers!
Daria Morgendorffer A gig is a gig
Trent Lane You really know a lot about music, Daria

Helen Morgendorffer à Jake Morgendorffer Want to go for a walk, Honey?
Quinn Morgendorffer Where are you going?

Jamie White Quinn is in trouble!
Quinn Morgendorffer Oh no!

Trent Lane has joined the Holiday Island network

Chris Mass, Gunny Night, Holly Hallows and 1233 others are attending the event Holiday Island High School Prom
George Virginia They said they were too good for us!
Abraham Kentucky Yeah
May Day Give them a chance!

Holly Hallows That was very successful!

Jane Lane à Daria Morgendorffer Should I care that none of this makes any sense?
Daria Morgendorffer Nope, this is the best Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's, Saint Patrick's, President's and Guy Fawkes Day ever

Chris Mass, Holly Hallows and Gunny Night have joined the Holiday Island network

Chris Mass, Holly Hallows and Gunny Night have left the Lawndale network

Jane Lane, Trent Lane and Daria Morgendorffer have left the Holiday Island network
Pat Ireland You have saved the Holidays, if there is ever anything I can do for you when you have reached the legal drinking age, let me know
Daria Morgendorffer What of my parents?
Cupid Valentine The Taser has almost worn off.

Quinn Morgendorffer à Helen Morgendorffer Go ahead and have your stupid baby! I can’t take this anymore!
Jake Morgendorffer You’re pregnant, Helen?
Helen Morgendorffer Of course not!
Jake Morgendorffer We can’t have another kid, Helen!
Helen Morgendorffer Well, I’m not pregnant, and that is not a very nice thing to say!

Daria Morgendorffers parents are back to normal
Quinn Morgendorffer and Jane Lane like this.
Daria Morgendorffer God bless us, everyone

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