Luke 22:54 - 62
We must rely on God's Word and Command Fear to leave.
Kidswise - Peter gets it wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjxU8TDtyWA
God is in Control
Jesus tried to warn Peter, but he wasn't prepared. Jesus did ask Peter and John to pray, but that wasn't enough.
Denied Jesus at the courtyard belonging to the High Priest.
Make sure you're following Jesus more closely.
John 18:15 - 17
Peter's fears were growing
Peter had been unfaithful to Jesus.
So have we, silent, not defending Jesus.
vs 60, 61
Eye Contact, Peter remembered.
'f Satan can't destroy our faith, he tries to destroy fellowship, joy and hope, so that we live in misery, are ineffective, and are neutralized as far as furthering the kingdom of God and diminishing Satan's sphere of influence.' Ralph Wilson.
1 John 1:9
Peter followed the path.
A point of failure. Guilt can't help us achieve anything.
A Juxaposition. Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two elements close together or side by side. This is often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences, etc.
E.g. Three sisters at the Three sisters.
The moment of eye contact.
Juxtaposition of guilt and forgiveness.
- Negative Emotion, feeling something is basically wrong with you,
- Unresolved shame - can lead to depression and anxiety.
- Can lead to withdrawral and addictions.
By going to the Cross, Jesus has dealt with our shame.
God's long term plan
- Jesus knew he was going to the Cross, to save the world. He wasn't surprised by Peter's denial. Similarly God wasn't surprised by the Coronavirus.
John 21:15 - 19
Jesus restored Peter and gave him a job. No matter how great our shame, Jesus forgives us.
Conviction of sin.
Confession of sin.
Forgiveness through Christ's blood.
Repentance - a decision to turn from sin.
Restoration - the relationship repaired & renewed.
Romans 12:12
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