Wednesday, 24 June 2020

The Firing of Upchuck

The Firing of Upchuck (a Middle Earth in Peril* ficlet)
Aragorn and Gimli carried the squirming Upchuck to the cannon.
"You can't do this to me!" he said.

"You deserve it!" the Dwarf said.

"Would you rather the Huorns deal with you?" Jane asked.

Upchuck shook his head vigorously. "No! Anything but those creepy trees," he said.

"The cannon it is then," Jane said.

'Ironic that I would be shot out of a cannon of my own design,' Upchuck thought as the Ranger and the Dwarf shoved him into said cannon.

Jane lit the fuse, smirking.

BOOM!! Upchuck went flying to where several Rohirric soldiers were waiting to catch him.

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