Monday, 8 March 2021

Daria and the Flynn Fletchers - Big Ideas in Lawndale - Part 1

 Big Ideas in Lawndale

July 13, 2004

Lawndale, Wisconsin

111 Howard Drive, 7:40 AM

Jane Lane opened the door and found her friend, Daria Morgendorffer, waiting. “You’re early, Daria,” she said.


“I know, but I’d like to get over into Danville early, before Candace gets it into her mind to come over here,” Daria said.


“True,” Jane said. She knew that Candace Flynn would think to come over to Lawndale sooner or later. “You did call her, right?” She thought that if Candace wasn’t home that it would be awkward waiting for her to come back.


“I called the Flynn-Fletchers, but there was no answer.”


“I’ve had my Coffee. I’m ready to go.”


“What about Trent?” Daria asked, referring to Jane’s brother.


“He stayed up all night…”


“Of course.”




Danville, Minnesota

2308 Maple Drive, 8:00 AM

For a second day in a row Trent’s Plymouth parked out the front of a two story house in a Danville suburb.

“Are you sure you want to be here this early?” Trent Lane asked just before he turned off the engine.


“Yes,” Daria said.


“Before Candace left home to come over to Lawndale,” Jane added.


“Cool,” Trent said, as his sister and her friend got out of the car.



Candace Flynn was ready to go. She had gotten up early (not very easily, given that she had gone out in Lawndale the night before) and had her breakfast. She was about to leave when she saw Daria, Jane and Trent enter the backyard. “Oh!” she said. She went and opened the sliding door. “You’re here early.”


“I thought that coming here before you headed into Lawndale would be a good idea,” Daria said.


“We didn’t want you going back and forth too much,” Jane added.


Candace thought for a moment. “I guess so. But no one else is up yet.”


“We can wait,” Daria said.


“I’ll take a nap,” Trent said.



A while later, Phineas and Ferb came down the stairs.


“It looks like a good day, Ferb,” Phineas noted. Ferb nodded.


“Hi, Phineas,” Jane said.


“You’re here again, Cool!”


“Yes, yesterday’s project gave me great ideas for my paintings,” Jane said.


“Cool,” Phineas said.


“They’re going to be a while in deciding,” Candace said.


“Let’s look at our plans, Ferb.” Ferb flashed a thumbs up signal.



Linda and Lawrence came down a few minutes later. “I see that Candace has invited you over again?” Linda asked.


“Yes, Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher,” Jane replied.


“It is good that she has friends in Lawndale, as well as here in Danville.”


Phineas overheard this. “That’s it, Ferb! I know what we are going to do today!”


“What are you doing?” Candace asked.


“We’ll build an advanced vehicle and then use it to visit Lawndale,” Phineas said.


Ferb nodded.


“And so we go back and forth,” Daria said.


“True,” Jane said. She noted that Perry had gone from where she had seen him. “Hey, Where’s Perry?”



Once again, Perry entered his lair, after entering via one of the Flynn-Fletchers’ kitchen cupboards. “Good Morning, Agent P. It appears that Doofenshmirtz has established a branch of his business in downtown Lawndale, in a disreputable street…” Major Francis Monogram started.


He was then interrupted by his intern, Karl Carl. “Dega Street isn’t that disreputable, Sir.




Well it isn’t, Sir.


Well, I say it’s disreputable.”


Yes. Sir.”


Monogram turned back to his Agent. “At any event, this development must be investigated. Get going and find out what he’s up to. We’re counting on you, Agent P!



At the same time as Perry departing in the direction of Lawndale, Phineas and Ferb exited the house into the back yard, followed by Candace, Jane and Daria.


“So, you are going to build something better than what you built yesterday?” Daria asked.


“Absolutely,” Phineas said.


“So, it’s not going to fall apart like that stone flying bus?” Jane asked.


“No, we’ll be using state of the art materials,” Phineas enthused.


“That’s good then,” Jane said.


“Certainly safer,” Candace mused. “But still bustable!”


Isabella Garcia-Shapiro entered by the side gate. “Hi, what’cha doo-in?”


Phineas explained the idea.


“That’s cool, I haven’t seen much of Lawndale.”


“Compared to Danville, it’s boring,” Jane said.


Ferb produced a plan. “That’s a great design,” Phineas enthused. Ferb gave a thumbs up. “Let’s get started.”

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