Sunday, 21 August 2022

Church notes - 21st August 2022


Matthew 12:18 - 21

Matthew 24:3 - 14

Revelation 6, 7

Ephesians 1:13, 15

Rev 7:17

God will be with you no matter what happens.

Revelation 8:1

The victory of Christ is assured because He is greater and stronger.

6:5, 6

Economy in ruins

A picture of history rather than a snapshot?

Why does He allow these things? A contrast.

Only God can bring peace.


The martyrs valued faithfulness to God above anything in the world.

vs 10

Live like there's something worth dying for.


Chapter 7 - What John saw next. Not necessarily what happens next.

God's people

Sealed for their protection.

144000 Who?

All of God's people.


More symbolic than statistical.

vs 9 The vast multitude.

vs 10 Worship.

Salvation belongs to God.

It wasn't due to their works.

An encouragement for the seven churches and for us. The Church is indestructible.

Romans 8:31 - 38

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