Saturday, 7 October 2023

Church notes - 8th October 2023


Psalm 138

1 Corinthians 12:22 - 26

John 4:1 - 38


. Samaritan Woman

It was very unusual that Jesus was talking with a woman.

vs 27

5 Husbands, and with a man whom she wasn't married to.

vs 10 - 12

Spiritual water.

Isaiah 55:1 - 3

We are more than physical beings. God will santify our needs.

vs 12

'Are you greater than Jacob?'

vs 17 - 24

God is everywhere. One doesn't need to worship at a particular place. God will meet us where we are.

We need to come to Him and accept the forgiveness given through Jesus' sacrifice.

vs 36

Jesus stating that He is indeed the Messiah in a profound way.

vs 31 - 34

Spiritual Food. He was doing the work He was sent to do.

What was special about this woman?

In human eyes - nothing.

In God's eyes - everything.

God is calling us to go outside our comfort zone.

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