Saturday, 16 March 2024

Church notes - 17th March 2024


Philippians 2:1 - 4


Luke 4:17 - 21

1 Corinthians 11:23 - 27


Philippians 3:1 - 11

Vs 1

Filled with joy.

vs 2


Proving Marriage

- Certificate

- Photo

- A new name

- A new female

- Vows before God

- A relationship with each other

Proving as a Christian

Grew up in Church


But, even the Devil himself believes in God.

And a professor in Theology doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son.

vs 3 - 6

Paul's credentials

- A Jew

- A member of the tribe of Benjamin

- A Pharisee

- He persecuted the Church

- He was faultless by the Law

vs 7 - 9

Is knowing Jesus the greatest thing in your life?

Is Jesus all you want?

Paul knew he was a Christian because he had put his faith in Jesus.

Bank Statement

Debt | Credit

SIN .  | (The Cross)

Sins of commission - what is done

Sins of omission - what is not done.

Debt is wiped out because of what Jesus has done on the Cross. Jesus lived a Holy life. He never sinned. That is why He paid the price.

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