Friday, 31 January 2025

28th - 31st January 2025 Writings


28th – 31st


Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady

Aialah finished going through the log on Arendelle. It was informative, but she was sure that it wasn’t conducive to understanding any magic on the particular Earth they were at. ‘Maybe something else?’


Done?” Alpha asked.




You’re unsure.”


Aialah nodded.


I couldn’t make much of Elsa’s magic either,” Alpha admitted.


And Nina?”


She still hasn’t made it that far.”


Oh,” Aialah said.


But maybe you could look at one of the other incidences.”





Alpha looked over the Arendelle data again. It still confused her. She compared it with the scans they had taken of New York. There was no match. ‘Of course not.’


She then went back to the command chair and waited for Nina to report in.



It was late in the evening when Nina reported in.

I still haven’t found Octavius.”


Understood,” Alpha said.


I’m going to continue looking out for Spider-Man.”


Keep me informed. Alpha out.” She then turned to Aialah. “You’ve been on shift for nearly fourteen hours.”


I have been taking breaks,” Aialah said.


That’s good, but you need rest. The maximum recommended is twelve hours.”


Words: 183



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

Linda listened as Daria explained everything. “And Peterson took this William into custody?” she asked when Daria had finished.




“I rarely encountered such things in Boston.”


“But you did?” Daria asked.


“Nothing like what you have described. Just the occasional metahuman villain with powers hardly worth mentioning, or those who used strange machines they built. But what I fought most was the Mafia. They had their fingers everywhere, that’s one reason I came back here.”


“You haven’t said that,” Sandi murmured.


“I thought you didn’t need to know. But Oscorp is proving to be unscrupulous,” Linda said. “This incident just proves that they have been so for some time. What other skeletons do they have in their closet that are going to affect Lawndale.”


“That’s definitely something to think about,” Daria responded. “But for now, I need to get home.”


“I don’t doubt that,” Linda said. “And I’m certain that I will see you again soon.”



At the same time, Brittany’s results came back.


“Your bones aren’t broken. It’s just a sprain. But it does mean that you have to take it easy for a few days. No cheerleading.”


“Oh,” Brittany commented.


“That’s good news,” Ashley-Amber said.


“Yes,” Brittany responded. ‘But no being Ninja Talon for few days either.’


Words: 210



Excerpt from: Voyager and the Convergence

She had flown shuttles before, but not Voyager. “Reporting to duty, Captain,” she said.


“Nervous?” Captain Janeway asked.


Hawkins nodded.


“But I know your record. You have experience with shuttles. If you feel that’s not enough, Lieutenant Paris is still on the Bridge and can mentor you.”


“Thanks, Captain.”


Words: 49



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“Don’t worry, Brit! I’m sure the days will fly by.”


Brittany wasn’t sure that they would. “Probably not.”


“We can put a movie on tonight. Something light hearted that can help you take your mind off things.”


“Sure,” Brittany said with a slight smile.



SpiderGirl arrived at her place after a patrol and saw that her mother was home. ‘Of course,’ she thought. She changed to the usual Quinn in the laneway and entered through the back door.


“Quinn! Where have you been?” her mother asked.


“Looking for Daria. She wasn’t at the Historia or Jane’s.”


“Probably at the Griffin’s,” her mother commented with slight annoyance.


“She has been hanging out with Sandi and Harry at lunch as well as Jane,” Quinn said.


“Another way she’s changing.”


They then heard Lexus pull up and the front door open.


“Here she is now,” Quinn said.



Daria went to the kitchen, after hearing what Quinn had just said.


“Where have you been? That William had been loose, potentially causing trouble after SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon tried to rescue him.”


“I heard about it,” Daria said and then told them what happened between Jennifer telling her and Jane what SpiderGirl had said and her arriving at the Griffin’s the first time.



“I see,” Helen said after Daria had finished. “But now we’ll have to follow up on things.”


“Of course,” Daria said.


“I’ll try to reach Officer Peterson.”


Words: 235



Excerpt from: Mysteries of Neverwinter

‘But this is good. It’s better than being ignored,’ she thought. She then heard Sylvia come up to her and place a glass on the table next to her.


“You must be thirty after that,” Sylvia said.


“Thanks,” Illiana said as she grabbed the glass. The water was refreshing after the long set.



Soon, she began again and told a mystery she had solved on the outskirts of Waterdeep.



Later, she was getting ready to go back to her room, when she heard someone come up to her. She turned in that direction. “How may I help you?”


“You said you solved mysteries on the way here?” a lady about her age asked.


“I did,” Illiana answered.


Words: 117



Excerpt from: Mysteries of Aurora

“What else is new?”


“I signed up for athletics and football.”


“Somehow, after Wednesday, I knew that you would be into sports,” Daniela commented.


“I guess I give off that energy.”


“What else did you do?”


“And I also looked at the art gallery with one of my classmates,” Freya answered. “But only a small portion of it as it became overwhelming.”


Words: 62



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

Officer Peterson was still on duty at the station. William was still in one of the cells, waiting for his parents to come with their part of the story, and for transport back to the hospital as a patient. She knew it was going to continue to be a mess.


“Call for you. It’s Helen Morgendorffer.”


‘Of course!’ she thought. Given what happened that morning she wasn’t surprised. ‘Too bad I couldn’t get a warrant before SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon tried their rescue. The situation at the Hospital would have been prevented.’ She took the handset. “Peterson here.”


I’m calling about William Morris,” Helen began.


“He’s in protective custody, until he can be officially admitted to the hospital.”


That’s good news, but what about his parents?”


“I haven’t been able to get in touch with them, which may mean that they’re on the way here,” Peterson answered.


I expect that they will cause problems.”


“They might, but there are more officers on duty than usual.”



‘The situation has the LDPD spooked,’ Helen thought. She didn’t know what they would do. “I hope they’re level headed.”


I’m sure they are, but most are worried about another Groundhog Day.


“I hope that won’t happen again.”


I do too. But I’ll let you know what happens.”


“Thank you for that. Bye.” She then turned to Daria and Quinn.


“What was it about his parents?” Quinn asked.


“They may be on the way to the station, but it seems there are many officers on duty,” Helen said.


“That’s good,” Quinn said.


“I hope so,” Daria said. “I also hope that there are many watching him.”


“I doubt the LDPD is corrupt in that way.”



At the same time, Jane arrived back at Casa Lane, where Jennifer was getting ready to leave. “Where have you been?” the latter asked, when Jane entered the kitchen.


“I was looking for clues, as I said.”


“You went after him, didn’t you?”


“Probably,” Jane admitted.


“Despite SpiderGirl’s warning?”


 “I guess so.”


“Reckless,” Jennifer commented.


Words: 335



Excerpt from: Cynical Illness and Unseeing Choice

Daria gasped. “Hold him off!” she said.



Trent Lane didn’t have to wait long before the door slammed open. But it wasn’t Daria. “Have some consideration for female modesty, please!” the girl with dark hair and her eyes closed said in a high pitch.


“Oh, sorry.”



Brittany turned after closing the door again. “I’ll tell Jane.”


“I won’t tell Kevin,” Daria said.


Words: 62



Excerpt from: Mysteries of Aurora

“I guess I give off that energy.”


“What else did you do?”


“And I also looked at the art gallery with one of my classmates,” Freya answered. “But only a small portion of it as it became overwhelming.”


Daniela nodded.


“And I did more sketching.”


“You do that a lot?”


“It helps me focus and also calms me when I’m particularly energetic,” Freya answered.


“It’s good that you found something that helps you.”


Words: 73



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“I know that, but you don’t know what it’s like being kidnapped by a maniac and then watching one of the other victims struggle with what she experienced…”


“With Beck? Have you sought professional help?”


“I talked to the FBI shrink on the day,” Jane said. “And I have talked to Trent. Not to Daria yet. I have mostly poured it into my artwork.”




‘And I have been the Shadow a little more.’


“I’ve already said bye to Trent,” Jennifer said. “I need to get home before dinner.”


“See you another time, then.”


“I did learn some things from those maps.”


“Such as?” Jane asked.


“Lawndale’s layout is more complex than I thought it was.”



Jane found Trent in the kitchen. “How did it go, Janey?”


“I didn’t do anything. SpiderGirl came up with an idea and the situation got resolved.”


“That’s good, but that’s not it.”


“It seems like the fourth and fifth vigilantes are pushing the third out,” Jane answered quietly.


“That’s not true, Janey,” Trent said as he hugged his sister. “Lawndale still needs you.”


“I realise that,” Jane responded. “But sometimes I have doubts.”


Words: 189



Total: 1405

Church notes - May 2022

 1st May '22:

8th May '22:

15th May '22:

22 May '22:

29 May '22:

Monday, 27 January 2025

27th January 2025 Writings




Excerpt from: Jo and the Dragon Riders

“Is it for sale?” Andrew asked.


“No, it’s free. Take it,” the owner said as he handed it to Jo.


“What? It’s hardly fair,” Andrew interjected. “We have to pay you something.”


“No, No, I insist! The Mirror is hers.”



Andrew was still perplexed. “…In the end I insisted I pay twenty Crone,” he said to his wife.


Words: 58


Excerpt from: Changes in Time and Space

The Doctor, her companions and Captain Anderson were looking at the tactical display on the secure viewer. “It looks like the Drahvins are surrounding us on all sides, including upwards,” Jiahale said.


“It does look like that, but we are prepared. All we can do is hope for the best,” Captain Anderson said.



“The UNIT fleet has been surrounded, Mistress,” 4W32.iii said. Kellira looked at the display and noted that their forces had indeed surrounded the UNIT ships, boxing them in.


“Open a channel to the lead ship!” she said.


“Yes, Mistress,” another of the soldiers, 4W31.iii.iip, said.



“We are receiving a signal from the Drahvins,” Geraldton said.


‘That’s unexpected,’ Sigrun thought.


“On the screen, please,” Captain Anderson said.


Kellira appeared on the screen. “This is Kellira, High Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Drahvin forces in this system to the commander of the United Intelligence Taskforce fleet and the Time Lady known as the Doctor. I ask that you surrender, or your ships will be fired upon and destroyed.


Doesn’t mince words at all does she?” Sigrun asked, rhetorically. She is quite consistent, she thought.


This is Roberta Anderson, Captain of the UNIT ship Valiant II and overall commander of this fleet. We refuse to surrender to those who invade our planet for any purpose.” The tone of her voice showed her resolve to defend Earth at all costs.


Words: 231



Excerpt from: Mysteries of Aurora





“How did the first lectures go?” Daniela asked.


“Quite well. The lecturer’s are quite supportive…” Freya began.


“That’s very good.”


“And they have experience with neurodivergent students,” Freya said with excitement, bouncing up and down.



Daniela could tell that Freya was exited to tell her that. “I guess so. I looked into it after the treasure hunt.”


“Yes, the University’s web pages are very informative, although I had only skimmed them.”


“Very boring?”


“Yes, they couldn’t hold my attention. Maybe that’s something I could bring up,” Freya said in a thoughtful tone.


“It’s probably a good idea.”



‘Sometime on Monday,’ Freya thought.


Words: 104



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“There’s things we need to tell you,” Daria said. “But not with Sam here.”


“Why not?” Sam asked.


“Because of your eavesdropping,” Daria said.


“Sam, what have I told you about that?” their mother said.


“To keep my ears to myself,” Sam said in a dour tone.


“Exactly!” Sandi said.


“Fine, I’ll go to my room.”


“And close the door too,” their mother said.



Daria watched as Sam went up the stairs. She remembered the earlier conversation. ‘He must have figured it out over time. But what about the younger brother, Chris?’


“Now, I know something happened at the Hospital, Sandi,” Linda said.


“It would be better that I explained,” Daria said.


“Oh?” Mrs. Griffin asked.


“Are you sure?” Sandi asked.


“Yes,” Daria answered and started from where she found the poem at her father’s grave.


Words: 136



Total: 522

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Church notes - June 2022

 5th June '22:

12th June '22:

19th June '22:

26th June '22:

24th - 26th January 2025 Writings


24th – 26th




Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady

Lena nodded. “OK.”


Thor raised Mjolnir, “Heimdall, Bifrost for three to Baffin now.”


Lena and Leonard stepped next to Thor.


“So…” Lena asked.


“In a moment. But say farewell to Elsa and Anna first.”


“Oh of course.”



“Thanks for the help,” Anna said. “Even if you didn’t do much.”


“You’re welcome,” Lena said.


“And I hope you find what you’re looking for.”



As they entered the Bifrost Leonard looked around.


Words: 70



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“Weak!” William said as he squirmed.


“I’m not weak!” the Enigma said. “I just don’t want to hurt you. But I will if you insist on hurting Osborn!”


“The same here,” Dafoanairi said, as she came up alongside the Enigma and brandished her staff.



William squirmed some more and leapt.


The Enigma was startled by his leapt and so her concentration was interrupted, causing her to let go of him. “Eap!”


SpiderGirl saw it and shot a web to the upper door frame and leapt herself. The two missed each other, and thus William was able to enter the room.



Harry threw himself protectively over his father. “No!” he said.


William was continuing to revert as he approached the bed. As he changed back to his usual form, his resolve wavered. He then felt something. SpiderGirl had shot a couple of webs onto his back.”


“Let me…”


“No!” SpiderGirl said. “It’s over, William.”


“Now that we know, we’ll also investigate what happened to you, along with everything else that’s happening in Lawndale,” Dafoanairi added as she followed SpiderGirl in.


“But it will be dangerous,” William said, tiredly as he completely reverted, he sat in a chair, exhausted.



Doctor Phillips entered the room, passing the fourth vigilante where she stood next to the door looking around the room. ‘Except at SpiderGirl, it seems,’ he thought. He saw that Norman Osborn was still in the same condition. William hadn’t done anything to him. He also saw that William had collapsed into a chair.


Words: 251





Excerpt from: Reflections A

“Of course,” Jane answered.



It didn’t take Helen long to unpack and come back down to the living room. She saw that Daria had also unpacked and that Quinn and Jane were waiting.


“Now. I’m calling Mrs. Griffin,” Helen said as she dialled the Griffin’s number.


Hello? Griffin’s here.” It was Sandi.


“Sandi? Is your mother there? Tell her it’s Mrs Morgendorffer.”


I’ll tell her right now.”


Helen turned to Quinn. “She didn’t say anything about you.”


“I didn’t expect her to,” Quinn said quietly.


Linda soon came to the phone. “Helen?


Words: 92



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

SpiderGirl webbed him to the chair. “Just as a precaution,” she said. She turned to Phillips. “Could you tell Peterson we have him secured here?”


“Sure,” Phillips said as he picked up the room phone.



‘Why am I taking the calls?’ Cuddy asked herself as she picked up the phone and put it on speaker.


Doctor Phillips here. SpiderGirl has secured young Mr. Morris.”


“I’ll be right up,” Peterson said.



The metahuman has been secured. The lockdown is no longer in effect,” Cuddy said over the intercom.


The Shadow took that in as she dashed through the dark corridors. “Oh, I was a little late, then,” she murmured. ‘May as well return home, relieve Jennifer.’



It wasn’t long before an orderly ushered Peterson into the room where Osborn was being treated. “Here it is, officer,” he said,


“Thanks,” Peterson said as she entered the room.


SpiderGirl, Dafoanairi and the Engima all looked relieved.


“Thanks for helping out,” Peterson said. “William Morris. I’m taking you down to the station for some questions as soon as the Sun has set.”


“I heard you this morning, at the front door,” William said. “Thanks for helping the Morgendorffers.”


“And I’ll have to tell Mrs. Morgendorffer about this as well. Her reputation as a lawyer precedes her,” Peterson added with a glance at Dafoanairi, who was making a quick exit with the Enigma.


“I better get going too,” SpiderGirl said.


“Sure,” Peterson said.


SpiderGirl opened the window and swung away.



“That was touch and go,” the Enigma said as they went to the nearby stairs.


“I agree. It was lucky SpiderGirl came up with that idea. I probably would have taken longer to think of it,” Dafoanairi said.


“Probably not too much longer,” the Enigma said as they came up to the stairs.



Brittany was glad the situation had been resolved. The lights in the Emergency Room had been turned back on when she saw Quinn enter.


“Quinn again?” Ashley-Amber asked. “She must be quite concerned.”


“She is,” Brittany said as she went over.



“I got them to turn off the lights,” Quinn said quietly. “After I remembered how dark the basement was, and that Daria and I didn’t have many of the lights on in the café last night.”


Words: 375





Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady

However, it was only about ten seconds before they arrived in one of Baffin’s corridors.


“Deck 2, near the Mess Hall,” Lena commented.


“Deck 1 was too small,” Thor said.


“Of course,” Lena said. She tapped her commbadge. “Andersen to Emerson, Albert and I are back aboard.”


Lu and Hernandez are beaming up now. Report to the Observation Lounge,” Emerson ordered.


Words: 61



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“That makes sense,” Brittany commented as she twirled a pigtail. ‘I did think that the basement was a little dark.’


“And so, Peterson is taking him in after sunset.”


“Well, that isn’t long.”


Quinn looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting, that what could be seen of Lawndale was already in shadow. “True. Anyway, I better get going. Mom is expecting me to be at home.”


“I’ll let you know how I go.”





At the same time Linda got home to find Sam waiting for her int the kitchen. “Sandi is out with Daria Morgendorffer doing something,” he said.


‘Something must have come up. That’s why the car is there,’ she thought. “It seems that they are becoming friends, like she is with Harry Osborn.”


“They said that they were looking for someone.”


Linda did hear about the situation at the hospital on the way home. “Maybe,” she said. She was about to say more when she heard the front door open again. She looked and saw that Sandi and Daria where there.



‘Should I let Mother know that Sam has been eavesdropping and knows about our powers?’ Sandi wondered as she went over to the kitchen.


Words: 202



Total: 1051

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence Part 1


14 Battle and Consequence

The Griffins were running late. Tom, Linda and Sandi were ready, but Sam and Chris were dragging their heels.


“I told you; we have to be there by 6:30,” Linda said to her older son.


“I am getting ready!” Sam said. “It’s Chris who’s not getting ready.”


“You’re still late,” Linda said as she went down the hall. She opened Chris’s door. “We’re leaving in five minutes.”


“Five?” Chris asked as he pulled his shirt on.


“Yes, the Osborns are expecting us.”



Sandi waited impatiently in the car. She looked at herself in her compact. She had chosen a simple dress, so that she would be ready to change to the Enigma if she needed to. ‘And Mother seems to have similar reasoning, though I doubt she’d do it.’ The same applied to her hair, a simple bun on top of her head, rather than a more complicated style. She looked out and saw her mother dragging Chris out by the hand, and Sam following with annoyed look on his face. ‘Great!’ she knew they were going to be trouble!



“Let’s go, we’re late already,” Linda said as she started the engine.


“Why again?” Sam asked Sandi.


“Because, Mr. Osborn wants to get to know his son’s friend,” Sandi answered. “And I’m sure there are ulterior motives.”


“Like Mother and Quinn’s mother?” Sam asked.


“Don’t mention that name in this car again!” Sandi said.


“Um, Daria’s mother?” Sam asked again.


‘Of course he would know her name,’ Sandi thought. “Yes, but more so.”



Linda thought on what Sandi and Sam were talking about as she turned off Grandstaff Drive into Bernstein Avenue. It was true that she was competitive against Helen Morgendorffer. ‘But that’s because she’s a newcomer who has been throwing her weight. But compared to Norman, she’s not really a threat. Besides, since Jake passed it seems that she’s lessened her attempts at influence,’ she thought. ‘Other than the Historia of course.’ While it was Daria and Quinn who were involved, she knew that the agreement the four teens and Stacy’s mother had with Oscorp had Helen’s fingerprints all over it.



Bernard was waiting at the gate when the Griffin’s pulled up. “Mr. Osborn is waiting in the Hall,” he said.



Harry met Sandi at the door. “Good evening, Sandi.”


“Good evening, Harry,” Sandi responded. “These are my parents and brothers, Sam and Chris.”


“Come in, my father is waiting,” Harry said.


“Something up?” Sandi asked as she came alongside him.


“He seems a little worse…” he said in a worried tone.



Norman saw the Griffins enter. He saw the daughter alongside his son. ‘I can see why he hangs around her,’ he thought. He also noticed the two rambunctious boys and the mother. He didn’t really want to go up against her. “Welcome,” he said. “Dinner will be served shortly.”


He went up to the daughter. “Cassandra, is it?” he asked.


“Yes, but I prefer Sandi.”


“Sandi, of course.”



‘I only get called Cassandra if I’m in trouble,’ Sandi thought as she looked away from Osborn’s look. ‘He is definitely up to something.’


“I guess it’s the same for the boys?” Osborn asked.


“Yes,” her mother said. “Simple nicknames are the best. Even in formal occasions like this.”


“Semiformal,” Osborn clarified. “This is meant as an ice breaker.”


“Of course.”


“Tom Griffin,” her father said, introducing himself.


“And I guess it comes from you?” Osborn said.


“My side of the family, yes,” her father clarified.

“Interesting,” Osborn said.


Sandi turned to Harry. “Is he going to keep this up?” she whispered.


“He is,” Harry confirmed.


“It’s only making us more suspicious,” Sandi responded, looking at her mother.


“He doesn’t mind that.”


“And he’s suspicious of us, I’m sure.”


Harry nodded.



“So, Norman, How long had you planned to move to Lawndale?” Linda asked in a conversational tone as an entrée was served.


“Quite a while,” Norman answered. “A sizeable town that’s out of the way and yet is interesting in it’s own way.”


‘It’s certainly that, if you look below the surface,’ Linda thought. ‘But that’s true of most places.’


“But what brings you here, Linda?”


“I grew up here,” Linda answered carefully.


“But what brought you back here?”


“I thought that my home town would be a better place to bring up a family, rather than Boston.”


“I see,” Norman responded.


‘Does he know about the Purple Avenger?’



Tom watched as Norman talked to his wife. She was handling herself well under the pressure. ‘But then Linda always did.’ He then looked at Sandi and Harry, talking at the side. ‘It seems that he’s been good for her after her club ended.’ He wasn’t sure what happened there, other than that one of the Morgendorffer girls were involved. He wasn’t sure why his wife was competitive against Helen Morgendorffer, and he hadn’t got to know Jake before his untimely death. ‘I guess I would never know now.’

A sound broke his line of thought. Chris had knocked something over.



“…So, you and Daria are just wandering around looking into things?” Harry asked.


“Yes,” Sandi answered. She then saw Chris knock something over and her father reacting. “Excuse me, my brother is a magnet for trouble.”


“I wouldn’t know.”


“You haven’t said anything about your mother.”


“Now’s not the time,” Harry said.



Linda saw Tom and Sandi react to Chris’ action. ‘Good timing,’ she thought. She wanted Norman distracted as she discretely looked around the room.




“You want me to do what?” Chris asked, when he had got home from school.


“Cause a distraction, by knocking something over.”


“Are you serious, usually you’re telling me not to.”


“Yes,” Linda said. “In this case, it’s so I can investigate something,” Linda said.


“OK, but you have to let me do something.”


“You can watch The Simpsons next week, with Sandi’s supervision.”





Slightly Later

“Supervise Chris watching The Simpsons?” Sandi asked.


“Yes, so he’ll distract at the Osborns,” Linda responded.


“I’ll do it.”



At the Osborns

“Careful young man,” Osborn said.


‘Perfect,’ Sandi thought as he came in that direction.


“Looked like that was planned,” Harry whispered.


Sandi confirmed it with a look.





Linda looked around as Norman talked to her husband about Chris’ behaviour. ‘It’s unlikely that he’d have Oscorp secrets out in the open in the dining room,’ she thought. But there was a lot on display there. ‘Masks from many cultures,’ she thought. ‘Could be indicative of something.’


She didn’t find any documents, but she did see a map of Lawndale on a desk, with more property acquisitions marked out. She quickly took out a pocket camera and discretely photographed it.



“Now, apologise to Mr. Osborn,” Tom said, when he saw that his wife had sat back down at the table.


“I’m sorry for knocking that over.”


“Apology accepted,” Osborn said. “Now, dinner should be ready.”



The dinner was quiet and awkward. “So, your mother?” Sandi asked Harry quietly.


“She passed when I was but a toddler,” Harry confessed. “She always unwell.”


“That’s sad,” Sandi commented.


“And she grew up in Boston. There isn’t a connection to Lawndale that way.”


“That’s wasn’t why I asked.”


“I know,” Harry reassured her.



Linda noticed that Norman was getting quiet, like he was struggling with something. ‘Maybe because I’m seeing through his attempts at manipulation.’



Norman was suffering from the whispers again. ‘No! No! No! Not now! The Griffins can’t see me like this!’ He got up.



Sandi saw Norman get up. ‘Something’s wrong,’ she thought and turned to Harry.


He nodded.


“Sorry, something has come up,” Osborn said as he made himself scarce. “It’s been a good evening.”


“Time to go,” her mother said. She turned to Harry. ‘It’s been nice to meet you.’


“Wait, Sandi,” Harry said.


“We’ll be in the car,” her mother said.



Harry watched Sandi’s family go. “I haven’t seen Ms. Beresfield since Wednesday,” he said.


“And you think somethings’ happened to her?” Sandi asked.




“I’ll tell Mother, and I already told Daria,”


“Daria?” Harry considered. “I guess she could help, somehow.”


“I’ll call her when I get back. I’ll see you later.”



Linda turned the engine on when Sandi got into the car. “That was interesting. But what happened at the end there?”


“It’s what Harry’s been concerned about,” Sandi answered.


“That something is happening to him?” Linda asked, rhetorically. “That one incident isn’t proof.”


“I know. But given what Harry’s been saying.”


“I know.”



Sandi went up to her room. ‘Should I search for Verity Beresfield?’ she wondered. She looked at the yearbook. ‘Veronica Boden last night. Xanthe Boland is next…’ she grabbed the energy drink and paused. ‘Trying to find SpiderGirl can wait! Beresfield could be in danger!’


“Findu mann sem heiter: Verity Beresfield!”


There was concern, rather than anguish, but Sandi’s emotion still had similar effect as two nights earlier, when all of Lawndale was somehow affected by her search for Tiffany Blum-Deckler.



Linda was getting changed when Sandi searched. “Sandi!” she said quietly. ‘I could have searched for her instead.’


“Huh?” Tom asked.


“What we do,” Linda said.



Sandi’s perception spread out over Lawndale at the usual speed.



Quinn Morgendorffer was looking in the space above her closet when she felt another low level tingle. She fell down, but managed to catch herself with a couple of webs. ‘Another tingle, similar to Wednesday.’



Sandi found Beresfield, being held in an Oscorp building somewhere downtown.



Again, a barely perceptible field spread out over Lawndale before dissipating.



“What we do,” Linda said.


“Oh, what is she doing now?” Tom asked.


“Something to do with what we just did.”



“Right,” Sandi said to herself. “I know where she is, but what can I do about it?” she asked herself. ‘Tell Mother and ask her to call the police with an anonymous tip. Then change to the Enigma and see if Daria will help?’ She decided to do that.



“Sandi?” Linda asked when Sandi ran into her in the hall.


“I’m going to rescue Osborn’s counsellor,” Sandi said.


“By yourself?” Linda asked with concern. She knew that Sandi would do it.


“No,” Sandi answered. “I will ask Daria Morgendorffer to help.”


“Daria?” Linda asked. “What can she do?”


“Watch my back, for a start,” Sandi took a deep breath. “But you can call the police.”


“But did you get the address?” Linda asked.

“Yes,” Sandi said as she handed a piece of paper over.


Linda read it. “Second Street.”


“Also, another question; Do our powers allow for enhanced jumping or flying?”


Linda considered her answer. “Enhanced jumping, yes. But sustained flight is too tiring. But it took me time to figure it out.”


“Got it. I’ll go now.”



The Enigma rappelled out of her bedroom window less than two minutes later, and after her mother had called 911. She then headed towards the Morgendorffers.



Tania Ashworth arrived in Glen Oaks Lane near the Morgendorffers. “Let’s see,” Tania said as she took out a piece of paper again. “1111” She looked around again. “It has to be that large red brick house.” She went closer to it and saw that both the bedroom windows on the frontage were lit. “But what about at the rear?” she asked as she hid beneath a tree across the street. She found that she could see the rear bedroom to her right also had its lights on. ‘But which room belongs to who?’ she asked herself.



The Enigma entered the Morgendorffers backyard and saw that Daria’s light was on. ‘But is anyone in the kitchen?’ she asked as she took out her binoculars. She hid beneath one of the trees and looked towards the kitchen. She saw that there wasn’t anyone in there, although the light was on.



Tania saw someone at the side of the house. She took out her own binoculars and saw someone dressed in purple climbing up an ivy covered trellis. “That’s not the Shadow!” she said to herself. “The actual fourth vigilante! I have you now, Daria or Quinn!”



The Enigma carefully opened the window telekinetically, as she didn’t want to draw Quinn’s attention. She then climbed in and tiptoed to Daria’s door and knocked quietly.



Daria heard the knocking. “Strange, Mom or Quinn would just open it,” she said. She opened it. “The Enigma?” she asked quietly. “Why are you here?”


“Because someone is being held by Oscorp,” the Enigma answered quietly as she entered the room.


“You obviously know their name,” Daria commented.




“Who is it?”


“Verity Beresfield,” the Enigma answered as she closed the door behind her.


“Osborn’s counsellor,” Daria considered. ‘Sandi?’ she asked herself, not for the first time. ‘But I’m still not entirely sure.’


“Yes, we need to go. My mentor has already called the police.”


“You think the police won’t be able to find her?”


“Or there might be traps in the building,” The Enigma said. “And I likely need someone to watch my back. I can trust you.”


Daria thought on that.



At the same time, Tania had climbed up the trellis and into the hallway. “But which room first?” she asked. She saw that there was one bedroom, hall closet, stairs and another hallway to the left. On the right were four doors. ‘Either east side bedroom.’ She thought. She decided to open the one on the left. “Got you!”