Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Rise of Weirdness - Part 46

4 January 2020
The settlement of Taneris arrives at Lalande 21185, finding the system uninhabited.

5 January 2020
A group of Elves arrive at Sirius...

6 January 2020
The Lindon arrives at Luyten 726-B, finding the system uninhabited.

7 January 2020
A small group of Elves arrive at V1216 Sagitarii. They land on a planetoid they call New Beleriand.

8 January 2020
A group of Dwarves arrive at HH Andromedae...

9 January 2020
A group of Elves arrive at Lacaille 9252...

10 January 2020
A group of Elves and Dwarves arrive at FI Virginis.

11 January 2020
New Helena (An Aphrodite derived community) arrives at 61 Cygni, finding the system uninhabited. They land on a planetoid they call Helenaworld.

13 January 2020
Copernicus (as the settlement now calls itself) arrives at Vega. They find the system uninhabited.

15 January 2020
A group of Orks arrive at Struve 2398.

16 January 2020
Neopagans from Ceres arrive at Groombridge 34...

23 January 2020
A family of Elves from Mars arrive at Epsilon Indi.

24 January 2020
A group of witches and warlocks colonise a planetoid in the GJ 1061 system.

25 January 2020
The village of New Winchester arrives in the YZ Ceti system.

27 January 2020
A family of Dwarves arrive at Teegarden's Star.

30 January 2020
A group of Trekkie Elves arrive at 40 Eridani. They call the planet they find there Hephaestus. (And call themselves Haphaestians.)

A group of Orks arrive at Kruger 60.

February 1, 2020
A group of Vampires from Aachen arrive at Ross 614.

February 2, 2020:
Lowborn caste Centauri led by Werris Pippal launch a massive insurrection in North Landing, Centauri, with many questioning the nature of the relationship between the newer Offworlder colonies and the Centauri,...

February 4, 2020
A group of Werewolves from Stuttgart arrive at Wolf 1061.

February 5, 2020
A group of Orcs arrive at Wolf 424.

February 6, 2020
A former Tasmanian village arrives at Van Maanen's Star.

February 8, 2020
A former Kosovar village arrives at Gliese 1.

February 10, 2020
A community of mostly Bland European humans, called Olympia, arrives at L 1159-16. (But it will come to be known as the Olympia system in future.)

February 11, 2020
A group of former students who had absconded from a University on Mars arrive at Gliese 674...

February 13, 2020
A mostly Bland 'Buzzer' community (with a minority of Elves) from 2 Pallas, called Palladia arrives at Gliese 674. They land on a planetoid they also name Pallas.

February 24, 2020
A group of Transformed from New Bega, on Mars arrives at Gliese 687.

February 28, 2020
A group of Werewolves from Mercury arrive at LHS 292.

March 21, 2020
A diplomatic expedition arrives from Copernicus-Vega at the Centauri colony. Diplomatic relations are established between the two extra-solar territories.

March 29, 2020
A group of Elves from Mars arrive at Groombridge 1618.

May 5, 2020:
Soviet officials are accused by Chinese officials of launching cyber-attacks against major portions of the infrastructure, fueling concerns of a war in Beijing,...

August 5, 2020:
Leaving Arbol Offworlder film starring Trevina Ellis, Wendy Sakura, Kevin Thomas and Daniel Turner is considered by many the beginning of the "Golden Age of Transformed film",.

September 11, 2020
Protests spark violence against Transformed in Kolkatta...

October 14-17, 2020:
Zionist leaders Mort Friedmann and Lillian Pinkus lead a delegation of c. 1,500+ settlers to Ramallah, Palestine, before being expelled,...

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