Saturday, 29 February 2020

Church notes - 1st March 2020

1st March
Psalm 119: 5, 56, 66

2 Corinthians 1:20

Luke 19:28 - 44

Worship - Every moment spent in service to God.

Psalm 51:10

Luke 19:28 - 44

Route of the Triumphal Entry

vs 29 - 31
The riding of the donkey colt is a symbol of coming on peace.

Zechariah 9:9, 10

Revelation 19:11 - 16
Jesus on a war horse.

vs 39
It was a happy occasion. Excitement was contagious. It wasn't just that the Passover was approaching, but that Jesus was there!

Psalm 118
People were enthusiastic, they knew Jesus was the Messiah.

vs 41
Jesus wept over the city, because the leadership was spiritually blind.

vs 43
He foresaw the seige by the Romans in AD 70.

It can be symbolic of our own towns and cities. He was weeping because others will face judgement.
Heartbroken over every sin and poor choice in our lives. He is for us, not against us.

Don't let moments of committment pass by. Pray upon them. Determine what it is what the LORD wants you to do for Him.

Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. His body broken. His blood poured out for us.

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