Friday, 3 April 2020

Beginnings of 2020 - Reverse Map Game 2019 - 1912

North America
United States
Francis Williamson (C-AL) narrowly wins re-election in the Electoral College (with a victory of only two electoral votes), although he only receives 45% of the popular vote.
Unemployment rates reach 10%, despite Goverment policies to encourage more employment.

South America
The Incan rebellion continues. The Spanish forces continue to contain it.

The Franco-Spanish War continues here, with native forces as cannon fodder...

The Treaty of Stockholm is signed after years of negotiations. Denmark and Russia drop their counter claims.

Bergundy captures more French territory after their intervention in the Franco-Spanish War early the previous year. Spanish forces continue to capture more French territory.

In Portugal, protest actions against the Cogent regime continue to grow in popularity.

Similar actions continue to gain popularity in Italy.

The Crimean War continues.

In China, the guerilla forces continue to gain influence.

The Aboriginal Region in the far western region of New England is abolished.

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