Saturday, 11 December 2021

Church notes - 12th December 2021


Romans 8:28


- Expectation

- For Jesus to come to Earth and for us to have Eternal Life.

- Deliverance from our sins.

- It isn't disappointed

Psalm 139

Ruth 1

Christmas - A time of hope

People need the Hope of the Cross.

Romans 15:13

Our hope is built on the Resurrection of Jesus.

Naomi's life didn't turn out as she thought it would.

Ruth 1:16, 17

Ruth had to figure things out on her own.

Naomi was in dispair.

But Ruth returned with her.

Ruth 1:22

A seed of hope. Ruth had faith and hope.

Ruth 2:2


Emotions have reasons

Feelings including hope need a reason.

We need to be able to give a reason for the hope we have.

Naomi didn't have hope. Her life was filled with despair.


Ruth 3

Ruth 4:15

Obed, Jesse, David, and generations later, Jesus.

There is hope for anybody in any situation.

We have our reason for hope.

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