Saturday, 22 February 2025

Church notes - 23rd February 2025


Matthew 21:12 - 27

Jesus Declares His Authority


The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

'He had absolute authority over his subordinates.'

Jesus had entered Jerusalem as a statement.

Isaiah 53:1 - 7

2 Samuel 5:6 - 10

David conquering Jerusalem, using a water tunnel.

vs 12 - 13

It's not what you think

Rather the meaning of the temple had been corrupted by: 

Them making it

A brigand's lair.

- the center of resistance to Roman authority.


vs 14, 15

Jesus healing the blind and lame. (Contrast, David keeping them out of Jerusalem after his conquest.)

Our pride is tied up in being right.

Jesus was confronting the pride of the Pharisees and Saducees.

Jesus was: 

- Looking for fruit

-- In the Temple

-- On the fig tree

The Fig Tree

A metaphor

- for the Pharisees and Saducees lacking fruit.

The mountain

- The Temple was built on a mountain

- There is something better.

Think on the Messiah King and His authority.

Where does He need to find fruit?

- In us

What would it look like to...

... stop treating Jesus as simply a role model and start serving Him as our sovereign King?

To deny ourselves, take up our cross, and make serving Jesus our highest priority?


We wouldn't be content with just blending into the world around us. We would like as loyal subjects of a heavenly kingdom, giving our lives in service to Christ our King.

Colossians 1:10

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