Monday, 10 February 2025

Monday Writings - 10th February 2025


10th February

Excerpt from: Mirror Mirror – Jade Survives

Jade Coigley returned to the room that would in her time be Jo Tiegan’s room. ‘Or it will no longer be,’ she thought as she came up to the Mirror. She hesitated, despite the old man saying that she had to come back straight away. ‘I could look around and then go back.’



Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady

Not much there,” she murmured. She wandered over to the Engineering station. She checked the status of the ship. ‘Everything’s in order.’ She went back to the command chair and restarted her Klingon opera playlist.


Klingon opera again?” the Pilot asked.


It’s grown on me.”



The turbolift opened on Deck 3, where Aialah’s quarters were. ‘And Nina’s quarters are on a different deck!’ she thought again. She shook her head. That wasn’t what she wanted to think about. ‘I miss home, although it was dangerous to stay.’ She was thankful that Nina had brought her to the Baffin, really. As she walked to her quarters, she realised that she was quite tired. ‘Alpha had a point!’

The door opened and she went in and grabbed a PADD on the table. “Computer, access Alae-Lakria database, load a random short story about superheroes that was published within the last 20 years.”




The story loaded and Aialah began reading it.



Back on the Bridge, Alpha went to one of the science stations.


Something?” Eta asked.


There are still a lot of questions about this Earth.”


And some of the other Earths the Baffin’s been to?”


Yes,” Alpha said as she brought up the data from Arendelle again. ‘I know there isn’t a match with this Earth.’ She then called up the information on the Alae-Lakria of Alaiah’s time.



Excerpt from: Mysteries of Aurora

“It’s a big part of what I’m interested in, but not everything,” Freya said. “For instance…” she then told them about the mystery of the missing Renaissance artworks.


“That’s still about art,” Anise said.


“I guess so,” Freya responded with a giggle.


“It’s a bit strange,” Leia considered.


“That is one reason why I’m going to investigate,” Freya said.



Olivia stretched and looked at the time.



Excerpt from: Spider Quinn

“I agree there, and I think Anders is getting in over her head.”


“Most likely, and as far as her motivation goes, she wants to use her powers for good, to help people. Isn’t that enough?”


“I agree,” Quinn said.


“I’ll talk to Jamie about that, as well as the article,” Ted said.


“Thanks, Ted. I’ll go to Ms. Li now.”



Quinn entered the office to find the principal busy with paperwork.


“Ms. Morgendorffer?” she asked.


Quinn placed a copy of the Lowdown on her desk. “I’m sure you’re aware of the article quoting me saying something about Kevin Thompson.”


“I knew you would come here today, once I read the Lowdown.”


“I’d like you to allow Ted to print a retraction.”


“That is a massive step, Ms. Morgendorffer. Are you sure?” Li asked.


“Of course I’m sure.”


“Give me a reason why?”


“Because there are likely false rumors spreading and Daria and I might tell my mother that you’re allowing libelous articles to be published.”


The Principal looked annoyed. “Fine! I will allow Mr. Dewit-Clinton to print a retraction. As far as I know, the Lowdown has never printed a retraction before!”


“There’s a first time for everything,” Quinn said as she turned to leave.



Angela thought after Quinn left, and grabbed the Lowdown. She re-read the article. ‘I can see how that can be misinterpreted,’ she thought and switched on the PA system. “Ted Dewit-Clinton, please report to the Principal’s office.”



Daria heard the principal call Ted to her office as she got her food. ‘I guess Quinn managed to get her to print a retraction,’ she thought.


She approached the usual table to find Jane Lane and Sandi starring daggers at each other. ‘But what else is new,’ she thought. Harry wasn’t there yet and she saw that Tania Ashworth was sitting with her usual friends on the other side of the cafeteria.

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