Sunday, 23 September 2018

Church notes - 23rd September 2018

23 September
Prayer - a lady suffering from complications of cancer. Possibly Terminal (within a couple of days). Healing, restoration and Life for her in Jesus' Name!
Also - comfort and peace for her family, especially her husband, at this difficult time.

1 John 3:16 - 24

God calls us to increase in generosity.
Alor Island, Indonesia (steeped in poverty)

Ephesians 6
The Armour represents Jesus.
Colossians 1:13, 14
Satan is already defeated!
We have total forgiveness!

He has rescued us from Satan's trap of falsehood

Deuteronomy 24:17 - 22

God acts - He acts through His people
e.g. A boy on Alor island being brought of circumstances of poverty.

It has always been God's plan.
In Deuteronomy 24 as Israel is approaching the Promised Land, God is giving them laws as a reminder of His character.

vs 16 - 18
God is saying "Remember me, the God who takes you out of woeful circumstances. Who listened to your cries.

"Remember Egypt"

But we have a different, more wonderful redemption: Remember Jesus!
God's character never changes. He sent His Son and established a new Covenant in our hearts.

Jeremiah 31:31 - 34

1 John 3:15, 17
We need to care for those around us.
Not necessarily an act of kindness. An act of obedience.

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