Saturday, 18 July 2020

Church notes - 19th July 2020

19th July
Colossians 1:15 - 20

1) How do I sometimes think I can earn my relationship with God?
2) Why is it a bad idea to try to earn my way to God?
3) Have you accepted God's gift of forgiveness through Jesus?

Acts 15:1 - 34

Psalm 66

Psalm 139

Isaiah 64:6
Romans 3:10
No one is righteous.

A clash of ideas.

Jesus is the atoning sacrifice.

And yet some people think they can't ever be with God.

Acts 15:1, 5
People were saying they must be circumcised and follow the Law.

The Good News - Only Jesus!
Galatians 1:6 - 10
The Good News - You are forgiven through Jesus.

What was being taught.
- A Different Gospel.
- No gospel at all.
- A perversion of the Gospel.
- Something other than Christ.
This threatened the message of the Gospel.

Acts 15:11

Differences between Jews and Gentiles.

In the present day, there are differences between church and secular cultures.
And there is the historical context.

Conclusion: Jesus and Jesus alone is the way to salvation.
vs 11
Grace: a major theme in the New Testament.

Ephesians 3:7, 8

Grace: not by our own efforts.
Ephesians 2:1 - 9
Because God loves us and sent Jesus as the atoning sacrifice.

2 Timothy 1:9

Romans 3:21

Legalism is not the way  to God.

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