Saturday, 5 December 2020

Church notes - 6th December 2020

 Matthew 7:1 - 5

Matthew 1:18 - 25

Hope will be found when we look to God.

Psalm 8

Mary's initial reaction: She was filled with questions and doubts: 

Luke 1:29

She was purplexed and anxious.

Joseph was hurt and broken hearted.

Matthew 1:19

The Shepherds

Luke 2:8 - 10

They were terrified; filled with fear.

The Magi were exhausted after a long journey through the desert.

All of them were overwhelmed.

This applies to us in 2020 - overwhelmed by the changes that this year has brought.


After Joseph is told what is going on with Mary he is filled with hope. The Shepherds boldly went and told others about the angels and the child.

Matthew 2:9 - 12

Hope: We find it in Jesus!

In His Birth, Death and Resurrection!

We need to change our focus to what God has done through Jesus.

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