Saturday, 25 November 2023

Church notes - 26th November 2023


Luke 8:42 - 48

Cured and Healed

Context - Jarius was leading Jesus to his dying daughter amidst a time when Jesus was healing a lot of other people/

vs 45


Unclean woman.

The woman had no access to the Temple and was cut off from society.

Why did Israel have such rigid purity laws?

Leviticus 15:25 - 33

vs 44

She needed the cover of the crowd. She would not have got any where near Jesus otherwise.

One moment mattered.

It matters

- Denied

- Dismissed.


- Risky

- Deliberate

- Necessary

(Otherwise, what proof would there be of her healing? Or she would have thought it a coincidence.)

vs 47, 48


- She was sick

- She reached out and touched Jesus

- She was healed by faith

- She was then at peace


- We are to reach out to Jesus and confess our sins.

- Accept His forgiveness and remember that we are forgiven and thank Him for it.

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