Thursday, 1 July 2021



Untitled Esteemsters/The Invitation/Daria Dance Party/The Lawndale File crossover


"So, for now, I'm vice president of the Fashion Club, and head of the Dance Committee and that's it," Quinn said.

"Sounds like a well-thought out decision, honey," Jake said.

"As long as you can join pep squad later -- if you want. Never know how much we can handle till we try, though," Helen said.

"What about you, Daria? How was your first day?"

"Well, my history teacher hates me because I know all the answers, but there are some interesting idiots in my class. "

"That's great! "

"Jake! "

"Daria, your father's trying to tell you not to judge people until you know them. You're in a brand-new school in a brand-new town. You don't want it to be Highland all over again."

"Not much chance of that happening... unless there's uranium in the drinking water here, too. "

"I'm talking about you making a friend or two. Don't be so critical. Give people the benefit of the doubt."

"Well, a cheerleader did invite me to her party on Saturday night, after I helped her in art class."

"What! You can't go, Daria!" Quinn interjected.

Helen was about to scold her younger daughter when the phone rang.

"I hope that's not the booster society again."

Helen answered it. "Hello? ... Yes ... Uh, yes, she's my daughter. ... I see. Listen, will this require any parent-teacher conferences or anything, and if so, is this the sort of thing my assistant can handle? ... Okay, great. Bye! (hangs up) You girls took a psychological test at school today? "

"They said we wouldn't be graded!" Quinn said.

"Daria, they want you to take a special class for a few weeks, then they'll test you again."

"You flunked the test?!" Quinn asked.

"She didn't flunk anything. It seems she has low self-esteem."

"What?! That really stinks, Daria!"

"Easy, Jake. Focus. We tell you over and over again that you're wonderful and you just... don't... get it!" Helen slammed her fists on the table. "What's wrong with you?!"

"If this weren't a school night, I might have the time to begin answering that."



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