Friday, 13 October 2017

Additional Note - Spore Drive and Voyager

 Additional Note: Spore Drive and Voyager
No specific continuity nitpicks for The Butcher's Knife Cares Not For The Lambs Cry, (other than what has appeared in the previous episodes.) But rather how the Spore Drive is shown to work and possible compatibility with the Intrepid class ship. Even if Janeway and/or Seven knew about the Spore Drive it would be difficult to have the counter rotating ring sections on Voyager. However, it would certainly work on Borg Sphere ships. More on the Borg, below.
Moreover, given Janeway's reaction to what the Equinox was doing, she wouldn't want to use a Tardigrade to guide Voyager's Spore Drive. Obviously the Borg wouldn't hesitate to assimilate as many Tardigrades as necessary to pilot Spheres through the Galactic Mycelium. But would the Collective stop there? They would try to assimilate the Mycelium itself...
Another possibility, the bioneural gel packs themselves might be advanced enough to provide the computational power to guide Voyager through the Mycelium to Federation space. And the Borg would use the raw computational power of the entire Collective if necessary if there are no Tardigrades available.

It may be that something may happen to the Mycelium to make it unusable.

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