Friday, 27 October 2017

Lethe nitpicks

Lethe nitpicks
The Holodeck
What was new in 2364 was the use of replicated matter in the holodeck, allowing for realistic tactile feedback. (The Hood was an older Excelsior class, as such it's holosimulator is more akin to what we see here in the Discovery. Will growing up was more interested in Anbu-jyutsu than going to any holoarcades that Valdez, Alaska may have to offer.) Also new was the distinction between the simulation environment and the image on the side wall being invisible.

Vulcan skies
Spock's comment “Lieutenant, Vulcan has no moon,” doesn't rule out Vulcan having a companion planet with it's own moon (as depicted in the theatrical release of The Motion Picture and Yesteryear, although the latter doesn't show the companion planet's moon.)

(These astronomical bodies have also been referred to in various novels, probably due to the above depictions.)

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