Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Fortieth Day of Self Isolation

The Fortieth Day – the sixteenth day of working from home and the fifth Bible Study video conference. Work went well, albeit with some interruption as I was helping my nephew with his school work. (One of those who either need the classroom environment, or someone hanging over his shoulder, to focus on the learning materials. He’s still fairly young.) Bible study went well. (Some interruption from another family member, but that was brief.) Most of the group were there. We did the last chapter of Crazy Love.
A rather good reflection on what the book was about. But from next week, we’re going to focus more on Scripture, starting with Philippians 1. (Also doing devotionals based on that epistle, but mainly focusing on the actual Scripture). It was good that they were all there, although it will be better when we would be able to meet in person again. Praying (personally) that it would be sooner, rather than later.)

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