Monday, 4 May 2020

The Thirty Eighth and Thirty Ninth Days of Isolation

The Thirty Eighth and Thirty Nineth Days – the eighth and nineth livestream church services and the fifteenth day of working from home. I am still waiting for when church will restart properly, but the morning service was good, talking about Abraham being his faith credited as righteousness and being a friend of God. It’s still similar to the previous morning services. The evening service was better (being on Zoom) and there was interaction. But first, it being on Philippians 1:1 – 11 was topical.
Paul was missing the Philippian Christians and longed to be with them in person, rather than just interacting via Epaphroditus. The prayers that Paul prays in the passage are those that can be prayed in these trying time too. In any case, it was also good to interact with others in the service (including one who may, or may not, be more than just a sister in Christ). Work was also good today. The focus was better.

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