Friday, 13 November 2015

11th November 2015 Writings


Excerpts from: Doctor Who: Season 8.5

Certainly, we will try,” Amanda said.

Isn’t that a tall order?” Laurel asked.

Huh?” Amanda asked.

What?” Kristy asked.

The Time Lords would have been too discrete,” Laurel pointed out.

Not necessarily,” Kristy countered.

They may have slipped up and revealed themselves,” Amanda added.

Sure,” Laurel said, still not entirely convinced.

Words: 51

Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor – Prose version

She pondered the paper. On a hunch she turned over the back of the page with the 'Impossible Girl' ad.

Words: 20

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

“It will take a while, would you like to order something first?” Elias asked.

“Sure,” Karen said after a moment.

Karen ordered an orange juice while Elias ordered a frothed coffee. They then sat down. “What I am going to tell you, is secret,” Elias said, quietly and confidentially.

“I understand,” Karen said.

“I know, I trust you,” Elias said. “As the first Mara Green College article says, I did oppose Kelsington International's offer of a grant...”

Chapter 1: Kelsington Moves on New Oxford
Tuesday, 10 August 2004
Mara Green College, University of New Oxfordshire, New Oxford, New Oxfordshire, Australia
Elias Stanton entered the Dining Hall, carrying the latest university newsletter. He hadn't liked what he had read there. He was sure that Kelsington would put pressure on UNO as it had other universities that they had given grants to.

Words: 146

Excerpt from: Quinn's Code 15: Yeager 0.68 Beta, Morgendorffer 1.05 RC

That booth over there,” the man pointed out.

Upchuck then left the booth to find more copies of the magazine, leaving Jennifer to tend it, alone. “Great!” she murmured. The man then looked at the booth. “May I help you?” Jennifer finally asked.

What LPs do you have?” he asked.

A great many,” Jennifer answered.

Words: 60

Excerpt from: Global Crisis

Chapter 22: Into a Kaeleon

And take yourselves out with it, I don't think so,” she said.

Called my bluff did you? Still, I am not going to help you,” Samson said,

You have no choice. Officer Green, escort these two guests to the chamber.”

Chapter 23: Leaving London

I’m fine. Really. I just had to make a difficult decision,” Clarence said.

And can live with that decision?” Vastra asked.

I'm fine,” Clarence answered, not entirely convincingly.

Are you sure?”

Clarence teared up. “I had to destroy that robot to save you! I feel guilty.”

Vastra hugged him. “It’s good to feel guilt. I’d be worried if you didn’t.”

Another thing. Seems like I’m stuck here now. Got a vacancy?”

You would be very welcome to join our little household, but I’m certain you’ll be leaving soon.”

How?” Clarence asked.

You have already, perhaps by instinct, dressed to leave.”

I simply wanted a change of clothes. I don’t really know Samson.”

They then heard the arrival chimes of the ChroSIMuD.

Chapter 24: Another Christmas

Quick, inside!” the Professor said.

Inside, they found that Ashley was already up and about. “Who are you?” he asked.

UNUAT Christmas Agents, Ensuring that no aliens invade like in the late noughties!” the Professor said.

There are no aliens here!” Ashley objected.

Chapter 25: Time Heist

I've got it,” Clarence said.

You said 'some man in a shop.' He could be anyone,” Samson said.

It could be him now.”

Possibly,” Samson said. He reached for the phone.

Don't!” Clarence objected.

Because if you answer it, something will happen.

Clarence, nothing happens when you answer the phone.”

Chapter 26: Relic in Lawnton

And?” Micah prompted.

And the extent has grown with the town. No Lawnton Relic has been found beyond the urban limit of the settlement, and none were found in the area before the settlement was established.

Words: 340

Total: 617

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