Monday, 9 November 2015

8th November 2015 Writings

Excerpt from: Global Crisis

Chapter 16: More of the Assassin

Perhaps, perhaps,” the Professor said.

What do you mean, perhaps?” Spandrell asked. “There is a full profile on every Chronomancer,” she clarified.

Hildrea interrupted. “Runcible.”

Followed by James “Runcible!”

I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Runcible got out, before collapsing. She had a stake in her back!

It was thrown, Professor. One moment she was fine, and the next it was there!” James explained.

Did you see where it came from?” the Professor asked.

I'm afraid not,” James admitted.

Four cold-blooded killings in one day...” Spandrell mused as she, the Professor, James and Hildrea entered the records room.

Flea bitings, Spandrell, flea bitings. Things will get worse,” the Professor said.

Not here in the Chronomancer Capital!”

Well, it might rouse some of them from their lethargy. They live for centuries and have just about as much sense for adventure as dormice.”

Coordinator Engin spoke up. “Nothing Castellan. There is no record of any Chronomancer ever adopting that title.

I told you so. If there had been a record on the Dean, the first thing she would have done would be to destroy it,” the Professor said.

According to Engin, the Chronomancer records can't be withdrawn without a record. I thought yours had been read recently, but she assured me that it was impossible,” Spandrell explained.

Rubbish,” the Professor objected. “Anyone with a little criminal knowhow could do it. I could do it myself.”

More than criminal know how, Professor,” Engin put in an objection of her own. “Excitonic abacus.”

Child's play to the Dean. Do you think this stuff is sophisticated? There are places out there where this equipment would be considered prehistoric junk.”

What is the Dean like with Mathematics?” Spandrell asked.

She's brilliant, absolutely brillant. She's almost up to my standard,” the Professor answered. She spotted something. “What's that?”

Chapter 17: Stevie has Friends

I'm on top of the world!” he said.

Chapter 18: A Night at Christian's

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Quinn Brocklethwaite, Cameron Robinson and Stevie Rowe arrived outside their friend, Christian Bell-Leung's house.

The house was a nondescript building, hidden by the trees in the front yard, at the end of a cul-de-sac.
Nice trees,” Stevie said, trying to see the house from where he stood next to the mail box. He could only see the front door and two windows, which had blinds drawn.

Very easy to climb too,” Cameron said, clearly remembering such a climb.

Come on,” Quinn said, as he lead the others along the path. “He's expecting us.”

Christian heard the doorbell. He put the Game Cube controller down and went to the door. “Hi, Cameron, Quinn, Stevie, welcome to the Bell-Leung's,” he said.

Do you have to be so formal?” Cameron asked with a slight laugh.

Huh?” Quinn asked.

A slight joke,” Cameron explained.

Oh,” Quinn said.

Stevie turned to Quinn. “Wait, you've been his friend for nearly six months, and haven't been over?” he asked.

I hadn't invited him, and he hadn't asked. We mostly hang out at Cameron's,” Christian explained.

I suppose,” Steviesaid.

Come in,” Christian said.


Christian Bell Senior turned at his son's voice. “Christian.”

You know Cameron.”

Hi,” Cameron said.

These are Quinn Brocklethwaite and Steve Rowe.”

Hi, Mr. Bell,” Quinn said.

Hi-i,” Stevie said nervously.

Welcome,” Chrstian Senior said. He stepped towards Quinn. “I heard about the debate at the Coffee House.”

I had to say something,” Quinn said. He was about to say something more when he was interrupted.

That's certain. I also heard about what happened this week,” Christian Senior said. He turned to Stevie “I'm happy that you were able to stand up to that bully.”

You heard about that?” Stevie asked, uncertainly.

Christian tells me a lot about what happens at school,” Senior said. He lowered his voice. “Unlike Kelly.” He shook his head, wondering wehre he and his wife had gone wrong with their middle child, not for the first time.

I see,” Stevie said, also uncertainly. His nervousness increased, so he started to breath deeply. 'Oh no!' he thought.

Don't panic, Stevie!” Cameron said. “It's a habit from his work,” he said.

Your work?” Stevie asked.

All I'm allowed to say is that I work for the Government. The Feds. You understand?” Christian Senior said, with slight hardness to his voice.

Yes,” Stevie said, still slightly panicky.

Worry not. What is said in this house, doesn't go beyond here,” Christian Senior said, the hardness gone.

Thank goodness,” Stevie said.

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm happy that you are making good friends. You can rely on Christian, and Cameron. Quinn, I don't know so well. But I trust my younger son's judgement.”

Christian was embarrassed. “Oh, Dad!”

Thanks!” Quinn said.

As I was saying, your side of the debate was a good thing. Standing up for the downtrodden. Those who are picked on.”

Yeah. I had to stop him from treating me badly,” Quinn said.

I understand,” Christian Senior said. “I had similar experiences at school.”

She's going to go on for ages,” Christian said with a sigh.

Dinner will be ready soon,” Christian Senior said, recognising that his son wanted to get his friends settled in for the night.

A minute later, the four friends entered Christian's room.

Cool room!” Stevie said, excitedly.

It is, isn't it?” Cameron said.

Um, yeah,” Quinn said.

The room was larger than any of their rooms. On one side was his closet, with his bed above it, overlooking the sliding door to an upstairs balcony, which looked over the back yard.

On the other side, was his computer and entertainment set up, with a large flatscreen television. Most of the walls were taken up with anime and JRPG posters.

Words: 1026

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

Kazz16 searched: University of New Oxfordshire Kelsington International
8,112,015 results

1. University of New Oxfordshire News 8 Aug 2004 : Kelsington International grant
University of New Oxfordshire Vice Chancellor Inga Aarons announces...

2. Mara Green College News : 9 August 2004
In the SRC meeting yesterday; Dining Hall and Amenities Officer Elias...

3. Kelsington Herald Australia: 10 August 2004
Student protests have been announced against the grant that has been...

There were many more results on the page, from both the University and the residential college.

Karen clicked the second result.

Words: 92

Excerpt from: Reverse Map Game: 2014

Given the dire straights that France is in vs. the Spanish and French, the Parliament of Hanover votes to leave the UEDE.
Shortly afterwards, the City of Bremen also leaves, changing it's name to the Free City of Bremen.
This also precipitates the decision of the City of Hamburg to leave the UEDE.

Words: 53

Excerpt from: Star Trek: Dyson Sphere: Multiplicity

Oh, nuts!” the new T’Elanna said as she took in her surroundings. She was almost identical to the two others, except that her hair was almost twice as long. “A second universe,” she added.

T’Elanna Prime throught for a moment. “This was your second time?”

Words: 48

Total: 1219

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