Church notes - 2017
By month
August 2017: ,
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Church notes - 31 December 2017
31 December
1 Corinthians 15:51 - 58
'This is Thankful' - Don't Worry
The Case For Christ
The Resurrection - If it isn't true, everything else in Christianity would be like a house of cards.
If the Resurrection is true...
vs 57
A Declaration of New Life in Jesus
The fact that Jesus has saved us from death should be cause for celebration from day to day.
Be focused and firm on the Truth.
Don't let any aspect of the world distract you from the truth.
What sin in your own life do you need to stand against. eg impatience.
But we also need to stand against legalism.
We need to fully imerse ourselves in God's work. Fill your days with things that count for Christ.
New Life is a gift that is freely given. But there is a time limit! Judgement is coming.
Living for Jesus in our relationships.
1 Corinthians 15:51 - 58
'This is Thankful' - Don't Worry
The Case For Christ
The Resurrection - If it isn't true, everything else in Christianity would be like a house of cards.
If the Resurrection is true...
vs 57
A Declaration of New Life in Jesus
The fact that Jesus has saved us from death should be cause for celebration from day to day.
Be focused and firm on the Truth.
Don't let any aspect of the world distract you from the truth.
What sin in your own life do you need to stand against. eg impatience.
But we also need to stand against legalism.
We need to fully imerse ourselves in God's work. Fill your days with things that count for Christ.
New Life is a gift that is freely given. But there is a time limit! Judgement is coming.
Living for Jesus in our relationships.
Church notes - December 2017
On LiveJournal:
On Dreamwidth:
On Dreamwidth:
Friday, 29 December 2017
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Test Thread - 1889
The proportion of Minnesota Norse speakers in Midgard County drops below 74%.
In eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 33.3%.
In Minnesota overall, the number drops below 17%.
Within the US overall (excluding Minnesota) it drops below 2.5%.
President Powderly receives a report that 'pacification' is 90% complete in Georgia.
Scotland abolishes the autonomy of the City of Aberdeen. The transition period as laid out in the the Xth Treaty of Aberdeen had expired. There is little protest in the city.
The Tsar receives reports of Ottoman weakness in Crimea. He then begins preparations for a quick invasion the next year (albiet with limited forces, given that he's more interested in Central Asia).
New South Wales
Armidale's population reaches 2400.
Dubbo's population reaches 4000.
The proportion of Minnesota Norse speakers in Midgard County drops below 74%.
In eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 33.3%.
In Minnesota overall, the number drops below 17%.
Within the US overall (excluding Minnesota) it drops below 2.5%.
President Powderly receives a report that 'pacification' is 90% complete in Georgia.
Scotland abolishes the autonomy of the City of Aberdeen. The transition period as laid out in the the Xth Treaty of Aberdeen had expired. There is little protest in the city.
The Tsar receives reports of Ottoman weakness in Crimea. He then begins preparations for a quick invasion the next year (albiet with limited forces, given that he's more interested in Central Asia).
New South Wales
Armidale's population reaches 2400.
Dubbo's population reaches 4000.
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Doctor Who - Twice Upon a Time review
Doctor Who - Twice Upon a Time Review
The 2017 Christmas special, where the Twelfth Doctor is refusing to regenerate, and meets the First Doctor. A quite interesting and poignant story, but there are some missteps. But, despite those missteps it was quite enjoyable. More on those later. The beginning scene, with the merging from the footage from The Tenth Planet, was done in a very effective way. The meeting between the two Doctors and the British Army Captain was done quite well also. More on the Captain, and his link to earlier Who, below.
The investigation into the frozen time (what there is of it) the the subsequent meeting with the glass people/Testimony was done very well. Of course, the Testimony doesn't tell the Doctors what they do. Their lack of communication leads to most of the story in this episode. Was this one of the missteps. No, but first, the Doctor's reaction to Bill (or rather Testimony!Bill) was what one would expect of him. He had lost his friend, and wants to be sure that it is her, after what had happened previously.
What is a misstep, certainly, is characterising the First Doctor as a bigot. That's not very consistent with the way Hartnell portrayed him. (Not really explainable by the withholding of regeneration either, the Twelfth's personality didn't change.) The Twelfth deciding to find a database to match the Non-computer generated glass interface of the Testimony was an interesting development in the story. Meeting 'Rusty' again in order to gain access to the Dalek group database was certainly a surprise, but not gratuitous.
The ending at the Christmas Truce of 1914 was very poignant, as was the reveal of the Captain being the Brigadier's grandfather. The appearances of Clara and Nardole were also a great moment. The regeneration may have been drawn out, but the brief appearance of the Thirteenth Doctor was well done. 8.5/10.
The 2017 Christmas special, where the Twelfth Doctor is refusing to regenerate, and meets the First Doctor. A quite interesting and poignant story, but there are some missteps. But, despite those missteps it was quite enjoyable. More on those later. The beginning scene, with the merging from the footage from The Tenth Planet, was done in a very effective way. The meeting between the two Doctors and the British Army Captain was done quite well also. More on the Captain, and his link to earlier Who, below.
The investigation into the frozen time (what there is of it) the the subsequent meeting with the glass people/Testimony was done very well. Of course, the Testimony doesn't tell the Doctors what they do. Their lack of communication leads to most of the story in this episode. Was this one of the missteps. No, but first, the Doctor's reaction to Bill (or rather Testimony!Bill) was what one would expect of him. He had lost his friend, and wants to be sure that it is her, after what had happened previously.
What is a misstep, certainly, is characterising the First Doctor as a bigot. That's not very consistent with the way Hartnell portrayed him. (Not really explainable by the withholding of regeneration either, the Twelfth's personality didn't change.) The Twelfth deciding to find a database to match the Non-computer generated glass interface of the Testimony was an interesting development in the story. Meeting 'Rusty' again in order to gain access to the Dalek group database was certainly a surprise, but not gratuitous.
The ending at the Christmas Truce of 1914 was very poignant, as was the reveal of the Captain being the Brigadier's grandfather. The appearances of Clara and Nardole were also a great moment. The regeneration may have been drawn out, but the brief appearance of the Thirteenth Doctor was well done. 8.5/10.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Advent 2017
Advent 2017
Dec 10 - Journey of Hope:
Dec 17 - Joy to the World:
Dec 24 - Fall on your knees:,
Dec 25 - Joy to the World:,
Dec 10 - Journey of Hope:
Dec 17 - Joy to the World:
Dec 24 - Fall on your knees:,
Dec 25 - Joy to the World:,
Church notes - 25th December 2017
Merry Christmas!
Psalm 98:1 - 6
'Joy to the World':
Luke 2:8 - 20
'O Little Town of Bethlehem':
God wants you to be in a good mood.
If the Spirit is in you, you should radiate positivity.
Jesus came into the world to affect the collective mood.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let Earth receive it's King.
vs 3 of Joy to the World
- Genesis 3 - the Curse
He comes to make his blessings flow
The shepherds returned praising God.
Angels - Always happy
- singing the announcement of Jesus' birth.
Luke 1:41
Unborn John joyed to be in the presence of Jesus
Herod lived his life in imagined threat and grumpiness
Being critical of oneself
- Anxious mulling instead of joyeous giving.
Thank the Lord - His mercies are new every day.
Long lay the world in sin and ever pining
Till He appeared and soul felt its worth.
The great value God sees in you.
Hebrews 4:3
The Israelites fear prevented their entry into the Promised Land.
Come Thou long expected Jesus born to save
Worship Jesus in your problems
Joseph - Mary was pregnant!
Mary - Pregnant out of wedlock
Jesus - Herod trying to kill him.
James 1:2
When problems come - say 'Problem! I consider it all joy in Jesus' Name!'
Jesus has overcome death.
O Little town of Bethlehem
The hope and fears of all of us.
In the person of Jesus, there is hope of salvation, to walk into Eternity in the presence of the Father
Isaiah 9:6, 7
'Oh, come all ye faithful':
2 Corinthians 1:20
Psalm 98:1 - 6
'Joy to the World':
Luke 2:8 - 20
'O Little Town of Bethlehem':
God wants you to be in a good mood.
If the Spirit is in you, you should radiate positivity.
Jesus came into the world to affect the collective mood.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let Earth receive it's King.
vs 3 of Joy to the World
- Genesis 3 - the Curse
He comes to make his blessings flow
The shepherds returned praising God.
Angels - Always happy
- singing the announcement of Jesus' birth.
Luke 1:41
Unborn John joyed to be in the presence of Jesus
Herod lived his life in imagined threat and grumpiness
Being critical of oneself
- Anxious mulling instead of joyeous giving.
Thank the Lord - His mercies are new every day.
Long lay the world in sin and ever pining
Till He appeared and soul felt its worth.
The great value God sees in you.
Hebrews 4:3
The Israelites fear prevented their entry into the Promised Land.
Come Thou long expected Jesus born to save
Worship Jesus in your problems
Joseph - Mary was pregnant!
Mary - Pregnant out of wedlock
Jesus - Herod trying to kill him.
James 1:2
When problems come - say 'Problem! I consider it all joy in Jesus' Name!'
Jesus has overcome death.
O Little town of Bethlehem
The hope and fears of all of us.
In the person of Jesus, there is hope of salvation, to walk into Eternity in the presence of the Father
Isaiah 9:6, 7
'Oh, come all ye faithful':
2 Corinthians 1:20
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Church notes - 24th December 2017
24th December
2017 was a 'train wreck'! But there is Good News!
We need to have the right posture before God.
Total humility before God.
Dancing with all our might.
Fall on your knees
A vulnerable position
Drinking in the wonder of Christ coming to Save us from our sins.
The thrill of life - hands out to receive the gift of forgiveness.
Pointing to the future with a sense of hope.
We are caught up in the wonder of Salvation,
2017 was a 'train wreck'! But there is Good News!
We need to have the right posture before God.
Total humility before God.
Dancing with all our might.
Fall on your knees
A vulnerable position
Drinking in the wonder of Christ coming to Save us from our sins.
The thrill of life - hands out to receive the gift of forgiveness.
Pointing to the future with a sense of hope.
We are caught up in the wonder of Salvation,
Friday, 22 December 2017
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi review
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
The second movie in the Star
Wars Sequel Trilogy, the
eighth in the main series. (Is it the tenth overall?). Rey is on the
island with Luke Skywalker, and the Resistance is on the run from the
First Order. There are several plot lines or 'arcs' in this film.
Rey's growth, Luke coming of his shell, the plight of the Resistance,
Poe Dameron being desperate to keep fighting, Finn and Rose
connecting while they go after a codebreaker, Kylo Ren trying to get
under from Snoke's shadow. Where to start?
Of course, there's also Leia's role
as the General in charge of the Resistance. (Certainly Fisher's
passing has made this more poignant than it would have been
otherwise.) Each of these storylines are rather good (even if the
scenes on the casino planet seem a little disconnected from what else
is going on), every character undergoes changes as they face their
challenges. Rey's interactions with Luke help her grow in her Force
power (even if he's afraid of it), and try to answer the question
about her parents.
But it's a connection with Kylo Ren
that drives the main change in events, and helps bring about the
survival of the Resistance. A very interesting and fun movie 9.25/10.
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Church notes - 17th December 2017
17th December
Isaiah 9
Luke 1:24 - 36
Mark 13:33 - 39
Sermon - Joy to the World
The Lord is Come - a source of joy.
Luke 2:8 - 10
The Good News causes great joy. But this time of year is filled with anxiety for most people.
No lasting joy other than in the person of Jesus Christ. He came into this world.
God displaces our fears and anxieties
Psalm 98
It speaks of a Saviour coming
A new and conditional love.
Breaking News of great joy. Fullness of joy in Jesus' Presence.
Through the joy of Jesus the circumstances of our lives can be redeemed. This joy flows from the fact that Jesus has achieved victory over sin and death.
Repentance - thinking and acting differently.
Are you saying a default 'no' to Jesus.
Because they're aware of the joy, things looked different to the sheperds.
Revelation 4:8
Isaiah 9
Luke 1:24 - 36
Mark 13:33 - 39
Sermon - Joy to the World
The Lord is Come - a source of joy.
Luke 2:8 - 10
The Good News causes great joy. But this time of year is filled with anxiety for most people.
No lasting joy other than in the person of Jesus Christ. He came into this world.
God displaces our fears and anxieties
Psalm 98
It speaks of a Saviour coming
A new and conditional love.
Breaking News of great joy. Fullness of joy in Jesus' Presence.
Through the joy of Jesus the circumstances of our lives can be redeemed. This joy flows from the fact that Jesus has achieved victory over sin and death.
Repentance - thinking and acting differently.
Are you saying a default 'no' to Jesus.
Because they're aware of the joy, things looked different to the sheperds.
Revelation 4:8
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Doctor Who: Changes in Time and Space - Chapter 19 (Part 1)
19: Who Are You?
Lyta Alexander found the Doctor in the Fresh Air restaurant.
“Doctor?” she asked.
The Doctor looked at her as he finished his meal. “Lyta Alexander
is it?”
“Yes,” Lyta answered.
The Doctor stood up. “Let me guess, the Vorlon Ambassador wishes to
see me?”
“Yes,” Lyta answered again. “How did you know?”
“No other reason why you would see me.”
Less than ten minutes later, they entered the Alien Sector, where the
aliens that had special environmental requirements resided when they
were on the Station. It was also where Ulkesh, who had taken over
Kosh Narenek's role as Vorlon Ambassador, resided when he was on the
station. The Doctor had gathered the information over the day since
he and Felicia had arrived on the station. He knew it wasn't for
public dissemination.
He also noticed quite a lot 'off' about Lyta. (And not just that she
was a telepath. He had found out about the Psi Corps too..) “The
Vorlons. They did something to you, didn't they?”
“What makes you think they did something to me?” Lyta asked.
“I can tell,” the Doctor said. “You are similar to other human
telepaths I have met, but there is something within you that is
broken. They have enhanced the abilities that you were born with and
the Corps helped you to develop...”
Lyta interrupted the Doctor. “What do you know about the Corps?”
“You'd be surprised, there are other organisations that are very
similar,” the Doctor said.
Lyta softened. “Including on your world?”
“Yes. The Time Lords took young children and raised them to be
different from the ordinary Gallifreyians,” the Doctor answered.
There was more similarity than he wanted to admit.
“Time Lords?” Lyta asked.
“The elite of Gallifreyian society, who developed time travel and
wished to maintain their monopoly on it.”
“And they failed.”
The Doctor nodded. The less said about the Daleks, the better. He
didn't want the Vorlons finding out about them!
Lyta turned back to him. “There is more isn't there?”
“How could you bypass my sheilds?” the Doctor asked in alarm.
“Part of what the Vorlons have done,” Lyta answered.
The Doctor was unsettled. “Let's see the Ambassador then,” he
said, although given what just happened, he was sure that the
ambassador could just take the information on the Daleks out of his
mind if he wanted to.
“Yes,” Lyta said, discomforted.
Lyta lead the Doctor to the Ambassador's quarters. She wasn't sure
what to make of this 'Time Lord'. The 'Gallifreyian elite' may be
similar to the Corps in their superiority to their respective
Mundanes, but she was sure that there was a lot that was different.
She pressed the call button. The door opened. “The Ambassador will
see you now.”
The Doctor entered the Ambassador's quarters first. “Ambassador
Kosh,” he said, using his official title.
“Why do you want to see me?”
“Who are you?”
“You know who I am!”
“Who are you?”
“The Last of the Time Lords.”
“Who are you?”
“I have answered you. I'll ask you. Who are you? Who are the
Vorlons? Who are you to think you can interfere in the development of
the younger races?” the Doctor asked.
“I wouldn't ask that,” Lyta warned.
“You don't need to know,” the Ambassador said.
“Oh really?” the Doctor asked. “Since I have arrived here, I
have looked into the situation, and I know what the Vorlons have been
up to, including the development of Telepaths in many of the younger
“You do not need to know. Who are you?”
“I have said all that I want to say,” the Doctor said.
“Your vessel is aboard this station.”
“Cracking the TARDIS? You won't succeed,” the Doctor said. After
Lyta had met him in the Fresh Air, he had contacted Felicia and asked
her to return to the TARDIS with Garibaldi. He input some
instructions through the sonic screwdriver.
In the TARDIS, Garibaldi was still amazed at the interior dimensions.
Felicia was using the scanner to find out what was happening in the
Vorlon Ambassador's quarters.
“Amazing,” Garibaldi said. “He's standing his own against the
“True,” Felicia said.
“Cracking the TARDIS? You won't succeed.”
“Uh oh!” Felicia said.
“That'll be right. I don't know what data the Doctor has that the
Vorlon wants, but I don't think it would be a good idea for it to
have it.”
The sequence from the sonic screwdriver came in. And a hologram of
the Doctor appeared. “This is emergency program one. Felicia,
Michael, help the TARDIS keep the Vorlon out!”
“Right,” Felicia said, as the hologram faded away.
“I'll figure it out,” Garibaldi said.
“Are you sure?” Felicia asked.
“I'm rather good with computers,” Garibaldi said.
“Cool,” Felicia said.
“Let's get into the system. Then we'll be able to tell if the
Vorlon is trying to get into it,” Garibaldi suggested.
“Yes,” Felicia said.
The TARDIS beeped and two terminal windows came up on the screen,
next to the image of the Vorlon's quarters.
“That helps,” Garibaldi said.
Felicia nodded.
The Vorlon remained silent after he told it that any attempt to crack
the TARDIS wouldn't succeed. He considered asking the other question.
The one that their opponents asked. 'Probably not yet,' he
“I shall crack your vessel.”
“And as I said, earlier, you won't succeed!”
The Vorlon made a sound, then the suit interfaced with the Station's
Back in the TARDIS, an alert popped up on the screen next to the
Terminal windows.
“What?” Felicia asked.
“The Vorlon is interfacing with the Station's systems,” Michael
explained. “I think he'll find that way a little more difficult
than expected.”
“How?” Felicia wondered.
“After our break from Earth, I added some 'surprises; to the
Station's systems,” Garibaldi answered. After Ambassador Mollari
had gotten on the bad side of some Technomages the year before, he
was very eagar to call in some favors to get rid of the 'spell'
malware. “The Vorlon will find it difficult to get past them.”
-'Kosh' has gained access. End line.
-Countermeasure 'Spell' activated.
“No!” the Vorlon said, more angry sounding than before.
“Oh, yes. You think the humans wouldn't use all the resources at
their disposal? Even those derived from the technology of your
enemies?” the Doctor asked.
“The software will be purged, after I have gained access to your
vessel,” Ulkesh shot back.
“Really?” the Doctor asked. “I was under the impression that
you need this station to organise the younger races against your
“It shall continue to do so.”
'Of course he'd be precise,' the Doctor thought.
Church notes - 10th December 2017
10th December
Psalm 23
Hope - The hope of Jesus' Return
Journey of Hope
Matthew 2:1 - 12
The Magi journeyed to find the Saviour.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
A journey of hope - they were yearning for Him.
No matter where we are today, we are invited to worship.
Mary didn't understand everything, but she treasured it in her heart.
A romanticised picture
- But there's a dark underbelly
- Herod's jelousy! He wanted to maintain power.
- So Mary and Joseph had to flee to Egypt!
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 9:2
A period of waiting
(A contrast to our 'instant gratification' culture!)
The wait reminds us of what our hope is. We also wait for the ultimate fulfillment, of His Return.
Revelation 7:15 - 17
Psalm 23
Hope - The hope of Jesus' Return
Journey of Hope
Matthew 2:1 - 12
The Magi journeyed to find the Saviour.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
A journey of hope - they were yearning for Him.
No matter where we are today, we are invited to worship.
Mary didn't understand everything, but she treasured it in her heart.
A romanticised picture
- But there's a dark underbelly
- Herod's jelousy! He wanted to maintain power.
- So Mary and Joseph had to flee to Egypt!
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 9:2
A period of waiting
(A contrast to our 'instant gratification' culture!)
The wait reminds us of what our hope is. We also wait for the ultimate fulfillment, of His Return.
Revelation 7:15 - 17
Test Thread - 1892v0.25
The proportion of Minnesota Norse speakers in Midgard County drops below 71%.
In eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 32%.
In Minnesota overall, the number drops below 16.5%.
Within the US overall (excluding Minnesota) it drops below 2.333%.
Tennessee is readmitted as a State.
Quite peaceful, however - various people in the Rhineland discover the works of Thomas Melbourne, amongst others. Thus various movements are born...
Also peaceful, but various Europeans do go missing in various areas while looking for legendary wildlife...
The Taiping movement makes some minor gains through the year.
Queensland holds a state election early in the year.
Later in the year they annex the small territory of New Warwickshire (centered around the town of Warwick), located on the border with New South Wales, into itself. This occurs after the Antipodean Federal Parliament approves the Queensland Government's petition to be allowed to annex the small territory.
New South Wales
Armidale's population reaches 2600.
Dubbo's population reaches 4200.
The proportion of Minnesota Norse speakers in Midgard County drops below 71%.
In eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 32%.
In Minnesota overall, the number drops below 16.5%.
Within the US overall (excluding Minnesota) it drops below 2.333%.
Tennessee is readmitted as a State.
Quite peaceful, however - various people in the Rhineland discover the works of Thomas Melbourne, amongst others. Thus various movements are born...
Also peaceful, but various Europeans do go missing in various areas while looking for legendary wildlife...
The Taiping movement makes some minor gains through the year.
Queensland holds a state election early in the year.
Later in the year they annex the small territory of New Warwickshire (centered around the town of Warwick), located on the border with New South Wales, into itself. This occurs after the Antipodean Federal Parliament approves the Queensland Government's petition to be allowed to annex the small territory.
New South Wales
Armidale's population reaches 2600.
Dubbo's population reaches 4200.
Monday, 4 December 2017
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Math 101 - Lecture 9 Revision
101 – Lecture 9 Revision
Supermum x
for x

K -
for some x
> 0

Infinum k
for all x
and k +
> x, for some x
and any
> 0.

Eg 1
s1 = { x

2 s2 = { x
< 2 }

s3 = { ½, 2/3, ¾, ... n/(n + 1), ... }
s4 = { 1, ½, ¼, ... 2-n }
Which sets are bounded? What are the
supermum and infinmum?
1 Bounded Supremum is ½ and is contained in S.
Infinmum is 0 and is contained in S.
2 Boundednote S2
= { x
Q :
- √2 < x √2}

is √2, note √2 is not in S2
is -√2, note √2 is not in S2
3 Bounded Supremum
is 1, note 1 is not in S3
is ½, note ½ is in S3
4 Bounded Supremum
is 1, note 1 is in S4
is 0, note 0 is not in
Complex numbers
Any equation x2 = a, a

Cannot be solved for x
if a < 0

Extend R so that x2 = -1 has a
Yes can solve it in C (Complex numbers)
C is R with an element I = √-1 (and its
multiples etc)
Note R ⸦ C
Any complex number z
can be put into the form z = a +ib; a, b

a = Real part of z = a + ib, Re(z) = a
b = Imaginary part of z, a + ib, Im(z) = b
eg 2 – 3i

Re(2-3i) = 2
Im(2-3i) = -3
Addition of elements C
Eg (2-3i) + (1+i) = 3 – 2i
Note: Re(z1 + z2) =
x1 + x2
Im (z1 + z2) = y1
+ y2
Eg (2 – 3i)(1 + i) = 2 + 2i – 3i – 3i2
2 – i – 3i2, but i2 =
2 – i – 3 – 1
5 – i
General z1
= x1 + iy1
= x2 + iy2
z1z2 = (x1
+ iy1)( x2 + iy2) = x1x2 + ix1y2 + iy1x2
+ i2y1y2
= x1x2 – y1y2
+ i(x1y2 + x2y1)
+ 3i)(10 – i) = 20 – 2i + 30i – 3i2
= 23
+ 28i
+ i)2 = (1 + i)(1 =
i) (c) (√2 - i)2 = (√2)2 + (-i)2 -
= 1 + i + i + i2 = 2 – 1 -
= 2i =
1 - 2√2i
(d) i3 = i2i = -i
(e) i4 = (i2) = (-1)2
= i
(f) i5 = i ,
Molluscs Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean | Nature Geoscience Eyes Made of Rock Really Can See, Study Says Giant Squid | National Geographic Glaucus atlanticus - Wikipedia Janthina janthina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Octopus Skin Senses Light, No Eyes or Brain Needed - Scientific American Eyes Made of Rock Really Can See, Study Says Giant Squid | National Geographic Glaucus atlanticus - Wikipedia Janthina janthina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Octopus Skin Senses Light, No Eyes or Brain Needed - Scientific American
Saturday, 2 December 2017
Church notes - 3rd December 2017
1 Chronicles 16:23 -27
Psalm 42
Big Questions - The Psalmist is distressed
vs 2, 3
What is going on?
Not questions of disrespect
Questions of genuine confusion
Deep down God hasn't forgotten him, it just feels like it.
- Look at the world today!
- Despair from grief
- Relationship breakdown
The world tries to get answers
- Despair
- - distract yourself!
- - give up!
Very short sighted answers
God does care
He is interested in all the big and small things in your life.
Three actions
The presence and faithfulness of God.
vs 4
God was present in the past. He is present in the here and now.
vs 6 - 8
Painting a picture of his life.
- Feeling like he's drowning?
Feelings - like their's no hope.
Knowledge of the truth
- Remembering God's Character and Actions
Preaching to yourself God's truth
Battle between the mind and spirit.
Don't let the Devil infiltrate your feelings
We need to be waiting patiently upon God's timing.
Isaiah 40:31
Not a peaceful Psalm, a desperate situation
We need to see our need for Him as a necessity.
- An Instinct
Jonathan Edwards - "The Enjoyment of God is the only happyness with which our souls are satisfied."
vs 11
Psalm 42
Big Questions - The Psalmist is distressed
vs 2, 3
What is going on?
Not questions of disrespect
Questions of genuine confusion
Deep down God hasn't forgotten him, it just feels like it.
- Look at the world today!
- Despair from grief
- Relationship breakdown
The world tries to get answers
- Despair
- - distract yourself!
- - give up!
Very short sighted answers
God does care
He is interested in all the big and small things in your life.
Three actions
The presence and faithfulness of God.
vs 4
God was present in the past. He is present in the here and now.
vs 6 - 8
Painting a picture of his life.
- Feeling like he's drowning?
Feelings - like their's no hope.
Knowledge of the truth
- Remembering God's Character and Actions
Preaching to yourself God's truth
Battle between the mind and spirit.
Don't let the Devil infiltrate your feelings
We need to be waiting patiently upon God's timing.
Isaiah 40:31
Not a peaceful Psalm, a desperate situation
We need to see our need for Him as a necessity.
- An Instinct
Jonathan Edwards - "The Enjoyment of God is the only happyness with which our souls are satisfied."
vs 11
Friday, 1 December 2017
November 2017 Writings Overall List
November Writings
15th :,
- 29th
Overall Total: 7783
27th - 29th November Writings
27th - 29th
Excerpt from: Adventures in Armidale – Armidale at night
Daniel and Tia emerged from one of the Block 1 upstairs balconies
onto the roof of the Kitchen.
Words: 18
Excerpt from: After the Plague in New England v2
27 May 2020
The Constitutional Referendum is held. The current constitution is
voted for by 60%.
Words: 16
Excerpt from: Ages of Change – Future Timeline
20 December 2017
Wars: The Last Jedi
breaks the record for the most money made in the first week of
21 December 2017
record broken by The
Last Jedi,
the most rewatchers.
22 December 2017
announces the next Star
Wars Anthology
film will be released next December.
23 December 2017
Last Jedi
cinema attendance declines.
– 29 December 2017
Protests continue in Australia regarding the lack of legalisation of
Same Sex Marriage.
24 December 2017
Many Churches in Sydney find themselves the target of pro-Same Sex
Marriage protests.
25 December 2017
Upon a Time,
the latest Christmas Special for Doctor
airs. Jodie Whitaker makes a great impression during her inaugural
scenes as the Thirteenth Doctor.
26 December 2017
Doctor Who
fan sites go down from the web traffic related to the previous day's
December 2017 – 6 January 2018
Many terrorist attacks are thwarted through the New Year Period.
January 2018
After some delay and protests, Same Sex Marriage is legalised in
January – 13 January 2018
Many LGBTIA activists protest in Canberra...
14 – 20 January
continue in Canberra, while Parliament resumes after the Christmas –
New Year break.
Sunday, 14 January
the country, various Church congregations pray about the week ahead.
Monday, 15 January
resumes after the Christmas – New Year break.
Tuesday, 16 January
House of Representatives revisits the Same Sex Marriage legislation,
Wednesday, 17
January 2018
House of Representatives amends the Same Sex Marriage legislation,
including further religious protections.
21 – 27 January
Federal Parliament finally passes the Same Sex Marriage legislation,
with religious protections included.
28 January – 3
February 2018
Two more MPs resign due to being dual citizens.
– 10 February 2018
With Same Sex Marriage legalised, Shorten turns his attention to
bringing about a Royal Commission into the Banking System.
The Winter Olympics at PyeongChang in South Korea start.
11 – 17 February
The Winter Olympics continue, with many records being broken.
18 – 24 February
As the Winter Olympics come to an end, North Korea increases military
activities on their side of the DMZ. Kim Jung-Un continues to goad
POTUS Donald Trump...
February – 3 March 2018
More build-up to a possible war on the Korean Peninsula occurs. The
American Establishment fails at trying to rein in Trump, as much as
it has done for the past year.
Words: 423
Excerpt from (Silent) Reverse Map Game: 2017 Edition
proportion of Minnesota Norse speakers in Midgard County drops below
eastern Minnesota overall, the number drops below 31%.
Minnesota overall, the number drops below 16%.
the US overall (excluding Minnesota) it drops below 2%.
England continues to centralise, the Northumberland Assembly is
German rebellion continues to grow more serious.
South Wales
population reaches 2800.
population reaches 4250.
Words: 76
Total: 533
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