from: Changes in Time and Space
The Drahvin soldiers acknowledged the order from the
commanding officer and started moving. They immediately began to surround
smouldering park, where the TARDIS was standing.
The Doctor and her companions had not been idle either.
They stood around the TARDIS surveying the scene.
from: Brittany – Party Time
stuck out his tongue as he got out of the car. Brittany sighed as she drove
and Daria were in art class. “I’ll be having a party Saturday night,” Brittany
aren’t really my thing,” Daria said. “I’ve been fine with making friends with
you, Donna and Andrea.
Words: 52
from: Q Junior’s Lessons
“They’ll probably break the agreement as soon as they feel Voyager
is far enough away.”
“That’s why I’ll be bringing some of their neighbours into the
agreement,” the Captain added. “Some extra accountability goes a long way.”
“Certainly…” Q Junior murmured.
“Chakotay tells me you’re bored with the diplomacy lessons.”
“I know revision is an effective teaching method, but I’m eager to
move on. Especially to the section on accountability.”
“Or maybe you can join Neelix and I in the negotiations,” the
Captain offered.
“Wouldn’t that be a bit quick?” Junior asked.
The Captain was about to say more when she was interrupted by
Ensign Kim announcing over the comm that the Uj R’baasagbr shuttle was about to
The Uj R’baasagbr Princess emerged. She looked almost like a
typical human of European descent, other than slight ridges on her face that
were obviously extensions of the cheekbones.
“I’m Elselan Mossezria,” she said by way of introduction.
“Princess of the Uj R’baasagbr. Have some of my crew take my luggage.”
Words: 170
from: Mysteries of Lawndale 03 – Night of the Coffee House
Meanwhile, Quinn found that Mr. DeMartino was still in
the faculty office. “Mr. DeMartino? I’m happy I caught you.”
“Ms. Morgendorffer, to what do you owe the pleasure?”
“Someone said that you have a book on the history of
Lawndale,” Quinn answered.
“I do. More than one in fact. It should be here
somewhere…” DeMartino got up, dislodging some of the paperwork from his desk.
“They also said they are concerned about the increased
police presence due to the Coffee House break in.”
“With good reason,” the teacher said as he looked through
the bookshelf. “Lawndale may seem boring now, but there were racial tensions
back in the 60’s, followed by an increase in the White population in the past
decade and a half.”
“Gentrification, right?” Quinn asked.
“Very good, Ms. Morgendorffer, but that is only part of
it,” DeMartino explained. “Here it is,” he added, taking a book titled Lawndale
in the Post War Years 1945 – 1985 and giving it to Quinn.
Words: 163
from: Emily and the Doctor
“That’s the status quo, Doctor,” Kirkman said. “Ever
since the Capitol Bombing it’s been one thing after another.”
“This isn’t a crisis like you have been experiencing, Mr.
President. It’s not your mundane conspiracies, threats of war and disease
Total: 468
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