Saturday, 7 November 2020

Church notes - 8th November 2020

 8th November

Matthew 6:5 - 15

Prayer - Underpriveleged Bangladeshi children and their families.

Dedication: Amos, Amalia

1 Samuel 1

Deuteronomy 6:5 - 7

Thoughts are important.

Our thouhgts direct our prayers. Our thoughts about God influence how we pray.

We see God's character in creation.

Romans 1:20

His nature and power revealed through Creation.

His Word reveals His nature, especially what Jesus said about Himself. We need a Saving relationshop with Him, through what Jesus did.

Job 11:7 - 9

We see God's heart in Jesus' Incarnation

John 1:14

The Word became a human being and lived among us! He became flesh and blood. God pitched His tent among us.

We see God's power in the Holy Spirit.

John 3:8

Psalm 139

God is everywhere.

I look backward to the Cross.

1 Peter 1:18, 19

Romans 8:15 - 17

A very close and personal relationship.

I look inward to Jesus living inside me.

2 Corinthians 13:5

Proverbs 28:13

I look around and ask the Holy Spirit to use me.

Romans 6:13

I look forward to my future in faith.

Philippians 1:3 - 6

Remember His promises and provision.

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